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Useful links

You may find several links to useful online resources in English on environmental risk management, environmental risk insurance and environmental liability below. If you have any other appropriate sites or if you find a dead link, please don't hesitate to contact me.

International Risk Management Institute is a research and publishing company for insurance and risk management issues. Its website contains a wealth of articles, resources, and insurer information.

Environmental Risk Resources Association (ERRA) is a nonprofit association dedicated at expanding the use of environmental insurance as a risk management tool through education, technology, resources, innovation and networking. ERRA enhances the professional capabilities of its members through focused educational forums, technology enhanced knowledge management, and access to specialized multi-disciplined resources in fields related to environmental risk management. At the website one can access powerful content that has been selected with the environmental insurance practitioner in mind. Hot links to environmental laws, good collection of articles in environmental liability, risk management and pollution insurance issues, information on educational and networking opportunities in the field, industry newsletters and briefs have all been brought together in one easily navigated site. The newest policy forms, applications, and descriptive materials from the major environmental underwriters are also found there.
The "Ask the Expert" feature allows to post a question that will be responded to by a panel of experts. The message board is a forum for the diverse membership to exchange information and viewpoints.

Environmental Liability webpage at the European Commission website provides access to White Paper on Environmental Liability (2000) which explored how a Community regime on environmental liability might best be shaped, outlines the process of developing an EU environmental liability directive that was completed on April 30, 2004 when Directive 2004/35/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 on environmental liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage has been published in the Official Journal L 143. Your may download texts of the White Paper, the Directive and comments on Directive proposal.

RiskWold is a comprehensive online compendium of links to organizations, publications, journals, and news releases that cover risk assessment and management.

Society for Risk Analysis provides an open forum for all those who are interested in risk analysis. Risk analysis is broadly defined to include risk assessment, risk characterization, risk communication, risk management, and policy relating to risk, in the context of risks of concern to individuals, to public and private sector organizations, and to society at a local, regional, national, or global level.

UNEP Insurance Industry Initiative is a voluntary initiative, aimed at helping the industry integrate environmental considerations into their internal and external business operations. The core objectives of the Initiative are to: i) raise awareness and encourage dialogue on available environmental risk management strategies; ii) establish fora for information sharing; inject insurance industry concerns into international environmental policy debates; iii) promote green investments, and highlight the link between economic and ecological performance. cornerstone of the Initiative is the "Statement of Environmental Commitment by the Insurance Industry" (http://unepfi.net/iii/statemen.htm), which was developed in 1995 by a group of leading insurance and reinsurance companies, and pension funds committed pledge to achieve a balance between economic development, human welfare and the environment.

American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA) is a professional association of insurance scholars and insurance and risk management professionals. ARIA emphasizes research relevant to the operational concerns and functions of insurance professionals, and provides resources, information and support on important insurance issues. ARIA's goals also include the expansion and improvement of academic instruction to students of risk management and insurance. Among useful resources available for ARIA members via Internet one can find a variety of publications in the Journal of Risk and Insurance and Risk Management and Insurance Review and newsletters, and discussion forums on risk management and insurance matters.

International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) is a forum for advancing innovation, development and communication of best practice in impact assessment - a process of identifying the future consequences of a current or proposed action. IAIA brings together researchers, practitioners, and users of various types of impact assessment from all parts of the world. IAIA involves people from many disciplines and professions: corporate planners and managers, public interest advocates, government planners and administrators, private consultants and policy analysts, university and college teachers and their students. The mix of professions represented provides outstanding opportunities to exchange the ideas and learn from others' experiences, and build professional capacity in various areas of environmental assessment and management. IAIA members benefits from a variety of information and networking resources including subscription to Impact Assessment & Project Appraisal, one of the best professional journals in the world, special interest discussion areas and listservs, access to training courses and customized training.
