Ekaterina Sokirianskaia

Getting Back Home?

 2004 Fellowship
  Project Proposal
  Activity Report
  Research Paper

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Policy Brief
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  Getting Back Home?
Towards Sustainable Return of Ingush Forced Migrants
and Lasting Peace in Prigorodny District of North Ossetia

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The objectives of the project are to develop strategies for the return to North Osetia of Ingush internally displaced persons (IDPs), to analyze the role of formal and informal local institutions in the post-conflict area and to develop a methodology for their effective involvement in the process of IDP return.

The end product of the research will be a policy paper in the field of migration intended for government agencies responsible for the return of Ingush IDPs to the Republic of North Osetia-Alania.

The project is supported by a 2004 IPF Fellowship - Last updated 14 October 2004
Licensed under a Creative Commons License - Located at www.policy.hu/sokirianskaia