Ekaterina Sokirianskaia

Getting Back Home?

 2004 Fellowship
  Project Proposal
  Activity Report
  Research Paper

Policy Paper
Policy Brief
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  Getting Back Home?
Towards Sustainable Return of Ingush Forced Migrants
and Lasting Peace in Prigorodny District of North Ossetia

Activity Report

From March to August 2004, the following actions have been undertaken, according to the scheduled plan:

1. Primary fieldwork has been carried out (interviews, participant observation of the local residents of Prigorodny rayon). 10 deep interviews have been  carried out with the local residents.

2. Interviews have been carried out with:

· Minister for Nationalities of Republic North Osetia-Alania;
· Deputy Minister for Nationalities of Republic North Osetia-Alania;
· Head of State Committee for Forced Migrants of Republic Ingushetia;
· Head of Department for Social Work and Refugees at the Office of the Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for Liquidation of Consequences of the Ingush-Osetian Conflict;
· heads of local administration in Tarskoje, Dongaron and Oktyabrskoje villages;
· deputy heads of local administration of Kurat, Ir, Dachnoje and Chermen villages;
· School principals. Osetian schools - Chermen School Nos 1 and 2; Tarskaja School No 1; Ingush Schools Chermen School No 3, Tarskaja School No 2, Dachnoje Secondary School. Schools of mixed education (for Ingush & Osetian Children): Dongaron Secondary School, Kurtat Secondary School.
· 3 Elders (1 Ingush, 2 Osetians)
· 2 Osetian intellectuals (a university professor and a journalist)
· I was present at a peacemaking meeting of Ingush and Osetian elders on June 7, 2004 in Oktyabr'skoje village (closed settlement)

3. My research assistant carried out library research for Ingush-Osetian conflict in St Petersburg (monitoring of press, analytical publications)

4. I carried out local Ingush press research (newspapers Serdalo, Ingushetia)

5. I wrote a draft research policy paper, covering theme I, II, according to the plan.

The project is supported by a 2004 IPF Fellowship - Last updated 3 December 2004
Licensed under a Creative Commons License - Located at www.policy.hu/sokirianskaia