Ekaterina Sokirianskaia

Getting Back Home?

 2004 Fellowship
  Project Proposal
  Activity Report
  Research Paper

Policy Paper
Policy Brief
 News & Information

Photo Gallery

  Getting Back Home?
Towards Sustainable Return of Ingush Forced Migrants
and Lasting Peace in Prigorodny District of North Ossetia

1. Beslan

School No.1, Beslan.  September 2004

Beslan photo 1

Beslan photo 2

Beslan photo 3

Beslan photo 4

2. Maiskii

Township of Ingush forced immigrants from Prigorodny District
(Republic of North Osetia - Alania)

Maiskii photo 1

Maiskii photo 2

Maiskii photo 3

Maiskii photo 4

Maiskii photo 5

Maiskii photo 6

Maiskii photo 7

Maiskii photo 8

Maiskii photo 9

3. Chermen

Schoolchildren's Essay-writing Competition in Chermen village. 
Participants: pupils and teachers of School No. 3 (Ingush) and School No. 1 (Osetian)

Chermen photo 1

Chermen photo 2

Chermen photo 3


The project is supported by a 2004 IPF Fellowship - Last updated 15 May 2005
Licensed under a Creative Commons License - Located at www.policy.hu/sokirianskaia