Documentation of Eastern Khanty   


The Department of Siberian Indigenous Languages

Tomsk State Pedagogical University

pr. Komsomolsky 75, k.246

Tomsk 634041 Russia




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Sample Vasyugan Khanty Texts

The texts here are the original biographical accounts offered spontaneously by the Khanty speakers and later free-translated by original speakers into Russian.

Graphically, the texts are represented in the 3-tier notation, where the 1-st tier is the Vasyugan Khanty vernacular in the IPA notation with morphemic breaks, the 2-nd tier is the morphemic glossing into English, and the 3-rd tier is the free translation into English.

The first text "Night shift with Tajka" was recorded in 2005 in the area at the middle riches of the Vasyugan river. The text was originally narrated by the female Khanty speaker to 3 other Khanty speakers well known to the speaker, and occasionally offering interjections to the narration. The recording of the text was then transcribed and translated into Russian by one of the listeners (a speaker of Khanty). English gloss and free translation was added at a later time.

The second text "Bear Den" was recorded in 2005 in the area at the upper Vasyugan river. The text was originally narrated by the male Khanty speaker to the researcher, who spoke limited Khanty and offered occasional interjections to the narration. The recording of the text was transcribed and translated into Russian the same day by the original speaker. English gloss and free translation was added at a later time.

The underlined words in Khanty vernacular are the Russian loans marked in morphemic glossing by the quotation marks, for example "sand".

The key to the morphemic glossing is in the right-hand column                

Night Shift with Tajka (2005)


  1.  möŋ  Tajka    wer-sä-min       lök-nə

1Du  Tajka   do-PST2-1Du    road-Loc

‘We worked on the road with Tajka’


  1.  aga




  1.  po         uzkolejke,        nu    notʃnoj  smena, joɣon.

“along”  “narrow track”  well  “night”   “shift”  night

‘Along the narrow track, well doing the night shift, at night’


  1.  do   dvenadtsati   tʃas-na        wer-kas-min.

till   “twelve”        “hour”-Loc   do-PST3-1Du

‘We worked till 12 o’clock’


  1.  mɨŋ…,  tam…,   pesok… 

1Du     “there”    “sand”

‘We…, there…, sand…’


  1.   razgrebat’      wer’ta?

 “shovel-INF”  do-INF

‘… shovel?’


  1.  otsipat’          wer-ta?

“pile-INF”     do-INF



  1.  nu       tʃi,      ballast           äl-käs-it...

“well”   this    “ballast”            carry-PST3-1PL

‘Well we carried this ballast…’


  1.  aga.




  1.  nu       eta,     təm,   Volod’ka   tʃinäm     wert-äs          konduktorom.

“well” “this”    this     Volodka     there        do-PST2.3sg  “conductor-Instr”

‘Well, this Volodka “The Rusty” worked there as a conductor’


  1.  pesok   tʃinäm  ɨl         pil-käs-imɨn       Tajka-na,    potom  qɨsɨm-mən        toɣ.

“sand”  there    down    load-PST3-1Du  Tajka-Com “after”  rest-PST0.1Du  there

‘We were loading the sand with Tajka there, and then rested there’


  1.   a        jəɣ      mən-s-ətən      tom,    pesok   tun-ta.

“but”   3PL    go-PST2-3Pl    there     “sand”  bring-INF

‘And they went there to bring more sand’


  1.  qo-kam…, qoj-kam    tʃerä    tʃil-wəl,         tʃil-wəl.

where-Ind  who-Ind    very      yell-Prst.3sg   yell-Prst.3sg

‘Somewhere someone yelled real loud’


  1.  Tajka   män-ä    toloɣ-l-ɨ ...          toloɣ-wəl:   “qoj-kam… nu     muɣuna qul-pa       mən-aɣi”

Tajka   1sg-Illat  say-Prst-PS.3sg  say-Prst.3sg   who-Ind     “well” some     where-Ind  go-PST0.3sg

‘Tajka says to me: “Someone,… seems to have gotten into something”’


  1.   mä  toloɣ-l-əm:    “əntə! tʃi   əntə  qasɨ,  tʃi     qaqɨ     wajaɣ   tʃil-wəl!

1sg  say-Prst-3sg    Neg   this  Neg  man   this    brother  animal  yell-Prst.3sg

‘I say: “No! This is not a human, it’s a bear yelling”’


  1.   jöɣ   toloɣ-wəl:     “əntə, təmə  qasɨ  tʃil-wəl.

3sg   say-Prst.3sg     Neg   this     man  yell-Prst.3sg

‘She says: “No, this is a human yelling”’


  1.   mä   jöɣ-a      toloɣ-wəl:   “pərt-aɣ     noroɣtə-l-əw,  a to          təmi  qaqɨ-wajaɣ     naverna.

1sg   3sg-Illat  say-Prst.3sg   back-Prol  run-Prst-1Pl  “otherwise”  this    brother-animal "perhaps"  

‘I am saying to her: “We should run, because this could be a bear”’


  1.   nu,     tʃiməl  jöɣə-nə    noroɣt-əs-mən.  da     vot..    lopata to.. kak    po-svoemu zovetsja?

“well” a little   3sg-Com   run-PST2-1Pl    “yes” “there” “shovel”    “how” “in..our”      “called”

      ‘Well, we ran a little with her. Oh yeah, what’s the “shovel” in our language?...’


sastup,  eta,    jal-wəl.

      shovel   "this"  stand-Prst.3sg

      ‘shovel…, is standing there’


  1.  tʃu   taɣɨ    metrov  p’atnadtsat’ noroɣta-ɣas-mən,    a       mä  tʃinäm  pərtaɣ  laɣəll-əs-əm.

this  place  “meter” “fifteen”         run-PST3-1Pl         “but”  1sg   there    back    look-PST2-1sg

‘From this place we ran for fifteen meters, and looked back there’


  1.  Tajka,  jöɣ  ɨllə-pä          liɣä-l-i,                a      mä  pərtäɣ  läɣləl-s-əm,       jəɣata-l-ɨm,

Tajka  3sg  forward-Illat  look-Prst-PS.3sg “but” 1sg   back    look-PST2-1sg  see-Prst-1sg

‘Tajka, she is looking forward, and I am looking back and see,’


  1.  qaqɨ      wajaɣ,  qoləm  mən-wəl-t.

brother  animal   three     go-Prst-3Pl

‘…bear, three, are going’


  1.  əllə,  werən, a      eʃe       näŋ’ka.

big    small   “but” “more” “nanny”

      ‘The big, the small and also an older female’


  1.   mä  jöɣ-ə     toloɣ-l-əm:   “davaj  ɨmal-l-ɨm”.

1sg  3sg-Illat say-Prst-1sg   “lets”   sit-Prst-1sg

      ‘I say to her: “Lets sit”’


  1.   nu       ladno,  ɨmal-sə-mən.

“well”  “OK”    sit-PST2-1Pl

‘Well, we sat’


  1.   oh,  jəɣ  tʃərä tom  lök    pereskatʃit'     wer-s-ät

Oh  3Pl   very  that  track  “jump.across” do-PST2-3Pl

      ‘Whoa, they jumped across that road real fast’


  1.   mä  jöɣ-ä       toloɣ-l-əm:  “davaj  mäɣtərəɣ noroɣtə-l-mən,  tʃinäm, na  ʃest’  kilometre,

1sg  3sg-Illat    say-Prst-1sg  "let’s"   fast           run-Prst-1Pl       there   “at” “six” “kilometer-Loc” 

‘I said to her: “Lets run real fast there to the sixth kilometer mark…,’


joɣ-pa       na   ʃest’   kilometr     tʃerä   noroɣt-əl-mən.

home-Illat  “at” “six”  “kilometer”   fast      run-Prst-1Pl

‘…home, to the six kilometer mark, will run real fast”’


  1.   mä  wöɣ-äm       qola-qət-əs-ɨ,           Tajka  män-ä     köt-äm-nə       talli.

1sg  strength-1sg  end-Inch-PST2-1sg  Tajka  1sg-Illat   hand-1sg-Loc  pull-Prst-PS3sg

‘My strength began to end, and Tajka extends her hand to me’


  1.   toloɣ-wəl:      “Polina,  tʃa   men-a,           məta  saɣɨ,     mən-a!

say-Prst.3sg      Polina    this  go-Imper.2sg  some  manner  go-Imper.2sg

‘She says: “Polina go like this! Just go somehow!”’


  1.  a        wəl-kas-ɨmɨn   tewätnätsät kilometr-na.

“but”  be-PST3-1Du  “nineteen”  kilometer-Loc

‘And we were at nineteen kilometer mark’


  1.  nitʃego!




  1.  ogo!




  1.  ʃestoj,   əntə   mas-wəl.

“sixth”  Neg    need-Prst.3sg

‘Sixth, no, really’          


  1.  na ʃestoj kilometr  noroɣt-əs-mən, motovoz         ju-wəl,          Vovka təmi Mazin toloɣ-wəl:

“at six kilometer”    run-PST2-1Pl   “motorcarrier” come-Prst.3sg Vovka this   Mazin say-Prst.3sg

‘We ran at the sixth kilometer mark, there came the motor carrier, Vovka to Mazin says: …’


  1.  “tʃi   nin-kən,     muɣunə  təɣl-a       maɣ-uj-ön?”

this  woman-Du   how       here-Illat   get-PST0.PS.2Pl

‘”How these women got here”’


  1.  nu..    wer-s-äkin,       mɨŋ-ə              am-əs-ət.        vot.

well   do-PST2-3Du   1Du-Obj/Instr  sit-PST2-3sg  “here”

      ‘Well, we did that, we sat. Ok’


  1.  Vovka  toloɣ-wəl:      “qu-tɨ         muɣuli  jə-s-i?”

Vovka  say-Prst.3sg     man-Elat    what     become-PST2-PS.3sg

‘Vovka says: “What happened to you?”’


  1.   a       eta      Tajka  muɣuli-kam    joɣol-ta    koj-wəl

“but”  “this”   Tajka   what-Ind         say-INF   want-Prst.3sg

‘And Tajka wants to say something’


  1.   mä   jul-əm       arəɣ   kol-l-əm,         i       muɣuli-kam  toloɣ-ta kojl-əm,   i…   tʃera  qɨntʃaɣənt-əm.

1sg  mouth-1sg  away  open-Prst-1sg  “and” what-Ind       say-INF want-1sg "and"  very   scare-Rfl-1sg

‘I open my mouth wide, and want to say something, and … got very scared’


  1.   ɨmal-s-əw,      pərtaɣ  mən-s-əw.

sit-PST2-1Pl    back     go-PST2-1Pl

‘We sat (for a bit), (and) went back’


  1.  pərtaɣ  ju-s-əw,            i      vot,  tʃi  qaqɨ    wajaɣ,  jiɣ,  wereŋ ot-na, prämo   tim  lopata    jall-wel-t,        

           back     come-PST2-1Pl "and" "so" this brother  animal  bear  cub-Com      "straight"  this "shovel"  stand-Prst-1Pl  

           ‘We came back, and so, this animal, the bear with cub were exactly where the shovel stood, '


          tʃu    toɣö-joɣ     mən-äɣin. 

           this   place-Prol  go-PST0.3Pl

     'they walked by this place’


  1.  horoʃo   pərtaɣ   noroɣta-ɣas-ɨmən.

“good”   back      ran-PST3-1Pl

‘It is good we ran back’


  1.   a to,            min-tä      i-wäɣtä-käs-ət.  

“otherwise”  1Pl-Acc    eat-Atten-PST3-3Pl

‘Otherwise we would have been eaten’




A Bear Den (2005)

  1.  əta       toɣ       puɣol-nə        wəl-kal

this       lake      village-Loc      be-Pst3.3sg

This was in Ozernoe’


  1.  toɣ       puɣol-ən...      toʒə     toɣ      puɣol-nə

lake      village-Loc      also      lake      village-Loc

‘In Ozernoe..., also, in Ozernoe village’


  1.  toɣ      puɣol-oɣ         mən-s-əm

lake     village-Prol      go-Pst2-1sg

‘From Ozernoe village I went’


  1.  toɣ      puɣol-nə        äl-ən  

lake     village-Loc     morning-Loc

‘In Ozernoe, in the morning’


  1.  lök      porəm-ta,       lök       porəm-ta        saɣaltən         jɨɣɨtɨ-ja

track   break-INF      track    break-INF       ivy                 river top-Lat

‘To make tracks…, to make tracks to the ivy river top’


  1.  qonqɨɣərən     lök      wer’-tä

sled                 track    make-INF

‘To make tracks for the sled’


  1.  qonqɨɣərən     lök       wer’-tä          niməl-näti

sled                 track    make-INF       skis-Instr

‘To make the tracks for the sled with the skis’


  1.  niməl-nä        mən-s-əm,     pɨr-nə       pat-t-əl-a                     jöqö-na      mən-l-əm

ski-Com        go-Pst2-1sg   back-Loc  freeze-IMPP-3sg-Lat  sled-Com   go-Prst-1sg

‘I went on skis, so that when the snow hardens, I could go on sled’


  1.   jöqö-nam      pɨr-nə       tät    pat-əm         loɣ-in-nə

sled-1sg        back-Loc  this   freeze-PP      track-Du-Loc

‘So that later, on my sled I will go on them ready tracks’


  1.   jəm-əɣ           ʃtobɨ

good-Pred       “so that”

So that it will be nice then’


  1.  mən-l-əm,      äl-ən             kor       əlewt-aki

go-Prst-1sg    morning-Loc  swamp  across-Pred

‘I am going, in the morning, across the swamp’


  1.  taɣpɨl             un-s-ɨm

that side         cross-Pst2-1sg

‘To the other side’


  1.  ämp-äm         ju-wəl

dog-1ed        come-3sg

‘The dog is walking here’


  1.  mən-t-äm-nə             köməlsäk-ä     taɣɨ     joɣo-s-əm

go-IMPP-1sg-Loc    hill-Lat             place   come-Pst2-1sg

‘I am going to the hill, up the hill there’


  1.  köməlsäk-ä    taɣɨ     joɣo-s-əm,        köməls-ä      päjim-nä

hill-Lat           place   come-Pst2-1sg   hill-Lat          isle-Loc

‘Go on top the hill, on the island’


  1.  mən-t-äm-nə             ämp-äm-nä,     tʃa      nomən   köməls-ä     oɣtö-na

go-IMPP-1sg-Loc    dog-1sg-Com  Dem      up           hill-Lat       top-Loc

      ‘I am walking with the dog’


  1.  jilil-wəl          muɣuli-kam    jəl-kəl-tə-wəl

walk-Prst.3sg  why-Indef      walk-Inch-Prst.3sg

‘It runs there, goes in circles for some reason’


  1.  mä       tuɣ-ə      nuɣ  qanə-s-əm

1sg      there-Lat  up    get-Pst2-1sg

I got up there’


  1.  tawaj    jɨɣəl    körkäɣ-i,        jor-əŋ       jɨɣəl,   jöɣö-pa       körkäɣ-i,

let me   cedar    fall-PS.3sg      roots-Adj  cedar  down-Illat   fall-PS.3sg

‘Let me see there under the fallen cedar, there is this fallen cedar down there with big roots’


  1.  körkäɣ-i        tʃöɣt-ä,          ələwt-aqi

fall-PS.3sg     snow-Lat       from up-Pred

      ‘Covered with snow, from the top’


  1.  män-nə   jəl-käl-tä-l-im           tʃinäm   joruj-ət     jɨɣata-l-ɨm

1sg-Loc  walk-Inch-Prst-1sg    there     root-Abl   look-Prst-1sg

      ‘I am going around, looking under the roots’


  1.  jorəj-ət-nə      jorət    kält-ət

root-Pl-Loc    root      see-Prst.3sg

      ‘Under the roots, roots are visible’


  1.  kruɡom         wel-käl-tä-l-im

“around”        be-Inch--Prst-1sg

      ‘I walk around’


  1.  metä    nöɣös  lök      əntim-aki

some    sable   track    Neg-Pred

      ‘There are no tracks anywhere’


  1.  əllə-ki      lök-p     ənt-im     metaɣi-p      ənt-im-äki

old-Pred  Neg       Neg-PP   some-Neg    Neg-PP-Pred

‘Not even an old one, nothing at all’


  1.  os        jel’-käli-tä-l-im

again    circle-Prst-1sg/sg

‘I circle again’


  1.  meta    əllə-aki       l’ӧk     neuʃli             metali

some    big-Pred     track    “could it be”    something

‘Not an old track, can it be, that there is really nothing’


  1.  jaɣon    wajaɣ … wajaɣ    metaɣi …      kəmläɣ   tʃəɣlatɨ  loɣ-ot     äl’tilil-äɣi

summer  animal      animal    something         lynx        there     bone-Pl   carry-PST0.3sg

‘In summer, the animal, lynx or something was carrying bones around’


  1.  tu      jelkäntənt-äm-nə,  ämp-äm   kör-əl…   kör-əl     nuɣpatɨ,  kӧt-əl      nuɣ  kənläɣtəl-tä     nuɣ-patɨ

there circle-PP-Loc         dog-1sg   hand-3sg   hand-3sg   front       hand-3sg  up    pull-PST0-3sg  up-Lat

‘I circle around there, the dog pulled its front paws upwards’


  1.  qoləntə-wəl    əj    pələ-nä,    os    kӧr-əl     nuɣ  kənläɣtəl-ta      nuɣ-pa   tälə-tə

hear-Prst.3sg  one  ear-Com   also  hand-3sg   up   pull-PST0.3sg   up-Illat   pull-PST0.3sg

‘It listens with one ear, and pulls its front paws upwards’


  1.  nomən     kältəl-tə      kӧt-əl,      pələ-nä    koləntə-wəl,

upwards  curl-IMPP    hand-3sg  ear-Com  listen-Prst.3sg

‘Its paw is pulled up, it listens with its ears’


  1.  neuʃli             metä   nӧɣös   tʃet    ɨlən    qott-a

“could it be”   some   sable     here  down   where-Illat

      ‘Could it be that it was sable here’


  1.  opjat’    nöɣös  lök-p         ənt-im,   moʒə       ikijawe  patʃna  tʃeɣi   ɨl       joŋ-aɣɨ         nӧɣös

"again"   sable   track-Neg  Neg-PP  “maybe”    week     time      here   down  get-Prst.3sg  sable

      ‘Were these still sable tracks, perhaps a week ago that sable was here’


  1.  tʃu     jəlkantənt-am-nə    ilä-nə          jiɣata-l-ɨm.

here  circle-PP-Loc         down-Loc   look-Prst-1sg

      ‘I am walking around, looking down’


  1.  süɣmit-äli       jal-wəl…         süɣmit-äli       jal-wəl.

birch-Dim       stand-Prst.3sg   birch-Dim       stand-Prst.3sg

      ‘There is a birch standing here, a small birch tree standing’


  1.  tomkol  tuɣoj   nilaɣt-əm       jələw…      jəl’w-əɣ

bark      away    rip-PP           fresh           fresh-Adv

      ‘The bark is freshly ripped off, recently’


  1.  tot      süɣmit  nilaɣt-ǝm    tʃontʃoɣ-nǝ     pun     lajaɣ-welt

that     birch     rip-PP          bark-Loc       hair      hang-Prst.3Pl     

      ‘Here, on that ripped birch bark there is some hair hanging’


  1.  qoɣor   pun-at,     kəmləɣ      moʒet

long      hair-Pl      lynx            “perhaps”

‘Long hair, could be lynx’


  1.  nuqa,  jǝɣata-l-ɨm,    nuqa   kӧt-nä       we-l-im,          ill-äpä        nuräɣtä-s-əm      tʃitɨ  minäɣlä-min

“let”    see-Prst-1sg    let      hand-Com  take-Prst-1sg   down-Illat   bend-PST2-1sg  this   curve-Conv

      ‘Let me see, let me take with my hand, bent down like this’ 


  1.  pun-at   qaɣrantɨ-nta-tɨ    jiɣatata,    ili     qaqɨ      wajaɣ   pun,   ili     kəmləɣ  pun

hair-Pl   grab-INF-SUP   see-INF   “or”   brother  animal    hair    “or”   lynx       hair

      ‘So that to grab the hair, to see, if it is a bear hair, or a lynx hair’


  1.  mä-nə     tol’ka   kӧt-äm     toɣ      tuɣɨ-ja       tetʃö-kätä-s-im               suɣmit-aɣɨ-ja

1sg-Loc  “only”   hand-1sg   there   there-Illat   extend-Inch-PST2-1sg   birch-Dim-Illat

       ‘I just extended my hand towards small birch’


  1.  ämp-äm-näpä    püŋk-öl         jor-a        warta-kat-as-ta,         püŋk-öl        jor-a        ɨɣl-apa

dog-1sg-Lat      muzzle-3sg     root-Illat   push-Inch-PST2-3sg  muzzle-3sg   root-Illat   down-Illat

      ‘My dog started to push its muzzle towards the roots, its muzzle towards the root downwards’


  1.  nüɣät’  wer-min   ɨɣl-apa,    (əwsintən-tə /  əwsintə-wəl /    əwsintə-min)  sünräɣtä-min   ɨɣl-apa …                                                                         “smell”   do-Conv   down-Illat (smell-IMPP/   smell-Prst.3sg /   smell-Conv)    smell-Conv       down-Illat

‘It started to smell down there (smelling / having smelled / smelling), smelling downwards …'


suŋkotoɣ   olmin əwəl-i…      əwle-l-äɣ...,            əwl’ə-l’-ɣäɣi   əwəlä-ɣlä-min          ɨɣl-apa

smell           smell-PS.3sg          smell-Tr-PST0.3sg  smell-Tr-3sg    smell-Repeat-Conv   down-Illat

…smelling, smelling down there’


  1.  tʃut’napa,       wajaɣ   kätʃ     nuɣ-pa   jɨɣɨ-joɣ        küm    tʃoɣot   pölöɣintä-min,

right away      animal   almost  up-Illat   cedar-root    out       snow    splash-Conv    

‘Right away, the animal got out from under there splashing snow’


  1.  poloɣintä-min  küm   pöŋk-i       morɨ,  mörəm  sor       pata        ənt-ot-əs           mä    köt-äm

splash-Conv     out     teeth-Adj    fangs    only      quarter  distance   Neg-PST2.3sg  1sg    hand-1sg

‘Splashing out, jagged fangs, just a quarter of the distance to my hand’


  1.  katʃ       kaɣrəmt-at-əm

almost    catch-Tr-PP

‘Almost caught it’


  1.  əntə   köt-äm     tʃu    moment-na      män-nə   storoʒna-ot-min     tuɣoj   pət-min     nirimtä-s-ɨm.

Neg   hand-1sg   this   “moment”-Loc  1sg-Loc   “carefully”-Conv     away   fast-Conv   pull-PST2-1sg

      ‘My hand almost got this moment, I carefully pulled it away real fast’


  1.  ämp-äm    tawaj   noɣɨ-ta-tɨ,            ämp-äm   pərtaɣ       joq-qot-as                   tuɣoj,

dog-1sg    let        swear-INF-SUP   dog-1sg    back         move-Inch-PST2.3sg   away

‘I started to swear at my dog, my dog moved back’


  1.  naɣ-ɨm-i…,             naɣ-ɨnta-min,   toɣoj,  män-näm   jal-l-əm               tʃu-wala-na

swear-Mmnt-PS3    swear-Conv     away   1sg-Refl      stand-Prst-1sg     this-place-Loc

‘Swearing away, I myself am standing at that place’ 


  1.  pötʃkän-äm     trop-na                pon-əm

riffle-1sg         buckshot-Com      load-PP

‘My riffle is loaded with the buckshot’


  1.  nu      jəm-äki-iki,             muɣuli   wer-tä

so     good-Pred-Pred       what       do-INF

‘So, what am I to do?’


  1.  tɨməl   jal-s-əm,             əntə,   prämo  plotno  jəɣi       jal-l-əm,    mətä   paroɣjoɣ  patʃna,   jul’   patʃna   pust’

there   stand-PST2-1sg   Neg    “right”   “tight”   become  stand-Prst  some    half-yard[1]            or      yard      “let”

‘I stood there, no, I am standing right there, half a yard, or perhaps, say a yard away’


  1.  pərtaɣ-joɣ      tʃɨməl    poromin,       aɣa     wel-kal-I                pərtaɣi-joɣ

back-Prol       a little     step-Conv      OK    be-PST1-PS.3sg     back-Prol

            ‘Stepping back little by little’


  1.  uʃə             onol-l-ɨm        -         qaqɨ      wajaɣ,    olaɣ-wel     sdes’

“already”    know-Prst-1sg/sg      brother   animal     lie-Prst.3sg   “here”

‘I already know, it is a bear lying here’


  1.  pərt-a         ämp-ä,        mä    naɣɨnta-l-ɨm,     pərtaɣ-joɣ      weläɣ     ots-əm

back-Illat   dog-Illat      1sg    swear-Prst-1sg   back-Prol       by little     step-PP

‘Again, I swear at my dog, stepping backwards little by little’


  1.  pötʃkän-äm     kät-l-im,          pərt-äɣ          ots-əm-pä

riffle-1sg          hold-Prst-1sg   back-Prol      step-PP-Illat

‘Holding my gun I stepped back’


  1.  muɣuli-kam     tʃɨw        ɨɣla-pa-tɨ           siläɣ,   tʃu    tʃɨwa      ots-ɨm

what-Ind         from-up   down-Illat-Elat    cline    this   from-up   step-PST0.1sg

      ‘There is some cline down from-up there, so I walked down there’


  1.  pötʃkän-äm    kät-l-im,           slutʃajna,        metäli   moʃət,     wajaɣ   moʃət       os      küm   ot-wəl.

riffle-1sg         hold-Prst-1sg    “incidentally”   some     “maybe”   animal   “maybe”   again   out     step-Prst.3sg

      ‘I am holding my riffle just in case that animal or something gets out again’


  1.  pötʃkän-äm    n’ala    pon-s-ɨm

riffle-1sg         bullet    load-PST2-1sg/sg

      ‘I loaded my riffle with a bullet’


  1.  atʃiɣ-aki,        pötʃkän-äm     äl       nəwsa-ɣatə-wəl.

frosty-Pred     riffle-1sg          Neg   shoot-Compl-Prst.3sg

‘It is freezing, my gun will jam’


  1.  läɣlə-ɣs-əm-äm,         läɣlə-ɣs-əm-äm,    küm    əntə    ot-wəl           bol’ʃə

wait-Rfl-PP-1sg         wait-Rfl-PP-1sg      out      Neg    get-Prst.3sg   “anymore”

      ‘I am waiting and waiting, he is not getting out any more’


  1.  säräl,   män-nə            tät     əj    quj-ämp-äli,     ämp-moq   wel-wel

wait     1sg-Loc/Com   here  one   male-dog-Dim  dog-baby    be-Prst.3sg

‘Just wait, I have got a male-dog, a cub here with me’


  1.  quj-ämp-äli       qo(j)-qam    nuruɣt-il-wel

male-dog-Dim   where-Ind    run-Hab-Prst.3sg

‘Male-dog is running somewhere’


  1.  tɨɣl’-a        ju-ŋ-äl,               mä   jöɣ-ə,      möɣör   juɣ,   möɣör-nati,          taɣlatɨ,  qutʃalta-l-ɨm

here-Illat   come-Cond-3sg  1sg   3sg-Obj    shuffle    stick   shuffle-stick-Instr   there     stick-Prst-1sg

‘When it comes here, I will send it there with the shuffle stick’


  1.  quj-ämp-äli         ju-s’

male-dog-Dim    come-PST2.3sg

      ‘The male dog came’


  1.  juɣ-noɣt-ə         toɣɨ     muroɣto-l-ɨm,

tree-knot-Obj    away    break-Prst-1sg

‘I am braking off a tree knot’


  1.  möɣör           tʃinäm   jöɣ-a      tʃu-taɣɨ-ja          jöɣäsɨm,              quj-ämp-äli       noroɣt-əs,

shuffle-stick    there     3sg-Illat   that-place-Illat   throw-PST2-1sg   male-dog-Dim    run-PST2.3sg

‘I threw the shuffle stick there towards him, and the male dog ran over there’


  1.  toɣla             tol’ko    tom   noroɣt-əs,

there-Illat      “just”     that    run-PST2.3sg

‘It just ran there like that’


  1.  wajaɣ   küm,   motra  küm…,  əntə   morta   küm,  wan-əl          patʃa   tʃiməl   küm  ot-əs

animal    out      whole   out          Neg   whole   out     shoulder-3sg   upto     a.little   out     get-PST2.3sg

‘The animal, completely out, not completely out, upto shoulders, got out a little’


  1.  tiɣ-aɣɨ


      ‘It looks’


  1.  tolka   liɣaltəkata-s-ɨm,     pərtaɣ-joɣ    ɨl,       qol-qam     pərtaɣ-joɣ    əl-əl,          oɣ-ol

“just”  aim-PST2-1sg/sg     back-Prol    down   where-Ind   back-Illat      body-3sg    head-3sg

‘I tried to take aim, but he immediately pulled his body, his head…’


pərtaɣ    ɨl        nirimtəs-tə         ɨl         qol-kam.

      back      down    pull-PST0.3sg   down     where-Ind

      ‘back down somewhere’


  1.  läɣləɣs-əm-äm,   läɣləɣs-əm-äm,    küm     əntə        ju-wəl.

wait-PP-1sg         wait-PP-1sg          out       Neg       come-Prst.3sg

‘I am waiting and waiting, he does not come out’


  1.  küm   əntə..,  küm   əntə-rki..,   küm    əntə   ətəɣl-il’-wəl.

out     Neg      out     Neg-Pred    out       Neg   get-Intr-Prst.3sg

‘Out.., it does not.., it does not get out’


  1.  jəm-aki,      niml-im    toɣoj    wə-s-im,          tʃöɣǝ   särsim,    kor        muɣtɨ,

good-Pred   ski-1sg     away    take-PST-1sg   snow    shallow    swamp    across

‘Well, I take off my skis, the snow is shallow, across the swamp


pinkäl-körə     joɣ-pa           koɣləm-s-əm 

      on.foot            house-Illat      walk-PST2-1sg

      I walked home on foot’


  1.  joɣ-a          ju-s-im,              joqq-ən      qaq-ɨm,        Genka,  Sinarbin,

home-Illat   come-PST-1sg   home-Loc   brother-1sg   Genka,   Sinarbin

‘I came home, at home there is my brother, Genka, Sinarbin,


Volod’ka,       nella     qasɨ     mən-s-əw.

Volodka           four      man      go-PST2-3Pl

Volodka, four men went’


  1.  mən-s-əw        nella    qasɨ,  nu   mä   joroɣ-l-əm,    mä   ämp-äm,  män-nä    ämp-äm   wə-l-əm.

go-PST2-3Pl    four      man   so   1sg   say-Prst-1sg   1sg   dog-1sg    1sg-Com   dog-1sg   take-Prst-1sg

      ‘We went, four men, so I say: “My dogs…, I am taking my dogs”’


  1.  nɨŋ   ämp-ätän-nä  qolla  nül        poro-qəto-wəl.

2Pl   dog-2Pl-Loc   all     Recipr    fight-Inch-Prst.3sg

‘”Your all’s dogs will be fighting each other”’


  1.  mən-s-əw


‘We went’


  1.  män-nä        ämp-l-äm        wə-s-im

1sg-Com     dog-Pl-1sg       take-PST2-1sg

‘I took my dogs with me’


  1.  mən-s-əw


‘We went’


  1.  mənt-äm-nä,    kor       nu-s-ɨw               toɣo     joɣ-tə-kət-əs-əw        ämp-ät    ʃəraɣ-wəl-t.

go-PP-Loc       swamp  cross-PST2-1pl    there   come-Inch-PST2-1Pl    dog-Pl     noise-Prst-3Pl

‘Going there we crossed the swamp, and when we approached there, the dogs got noisy’


  1.  ämp-ät    ʃəräɣ-wəl-t,       tʃi     jərä    ʃəräɣ-wəl-t,     kömöɣ-wəl                 tʃinäm

dog-Pl     noise-Prst-3Pl    this   very    noise-Prst-3Pl   make.noise-Prst.3sg     there

      ‘The dogs are making noise, so much noise, being noisy there’


  1.  ämp     jäməɣ-int-äs

dog      shut-Rfl-PST2.3sg

‘The dog shut up’


  1.  toɣ…,   toɣo      joɣo-s-əw,           tʃu    taɣɨ,    tʃu    kora,     tʃu   jəɣi  poroɣ  morta   toɣɨ    wer-il,

there      there     come-PST2-1Pl    that   place    that   swamp  that   root  place     all        away   do-PST1.3sg

‘There…, we came there, to that place, that swamp, that place with the root is all done up’


  1.  poro-min     i          jəɣ-näm    ǝnti-m-ätə,    a       pült     öl-äɣ           jiɣ-äɣi.

step-Conv   “and”   3Pl-Refl     Neg-PP-Pl   “but”   hole     big-Transl   become-PST0.3sg                

‘Stepped all over, themselves are all gone, while the hole got bigger’


  1.  män-nə    os     tʃu    pült    təm    iləl   saɣɨ       krugom    jəlkamta-s-im,          iləl    saɣɨ

1sg-Loc  again  that   hole    there   far    manner   “around”     far     manner

‘I went far around that hole once again, far around’


  1.  jəɣ-a          joroɣ-l-əm          joɣl-itaɣ!”

3Pl-Illat      say-Prst-1sg            stop-2Pl

‘I say to them “Stop!”’


  1.  “kolla,    läɣləɣs-itəɣ!”

   all         be.on.guard

       ‘“All of you, watch out!”’


  1.  män-na    krugom    jəlkamta-s-im,      məta    wajaɣ      l’ök-p        ənt-əm

1sg-Loc    around      walk-PST2-1sg     some    animal     track-Neg   Neg-PP

‘I walked around there, there no animal tracks’


  1.  ämp-ät   qollə  illä-pä        saɣəlt-ət,           qollə  ɨllä-pä       əj    lök-kə         saɣəlt-ət,           pot-ət.

dog-Pl    all      down-Illat   jump-PST0.3Pl    all       front-Illat  one   track-Prol   jump-PST0.3Pl   run-PST03Pl

      ‘The dogs all leapt forward, all went jumping forward in single track, ran away’


  1.  nu    noməɣsɨl-l-əm:   “wajaɣ    lök      ənt-im-aki”,     

so    think-Prst-1sg       animal    track    Neg-PP-Pred 

‘So I am thinking: “There are no bear tracks’


təɣ     jə-s-im,                jəlki       jəlkamta-s-im:    “wajaɣ    lök     ənt-im”.

here   come-PST2-1sg   around    circle-PST2-1sg    animal    track   Neg-PP

‘I came here, walked around: “no bear’s tracks”’


  1.  ämp-ät    qollo   pot-at.

dog-Pl     all        run-PST0.3Pl

‘Dog all ran’


  1.  saɣəlta-min     mən-at             əj         lök-kə.

jump-Conv      go-PST0.3Pl    one       track-Prol

‘Went off leaping in a single file’


  1.  pərtaɣi   ju-s-əm.

back      come-PST2-1sg

‘I went back’


  1.   jal-l-əm.                 


      ‘I am standing’


  1.   “jöɣl-ötaɣ,                poŋqə    al        jöɣl-ötaɣ!”

 stand-Imper.2Pl        pile       Neg     stand-Imper.2Pl

‘“Stop. Don’t stand in a crowd!”’


  1.   “a       tʃiwəl    jər-əɣ!           wrät            jöl-ötaɣ!”

 but      a little    in.line-Prol      “in line”        stand-Imper.2Pl

‘“But, a little in line! Stand in line!”’


  1.  a to   küm-tätnijä-tə,        nɨŋ-ə      qolla   əj    päŋkä    jal-s-əɣ,               qolla   nɨŋ-ə       loɣolsə-wəl”.

“but”   out-get-PSTo.3sg    2Pl-Obj   all       one   pile        stand-PST2-2Pl    all       2Pl-Obj    hit-Prst.3sg

‘“Otherwise, it will get out and all of you… he will hit all of you in a crowd”’ 


  1.   jəɣ      qolla     jəräjul-s-ət.

3Pl        all         line.up-PST2-3Pl

‘Them all stood in line’


100.    mä    tiɣl-äti      jäl-s-əm…,          səm-t-a          jal-s-əm…

1sg    here-Lat   stand-PST2-1sg   eye-Pl-Illat     stand-PST2-1sg

‘I stood here…, stood in front…’


101.    səm-t-a         jal-s-əm              toɣl-a,       mətraɣ    nilla,  tʃetirenu     p’ät’   puskaj,   jal-s-əm.

eye-Pl-Illat   stand-PST2-1sg    there-Illat   “meter”    four     “four”   “or”   “five”   “let”      stand-PST2-1sg

‘I stood in front here, four (four) meters away, well, say five... I stood’


102.    jiɣata-l-im,         muɣujali-kam   nuq     ətəɣl-il-wəl             pül’-nə,     ɨl-ləpəɣ.

look-Prst-1sg      what-Ind           up       get-Hab-Prst.3sg     hole-Loc   down-dark

‘I am looking, something is sticking out in the hole, its dark down there’


103.    wəŋk-a        ləpəɣ-aki,       ləpəɣ…   tʃa      tələɣl-il-wəl…

den-Illat       dark-Pred        dark         this     be.seen-Hab-Prst.3sg

‘In the den, its dark, there it is seen…’


104.    wəl-äs-i …          kä   tuɣtaɣi-kən   wintʃiw,   səm-äl    kak budto,   səm-äl     kak     qotorəɣ-wəl.

be-PST2-PS.3sg  two  light-Du         alike         eye-3sg    “as if”          eye-3sg    “like”   shine-Prst.3sg

‘It seems…, there is what looks like two lights, his eyes.., as if his eyes shine’


105.    män-nə    liɣalta-l-im,     wajaɣ   ɨl,       tʃi-näm      qol-kam,     lat-a-kam         qoll      ɨl         ot-wəl.

               1sg-Loc    aim-Prst-1sg    animal   down   there-Abl    where-Ind   hole-Illat-Ind     where   down    move-Prst.3sg

‘I take aim, the bear moves down there in the den somewhere’


106.    män-nə     os       löɣalta-l-ɨm,     os       wajaɣ    ɨl         ot-wəl

1sg-Loc    again   aim-Prst-1sg    again     animal   down    move-Prst.3sg

‘I take aim again – the animal ducks again’


107.    neskol’ko raz     jaliɣ-m-äm,    jaliɣ-m-äm  --  ɨlä-nə      nuq    os,    mä    os,     pət-min        män-nə    tʃimläli,

   “a few times”       try-PP-1sg      try-PP-1sg       down-Loc up     again  1sg   again   hurry-Conv    1sg-Loc   a bit 

    ‘A few times I tried, later up again, I again, in a little hurry...


tʃi-näm    joɣo-s-im            taɣ      löɣaltə-min,   tʃutnapa    ənt-im-äki.

         this-Lat   shoot-PST2-1sg   there    aim-Conv        like that    Neg-PP-Pred

         taking aim I shot there and nothing’


108.    ənt-im-äki     --  ənt-im-äki,        tʃɨməl    wəl-əs,              oɣ-ol        röɣöslə-min    nuɣ-pa       porɨslə-wəl.

         Neg-PP-Pred     Neg-PP-Pred     a little    be-PST2.3sg      head-3sg   shake-Conv    down-Illat    fall-Prst.3sg

         ‘Nothing, nothing, a little later, he goes down his head shacking’


109.    nuɣ-pa     porɨslə-wəl    küm    lüɣä-tä      kürt-äɣi.

   up-Illat     fall-Prst.3sg     out      get-INF     unable-PST0.3sg

         ‘He fell and cannot get out’


110.    nu,    qollo   joɣo-s-öw.

   “so”    all       shoot-PST2-3Pl    

   ‘So everyone shoots’


111.    qollo    podrjad         joɣo-s-öw             toɣl-atɨ,            jöɣ    oɣ-ol          ɨl        räkät-əs-tə.

    all         “at once”      shoot-PST2-3Pl    there-Lat/Purp   3sg     head-3sg    down   drop-PST2-3Pl

   ‘Everything shot there at once, he dropped his head down’


112.    ämp-ät     srazu              tet     kak     teɣ     ju-ɣət                 (ju-s-ət).

   dog-Pl      “right away”    here    “so”    here   come-PST0.3Pl   come-PST2-3Pl

   ‘The dogs ran (had run) there right away’


113.    ämp-änə   qollo,   nillə    ämp-ät     tɨɣl-äti              jaqɨ-l-oɣ             pəll-əl-oɣ       qaɣart-ɨl,

   dog-Loc    all          four     dog-Pl     here-Lat/Purp   collar-3sg-Prol     ear-3sg-Prol   drag-PST0.1Pl

   ‘Dogs all, four of them here by the collar and by the ear dragging…’


   küm-pä     täl-il-min              polowinä-kä      potʃti      täl-s-il.

          out-Illat     pull-Hab-Conv      “half”-Adv        “almost”    pull-PST2-1Pl

          ‘from there dragged half way out’


114.    täl-s-il…,          no      tʃətɨ    küm    wə-s-i…,                küm     närimt-äs-i...

   pull-PST2-1Pl   “but”    so       out       take-PST2-PS.3sg   out       drag-PST2-PS.3sg

   ‘We pulled it…, but like so took it out…, dragged it out’


115.    küm    täl-s-im            qollo.

    all       pull-PST2-1sg    all

   ‘We pulled it out, all of it’


116.    küm   täl-m-äp,      mərəm   perwɨj   män-nə    jäɣö-m-äm       näl      park-al-oɣ          konamt-aɣɨ.

    out     pull-PP-Lat   only         “first”    1sg-Loc   shoot-PP-1sg    bullet    chest-3sg-Prol     hit-PST0.3sg

   ‘We pulled it out like this, only bullet that I shot at first hit it in the chest bone’


117.    toli             parka-loɣ     kölömt-aɣɨ,         əntə     jəɣata-kal-ɨm.

   “perhaps”    chest-bone   slide-PST0.3sg     Neg      look-PST1-1sg

         ‘Perhaps, it slid the chest bone, I didn’t look’


118.    əj       mərəm    näl,      qonamt-aɣɨ        jöɣ-ä.

   one      only        bullet     hit-PST0.3sg      3sg-Illat

         ‘Only one bullet hit him’


119.     koroɣta-s-ɨw           jöɣ-ən,..     män-ä        Genka      joloɣ-wəl:

    skin-PST2-1PL        3sg-Loc     1sg-Illat       Genka      say-Prst.3sg

    ‘We skinned him, and Genka say to me:’


120.    “jöɣ-ən     moloko    wəl-wəl,        moloko    wernä,    tʃiməl    wəl-wəl”

    3sg-Loc     “milk”       be-Prst.3sg     “milk”       “true”       a little     be-Prst.3sg

   ‘“It has milk, most likely milk, there is a little milk…”’


121.    toɣəjoɣ-ɨ      juŋa-s-əm,        moq ..     metali-p       ənt-im-äki-iki,          ənt-im     wəl-käl.    

   there-Ellat     get-PST2-1sg    baby        some-Neg    Neg-PP-Pred-Pred   Neg-PP    be-PST1.3sg

   ‘I got down there, there is no baby, no nothing, there is nothing’


122.    qollə     wer-s-ɨw.    

   all           do-PST2-1Pl   

   ‘We got everything done’


123.    joɣ-p-atö…,         nillä    qasö…,    qollə…,  qollə      joɣ-p-atɨ            mən-s-əw.

   home-Lat/Purp      four     man          all            all         home-Lat/Purp    go-PST2-1Pl

   ‘Home.., the four of us…,  all…, we all went home’    


124.    joɣ-pa           mən-s-i.

   home-Illat      go-PST2-PS.3sg

         ‘We went home’


125.    wajaɣ      əntə     käntʃim     wəl-kal.                  

   animal       Neg      thin            be-PST1.3sg

   ‘That animal wasn’t thin’


126.    wajaɣ  -  kör jəŋkən.

   animal        fat

   ‘Fat animal’


127.    wot        tʃimin      wajaɣ     wəl-kal

   “there”     this          animal      be-PST1.3sg

   ‘That’s what kind of animal it was’


128.    mä-n       kätʃ         qaɣrəmta-ɣal,           kätʃ        ɨl         nirimtə-ɣəl.

   1sg-Acc  almost       catch-PST1.3sg        almost    down     grab-PST1.3sg

    ‘Almost got me, almost grabbed me down’


129.    tʃər        nomoɣsɨ-l-əm:    “kätʃ       wel-käl-im,        tol’ko…,  tol’ko     tʃimläli   əntə”.

   always    think-Prst-1sg       almost     kill-PST1-1sg     “only”        “only”     a little     Neg

   ‘Always think: “Nearly killed me, only.., only by a little it didn’t”’


130.    köt-äm-oɣ        nirimt-al’-əpə           tat      ɨll-an           mä      pur-kal.

   hand-1sg-Prol   grab-3sg-Neg/Cond  there   down-Loc   1sg       bite-PST1.3sg

   ‘If he had grabbed me by my hand, it would have bitten me down there’


131.     wo.       takoj    istoria     wəl-kal.

               “there”   “so”      “story”     be-PST1.3sg

               ‘There, such a story happened’

[1] Native or Russian-loan measure of length equal to the distance between mid chest and the finger tip of stretched out hand











Gloss Interpretation

Abess -Abessive case

Abl -Ablative case

Acc -Accusative case

Adj –Adjectival morpheme

Adv – Adverbial morpheme

All – Allative case

Attenuat – Attenuative aspectual morpheme

Caus – Causative morpheme

Coll – Collective morpheme

Com – Comitative case

Conj - Conjunction

Conv – Converb affix

Der – Derivational affix

Det – Determiner

Dim – Diminutive affix

Du – Dual number

Dur – Durative affix

Elat – Elative case

Ep – Epenthetic vowel/consonant

Illat – Illative case

IMPP-imperfective participle

Imper – Imperative affix

Inch – Inchoative affix

IndPrn – Indefinite pronoun

INF – Infinitive affix

Instr - Instrumental case

InterPrn – Interrogative pronoun

Lat - Lative case

Loc - Locative case

Neg – Negative particle

Nom - Nominative case

Mltpl – Multiplicative aspectual morpheme

Mmnt – Momentative aspectual morpheme

PL – Plural number

PL/3sg - agreement in num. of the O=(Pl) and pers/num. of the S/A=(3sg)

1sg - 1person singular number

1Du - 1 person dual number

PP - Perfective participle

Pred - Predicator affix

Prol – Prolative case

Prst – Present-Future tense

PS – Passive voice

Pst0 –Past tense (suffixless)

Pst1 -Past tense form 1

Pst2 -Past tense form 2

Pst3 -Past tense form 3

Purp – Purposive affix

Recipr – Reciprocal particle

Refl – Reflexive particle/affix

Semlf – Semilfactive aspectual morpheme

Sg – Singular number

SUP – Supine affix

TR - Transitivizer affix

Transl – Translative case



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Last updated: 05/26/07.