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Mentor Critique Form.

Akhmetzhanova Gulnara

Manager of analytical projects,

Institute for Kazakhstan Development


1. What in your opinion have you and your Fellow/program/project gained from  your cooperation thus far? 

 While project developing, the fellow got consultancies on following subjects:

-         development of the research program (structure, choice of  methodological approaches, content analysis of informative base of the project, etc).

-         analysis of evolution of political party system in Kazakhstan for 10 last years;

-         development of some recommendations on increasing effectiveness of parties’ participation in the country political development;

-         evaluation of research results.


  2. Do certain areas of this Fellow’s work need improvement? Which areas?

 Yes, which is stipulated by objective arguments:  amending party legislation and changing process of parties’ registration.  By the time, only 4 parties have been registered. Project implementation coincided with these political processes, and Researcher was lost opportunity to make effective complex research (for instance, to make interviews or focus groups on exploration of parties’ trends and inclusion of  gender  components to them).


   3. In your opinion, does your Fellow’s project make a significant contribution to the field?             

Theme of  the project, as a complex analytical research, is doing in Kazakhstan for the first time, and is differed by high degree of actuality and scientific novelty.  In time frame, Galiya made as much as possible.


4.Would the project be important to other countries in the CEE/FSU region?   

Yes, as gives opportunity of generalization and systematization of gender-parties’ processes and mutual connections, development of recommendations on improving party legislation. All these things  might be used for comparative studies.


5.  Could the proposed policy research make an impact on the policy environment in specific countries or regions? (Policy makers, experts and policy research community)

 Yes. Disseminating research results might be become base for practical application of some recommendations of the Project as on the state level, as on level of civil society. Some provisions of the Project can be used by civil and political unions, experts, analytics, workers on such problems, and at political practice as well.


            6.      Is the timetable for the project realistic? 

Yes, realistic.  However, absence of parties, caused by re-registration, is not allowed to do necessary investigations, which would add substantively outcomes and conclusions of the Project.


7.      Could the project benefit a large number of people? 

Undoubtedly, this Project would be interesting as for experienced politics as for beginner ones. In addition, the Project especially would be useful for women’s NGOs, directed on serious political activities.


8. Does the Fellow show evidence that he/she can think strategically about the relevant project and/or field?

 Yes, which is confirmed by results of individual activity of Galiya, who works at this area for around 10 years.  Argument, which proves it is also the fact, that many her recommendations are being introduced as to work of Governmental Agencies as to political activities of women’s non-governmental associations.


9.   If the Fellow were to re-apply for continued OSI funding for follow-up work associated with the project, would you support continued funding? 

Yes, reasons of that are mentioned above. However, if the Fellow continues her work in frame of the Project without funding, she anyway, can count upon my  support and help.


10.  Are there other appropriate founders that may support the project?

Governmental funds may support those plans, which are developed on the base of research outcomes.  But research themselves are being supported very rarely. For the whole history of “gender” appearance in the country, only 2 women’s research projects were supported by the National Academy of Sciences.  So, chance to get funding in Kazakhstan, is very doubting.  As for international funds, their programs, as a rule, low funded and short-term.  


Recommendation on other potential contacts for Researcher:


For improving the Research, I can recommend to continue working with those political parties and societal & political unions in Kazakhstan, which as have been registered as getting ready for new registration.


Additional comments (Please, comment work of researcher and all aspects of the IPF Program).


Galiya Khassanova has made significant, maximally possible work in such unfavorable circumstances.  The Fellow has done following: division women’s movement into political periods in frame of party system evolution, identification of peculiarities of every stage, studying experiences of some countries doing effective gender policies, and developing needed recommendations.


Galiya Khassanova has made serious work on collecting, working out and analyzing information materials. In result of the Project, Researcher significantly has widened connections of the Project with representatives of scientific institutions and societal activists, politicians, national experts, etc. (wide consultancies with politicians, women leaders, experts-analytics,). Range of outcomes and analytical works were sounded in public events (conferences, seminars, trainings).

Project is implemented in time.

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