Ekaterina Sokirianskaia

Getting Back Home?

 2004 Fellowship
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  Getting Back Home?
Towards Sustainable Return of Ingush Forced Migrants
and Lasting Peace in Prigorodny District of North Ossetia

E Sokirianskaia 

CV - Ekaterina Sokirianskaia


2001-          Central European University (Budapest)
                   Political Science Department. Ph.D. candidate
                         Dissertation topic Governing Fragmented Societies: State-Building and Political  Integration
                         in Chechnya, Dagestan and Ingushetia

2000-2001   Central European University (Budapest)
                   Political Science Department MA

1999-2000   Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw)
                   Institute of Philosophy and Sociology. Exchange student
                   Dissertation topic Explaining the secessionist conflict in Chechnya: a theoretical case study

1998-2002   St Petersburg State University
                   Department of Public Administration (Philosophy Faculty)
                   Candidate of Sciences (Kandidat Nauk).  Defended January 2002.

1993-1998   St Petersburg Pedagogical University
                   Foreign Languages Department. English and Japanese Philology. Specialist Degree.


1999-2000   Collegium Civitas (Warsaw)
                  (Higher School of Sociology and International Relations in Warsaw)
                   English language instructor

2003-          Human Rights Group Memorial (Ingushetia/Chechnya)
                   Monitor, Analyst

2003-          Chechen State University History Department
                    Visiting Lecturer

The project is supported by a 2004 IPF Fellowship - Last updated 14 January 2006
Licensed under a Creative Commons License - Located at www.policy.hu/sokirianskaia