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1. Gender and Party Politics

  • Introduction     (Russian), (English)

  • Chapter 1: Evolution of Partial System in Kazakhstan

  •                1.1. First stage - 1990-1991           (Russian), (English)

                  1.2. Second Stage -  1992-1995    (Russian), (English)

                  1.3. Third stage - 1996-2001          (Russian), (English)

                  1.4. Fourth Stage - since 2002      (Russian), (English)

                  1.5. Social and Psychological      

                portrait of women                     (Russian), (English)

                   1.6. Attachment.                               (Russian), (English)

  • Chapter 2: 

  •                 2.1.              



  • Conclusion:      (Russian), (English)

  • Bibliography:    (Russian), (English)

  • 2. Policy Paper  (Russian), (English) 

    3. Mentor Critique Form: Irina Chikalova

    4. Mentor Critique Form: Gulnar Akhmetzhanova

    5. Interim Report

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