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Table 1. Initial Timetable
2004 2005
Activity Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
Module 1. Inception
1.1 Literature review X X X                        
1.2 Designing interview, establishing contact database   X X                        
1.3 SETAC-Europe, SRA-Europe, and IAIA affiliating X                            
1.4 March fellowship workshop     X                        
Module 2. Review and analysis of international best practices to ERA and ERI
2.1 Participating in IAIA’04 (Vancouver, Canada, April 24-30)       X                      
2.2. Interviews with ERA/ERI experts and practitioners/sending questionnaires       X X X                  
2.3 Analysis of date collated on ERA and ERI best practice           X                  
Module 3. ERA/ERI mechanisms in Russia: situation analysis
3.1 Analysis of Russian legislation           X                  
3.2 Analysis of ERA and ERI practice in the Russian Federation             X X              
3.3 Preliminary negotiations with regional stakeholders on selecting a model region             X X              
3.4 Interim reporting               X              
3.5 September fellowship workshop                 X            
Module 4. Development of an environmental risk insurance program (the regional pilot project)
4.1 Formulating policy options for promoting ERI in relation to industrial pollution                 X X          
4.2 Selection a model region to implement pilot project                   X          
4.3 Promotional workshop for stakeholders on ERI benefits                   X          
4.4 Designing a regional program on voluntary insuring environmental health risks                   X X X      
4.5 Closing workshop in the model region                         X    
4.6 Progress reporting                     X X      
Module 5. Developing policy recommendations
5.1 Developing recommendations based on pilot project and developing final project papers                       X X X  
5.2 Final reporting                         X X X
Individual website maintenance       X X X X X X X X X X X X

Table 2. Revised project timetable
2004 2005
Activity Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
Module 1. Inception
1.1 Literature review   X X X X                    
1.2 Designing interview, establishing contact database   X X   X X                  
1.3 Affiliation with international research networks     X X                      
1.4 First fellowship workshop     X                        
Module 2. Review of applying insurance for environmental risk management: international perspective
2.1 Participating in IAIA’04 (Vancouver, Canada, April 24-30)       X                      
2.2. Consultations with international experts       X X                    
2.3 Analysis of data on the role of insurance in managing environmental risks resulted from industrial operations         X X                  
Module 3. EI development in Russia: current situation at the federal and regional level
3.1 Analysis of Russian legal and regulatory context for EI development in the Russian Federation           X                  
3.2 Interviews with national stakeholders on factors influencing EI development in the Russian Federation           X X                
3.3 Case studies on EI implementing in Russian regions             X X X            
3.4 Interim reporting, preparing a draft research paper             X                
3.5 Consultations on selecting a model region             X                
3.6 Second fellowship workshop                 X            
Module 4. Development policy recommendations to foster implementing EI in a selected region (pilot project)
4.1 Selecting a model region to implement pilot project, revision of regional pilot methodology             X                
4.2 The first trip to pilot region                 X            
4.3 Formulating policy options for promoting EI at the regional level                 X X          
4.4 Promotional workshop for local stakeholders on EI benefits                     X        
4.5 Developing policy recommendations, circulating among experts for comments                     X X X    
4.6 Closing workshop in the model region                         X    
4.7 Progress reporting                         X    
Module 5. Developing policy recommendations
5.1 Developing a policy paper and final versions of project papers                       X X X  
5.2 Final reporting                         X X X
5.3 Third fellowship workshop                             X
Project website maintenance       X X X X X X X X X X X X