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Interim Activity Report

Reporting period: March - July 2004

The current project consists of five modules (see Project Proposal for details). Interim report covers activities that fall into the first three modules. Below key project activities undertaken during the first part of the fellowship year are outlined. The revised project timetable is provided.

  1. Analysis of literature, and access to and use of specialized resources

    In accordance with the project Work Plan I started collecting and reviewing research literature on methods to assess and manage environmental risks resulted from industrial operations with particular focus on insurance and environmental liability policies since February 2004. In addition to resources of Internet and Moscow libraries I used publications available at Central European University library and on-line databases of articles and abstracts when visiting Budapest in March 2004.

    Apart from research papers, a special emphasis was put on identifying useful on-line resources on environmental risk assessment and management, environmental risk insurance and environmental liability, including resources for risk assessment and management experts and practitioners.

    I became a member of three professional societies whose mission is to promote collaboration and networking within interdisciplinary community interested in environmental risk assessment and management issues:
    • American Risk and Insurance association (ARIA)
    • Society for Risk Analysis (SRA)
    • International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA)

    In addition to free access to specialized journals, affiliation with these organizations opened me access to special membership resources including member contact databases, discussion groups, and mailing lists that was very helpful in planning further research on environmental risk and insurance in international perspective.

    I obtained rights to access on-line library on risk management and insurance by Ankil Publishers (Russia). Moreover, an extensive literature on implementing insurance into environmental protection and nature resource management in Russia was kindly provided by Russian experts working with Institute of Market Economy, Russian Academy of Science.

    During the course of research and after consultations with mentors it was decided to reformulate the name of the project to strengthen the public policy connotation of the topic.

  2. Participation in conferences

    Owing to OSI support I participated in an annual conference of International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA'04) - a open forum for advancing innovation, development and communication of best practice in impact assessment that brings together researchers, practitioners, and users of various types of impact assessment. The conference was held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. I attended sessions relevant to topic of my research and participated in discussions on state-of-art approaches to managing environmental risks related to industrial operations.

    I had a series of informal conversations with experts working in the field of risk assessment to discuss technical and legal aspects of insurability of this type of risks. Among my informants were both consultants engaged in assessment of environmental risks and representatives of industries.

  3. Analysis of legislation and regulations

    I invested a great deal of efforts in reviewing current regulatory context for applying insurance in control of adverse effects of industrial installations both in Russia and abroad. An detailed analysis of Russian legislation that structure the relationships among key EI stakeholders was conducted. The findings of this analysis are used for preparing a research paper on managing environmental risks through insurance (see below)

  4. Consultations with experts, interviews and questionnaires

    While developing the current project I planned interviewing experts in the field of environmental risk assessment and insurance with the purpose of discussing specific aspects of environmental insurance. Due to time constraints and extensive amount of research publications available it was decided to substitute this interviews with on-line consultations via 'Ask expert' services at specialized professional websites (see, e.g. www.workplacelaw.net, and www.erraonline.org). Specific questions was asked to clarify particular aspects of application insurance to secure environmental liabilities, risk insurability, environmental liability policies. This change is project methodology was approved by Fellow's Academic Mentor.

    At the same time, the national component of the research was fairly expanded. Firstly, during investigation of Russian situation with EI development I decided to cover as wide range of stakeholders' opinions on integrating insurance into state environmental policy as possible. Therefore, it was planned to arrange interviews with insurers, the insured (actual and/or potential), regulators, legislators, NGOs (environmental groups and industrial associations) and other available representatives of EI policy community.

    At the end of July, the researcher established contacts with respondents, arranged interviews and distributed questionnaires among interested persons. Two thirds of those who expressed interest in the current research have already participated in the survey. There is fair delay with receiving stakeholders feedback due to summer time (many people are on vacations and I have to adjust me research schedule to their plans for July and August). It is expected to complete analysis of Russian EI system by September IPF seminar.

    It is worth noting that the Fellow established good contacts with a Russian think-tank that became a key resource institution for the current project - the Laboratory for Market Instruments in Environmental Management, Market Economy Institute, Russian Academy of Science. The Head of the Laboratory and his colleagues provided a great deal of relevant publications, assisted in establishing contacts with potential interviewees for 'national' component of the current research project, and contributed to designing regional studies.

  5. Development of project methodology and design

    Structured interviews was chosen as a method for data collection. Filling specially designed questionnaires was offered to potential respondents as an alternative for interviews.

    Several case studies on EI implementation at regional level in Russia with particular focus on the most advanced region as a 'success story' was emphasized in project design as a subcomponent of national research.

    After consultations with Individual Mentor Vologda Region was selected as a model region for project pilot implementation.

  6. Project follow-up

    The Fellow has collaborated with Laboratory for Market Instruments in Environmental Management, Market Economy Institute, Russian Academy of Science on developing a non-profit project EI promotion for region tentatively selected for regional pilot implementation - Vologda region. In parallel, the search for funds to future advocacy project is under way.

  7. Project papers preparation

    During literature review the Fellow developed a research paper outline. The paper aims at explaining current trends in developing environmental insurance from international and national perspectives. The emphasis is put on identifying factors that affects this development and the current state of this factors in Russian Federation at national and regional level. Therefore, the main part of the paper can be divided into three parts. The draft paper submitted for interim reporting refers to 'international' part of the research undertaken.

    In addition, the outline of the policy paper on implementing EI into regional environmental policy to strengthen regional environmental safety for pilot region was developed. It is likely to be a policy brief aimed at presenting key policy recommendations for regional environmental authority.

  8. Project website development

    Since late April 2004 the individual website with project-related information has been developed and updated. One should note that a selection of useful links on project topic was prepared.