Documentation of Eastern Khanty   


The Department of Siberian Indigenous Languages

Tomsk State Pedagogical University

pr. Komsomolsky 75, k.246

Tomsk 634041 Russia




Project Collaborators





Eastern Khanty Dialects


Online Resources




Contact Information






Vasyugan Khanty DataBase


Vasyugan River Culture



This is a brief information concerning the geographical location, history, culture and present state of the Vasyugan Khanty.


Vasyugan Language 


This is a dictionary compiled in the SIL ToolBox format and converted into the text document. This is a pilot version, as the complete version is still in progress. At this moment the search in the dictionary may be done only via regular text "Find" option (Menu "Edit" -> "Find") either by translation or by Eastern Khanty entry.



This is a corpus of Vasyugan Khanty texts recorded originally within the project, as well as the ones recorded and translated earlier by the few previous researchers of Vasyugan Khanty language. The texts are represented in as a 3 or 5 tier notation: Vasyugan Khanty in the IPA translation in DoulosSIL font; morphemic glossing into English, morphemic glossing into Russian; free translation into English; free translation into Russian. Occasionally, the original Cyrillic-based notation for the Vasyugan Khanty is preserved for the earlier recorded texts.


This is a corpus of Vasyugan Khanty texts represented in the DOBES recommended ELAN multimedia format with the 5 tier text notation, aligned with the digital video and audio signal, and accompanied with some elementary search options.



This is a collection of academic publications dedicated to various aspects of Vasyugan Khanty phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics.

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 Copyright Andrey Filchenko.
For problems or questions regarding this web contact
Last updated: 05/26/07.