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Policy Paper

Based on the findings of the current research project, a policy brief on environmental insurance as a policy tool to improve environmental security in the Vologda Region were prepared. The brief provides arguments for EI development, reviews possible approaches to EI development at the regional level in Russia (policy options) and proposes actions to be carried out by the target institution at the early stage of EI promotion in the Vologda Region (policy recommendations). It targets the Vologda Region Department for Technological and Environmental Supervision of the Federal Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostehnadzor), which is one of the key regional environmental policy actors.

The policy brief is planned to be used as a background paper for the Taskforce on Developing the Concept for Development of Environmental Insurance in the Vologda Region (see Final Activity Report for details).

Developing Environmental Insurance in the Vologda Region: How To Start? (policy brief)
