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Environmental Policy Research


The last decade was marked by progressive development of various environmental policy instruments to prevent and/or mitigate adverse impacts on population health and the environment. One of the recently developed economic tools to manage environmental risks1 is environmental insurance. Environmental risk insurance (ERI) policies are to provide proper compensation for environmental damages and/or harms. Moreover, this is an important means to pool resources for environmental health protection and ensure environmental safety of industrial facilities.

The lack of effective mechanisms to finance environmental protection measures and ensure proper compensation for environmental damage is among key reasons for environmental deterioration in the Russian Federation. Therefore, effective ERI mechanisms are urgently needed to strengthen environmental protection and management in the country. Despite existing legal provisions for applying insurance policies to cover environmental risks Russian ERI system is still in the making and considerable effort is required for bringing it in line with the international standards.

Research aim and objectives

The aim of the current research is to explore opportunities for more consistent application of environmental risk insurance in the Russian Federation to strengthen environmental protection and management policies.

Given the research aim the following research objectives were defined:

  1. to review international experience in managing environmental pollution-related health risks through insurance;
  2. to explore the environmental risk assessment and management policies in the Russian Federation;
  3. to design a program on voluntary insurance of environmental health risks resulted from industrial pollution for a selected model region (regional2 pilot);
  4. to devise recommendations on implementing environmental risk insurance (ERI) at the regional level for the Environmental Department of the Administration/regional MNR Office of the model region;
  5. to write a policy paper on ERI as a tool to address environmental liabilities for the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.

Research methodology

The following methods will be applied at the different steps of the current research to accomplish the research objectives.

  • Review of research literature available;
  • Analysis of legislation and regulations;
  • Structured interviews with recognized experts/practitioners engaged in environmental risk assessment (ERA) and environmental insurance (ERI) activities;
  • Questionnaires;
  • Semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders: government officials, private businesses (enterprises-'polluters', environmental consulting groups, and insurance companies), and civil society institutions;

Project design and work plan

Project term - 12 month (March 2004 - February 2005)

Research activities are divided into five modules:

Module 1. Inception (March 2004 - April 2004)

Module 2. Review and analysis of international experience in managing environmental risks resulted from industrial pollution through insurance: methodological development and best practices (April 2004 - June 2004)

Module 3. Analysis of Russian situation in the field of developing environmental risk assessment and environmental risk insurance mechanisms (May 2004 - August 2004)

Module 4. Application of research findings: development of an environmental risk insurance program (the regional pilot project) (September 2004 - January 2005)

Module 5. Project summary: developing policy recommendations (December 2004 - February 2005)

Module 1. Inception (March 2004 - April 2004)

Reviewing research literature on the development of approaches to assessing and managing environmental risks including environmental insurance, as well as existing policies and practices of addressing environmental pollution liabilities.
At this stage of the research the fellow plans to focus on latest research publications mostly those available via Internet and in local libraries.
Trips to Budapest included into the fellowship activities is considered as an opportunity to work at the CEU library.
Preparing to interviews with environmental risk assessment (ERA) and ERI experts and practitioners (international and domestic): establishing contacts with potential interviewees, designing questionnaire(s).
Applying for membership with international organizations whose mission is to promote collaboration and networking within interdisciplinary community interested in environmental risk assessment and management issues.
It is planned to affiliate with
  • Society for Risk Analysis - Europe (SRA-E)
  • Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Europe (SETAC Europe)
  • International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA)
  • Among key benefits from membership in these organizations is free online access to international journals on the research topic, Member directories and other special services and information sources.

    Module 2. Review and analysis of international experience in managing environmental risks resulted from industrial pollution through insurance: methodological development and best practices (April 2004 - June 2004)

    Visiting an international forum on environmental risk assessment and management.
    The purpose of this visit is twofold: (i) to get access to the information on the latest developments in environmental risk assessment and management, environmental liability and insurance; (ii) to use wealth of networking opportunities to make contacts with and/or interview experts and practitioners attending these international events.
    It is planned to attend International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) Annual Meeting (April 24-30, 2004, Vancouver, Canada);
    Survey of international ERA and ERI experts/practitioners through telephone interviews OR questionnaires with the purpose to collect information on modern approaches to and trends in assessing and managing environmental risks with special emphasis on ERI mechanisms.
    Analysis of the collected data on ERA and ERI international best practice.

    Module 3. Analysis of Russian situation in the field of developing environmental risk assessment and environmental risk insurance mechanisms (May 2004 - August 2004)

    Analysis of Russian legislation on addressing environmental liabilities associated with industrial pollution, assessment of technological and environmental risks, assessment of natural hazards;
    Analysis of ERA and ERI practice in the Russian Federation
  • reviewing of research literature;
  • conducting interviews with national ERA and ERI experts and practitioners, OR sending them questionnaires;
  • 3.3
    Preliminary negotiations with regional stakeholders on selecting a model region (see below)
    It is planned to arrange negotiations with key stakeholders in the regions with developed practice of environmental risk assessment and insurance to explore opportunities to establish a regional pilot project within the given research project.
    A series of telephone interviews with representatives of key stakeholders (regional government, environmental authorities, businesses (insurers and potential policyholders), civil society institutions) will be conducted. These interviews will aim to identify interest of stakeholders to ERI as a tool to improve regional environmental policy and investigate capacity for implementing ERI mechanisms within for management of environmental health risks associated with industrial pollution. It is anticipated to identify key local resource persons for the proposed regional pilot.
    At present, five Russian regions (Oblasts) are considered as candidates for model regions in accordance with preliminary negotiations: Moscow Oblast, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Lipetsk Oblast, Tomsk Oblast, and Vologda Oblast.
    Interim reporting: developing a draft research paper on using insurance policies to address environmental pollution liabilities with focus on developments in the Russian Federation; preparing interim Activity Report, interim financial report.

    Module 4. Application of research findings: development of an environmental risk insurance program (the regional3 pilot project) (September 2004 - January 2005)

    Formulating policy options for promoting ERI in relation to industrial pollution. In particular, these options should consider insuring environmental risks from both accidental and normal operations.
    Discussion of the proposed options with national and international experts and incorporating expected comments and suggestions.
    Selection a model region to implement pilot project within the current project4 based on preliminary negotiations;
    A 'scout' trip to the selected model region
    This trip aims to set up an agreement with regional MNR office and/or environmental department of the regional administration for confirm preliminary agreements on cooperation within the regional pilot and present the project to the key partner.
    Conducting a promotional workshop for stakeholders on ERI benefits and its role in environmental protection and management.
    The workshop objectives are as follows:
    • Discuss regional experience on the assessment of environmental risks associated with industrial pollution
    • Discuss benefits of environmental insurance as a tools for managing environmental risks
    • Present the proposed regional pilot project on introducing ERI into regional environmental policy process
    Designing a regional programme on voluntary insuring environmental health risks from both accidental and normal operations.
    The regional office of Russian Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) and the regional government (regional Administration) will be considered as state clients for this program.
    Extensive consultations with key stakeholders (regional government, businesses (insurers and potential policyholders), civil society institutions) will be conducted in the course of programme development to ensure meeting local needs and interests. Two trips into the region are planned to ensure active collaboration with local experts and/or interested parties.
    Conducting a closing workshop in the model region aimed to present the programme on voluntary insuring environmental health risks
    December progress reporting

    Module 5. Project summary: developing policy recommendations (December 2004 - February 2005)

    Developing recommendations based on pilot project and developing final project papers:
    At the final stage of the project the fellow will focus on producing recommendations on implementing ERI policies at the regional level in Russia with the potential of upscaling them to the federal level. These recommendations are to be addressed to the regional MNR office and/or environmental department of the regional administration.
    Moreover, the final research paper on approaches to ERI implementation to address environmental pollution liabilities in the Russian Federation will be developed. The key product of the project is a policy paper on ERI as a tool to address environmental liabilities in Russia prepared for Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.
    Final reporting: preparing final Activity Report and final financial report to be developed.

    Since late April 2004 the individual website with project-related information will be maintained.

    1 The author will use the definition of environmental impact as any change in the level of a pertinent environmental risk. Environmental risk, in turn, is defined as a measure of probability and magnitude of negative environmental consequences (harm to human health or damage to the biophysical environment) caused my industrial developments.

    2 The fellow considers option for implementing pilot project at municipal level rather than regional level

    3 At the moment the fellow considers an option for the local focus of the pilot project instead of the regional one. This implies involvement of the local government (municipality) into the project as key local partner and possibly client for the program on environmental health risk insurance to develop.

    4 When selecting a model region the fellow has considered opportunities for combining her regional pilot project with ongoing pilot projects run by Ecoline EA Center where she has worked as a project manager.
    For the period of fellowship year Ecoline EA Center will have been implementing two large international projects on introducing strategic environmental assessment (SEA) and integrated assessment and planning (IAP) into regional decision-making process to promote environmentally and socially sound regional development. Tomsk Oblast and Vologda Oblast are among target regions for these projects.
    Ecoline EA Center intends providing in-kind support to the given individual research project if one of these regions is found suitable for implementing a regional pilot project. This can include involving local experts working for Ecoline EA Center's project as local resource persons and/or consultants for the individual research.
    Due to IPF budget limitations it is Vologda Oblast which is tentatively selected as a project model region. The budget estimates for regional pilot project are based on travel, accommodation, and subsistence costs defined for this region.
