Milena Minkova
     International Policy Fellow 2003

2003 Fellowship Topic Area:  Institutions Building
2003 Fellowship Project Title:  Defining the New Role of the Regions in Overseeing and Coordinating Regional Development in Bulgaria
2003 Fellowship Research Proposal
2003 Fellowship Project Timetable
Milena Minkova's Curriculum Vitae
2003 Fellowship Project Mentors Kostadin Paskalev- Advisor to the President of the Republic of Bulgaria

Anelia Atanassova-Head Policy and Legal Reform Team, Local Government Initiative, USAID sponsored

2003 Fellowship Interim Report

        Interim Activity Report 
        Interim Research Paper 
2003 Fellowship Final Report

       Final Activity Report
       Final Research Paper
       Final Policy Paper


Publications    Projects     Links
last updated: November, 1st, 2004