# 17 Frederick J. Curie St., Bl. 2
Sofia 1113, Bulgaria
Tel. (359 2) 981 9190


Name:            Anelia Stancheva Atanassova

Address:         home: # 17 Frederick J. Curie St., Bl. 2
                       Sofia 1113, Bulgaria
                       tel. (++359 2) 971 2770
                       mobile: (++359 88) 805 508

            Local Government Initiative
            # 56 Alabin Street
  Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
  tel.(++359 2) 981 9190
  fax (++359 2) 980 2931

Date of birth:  November 22, 1960

Place of birth: Ruse, Bulgaria

Nationality:     Bulgarian

Family Status: Married with 2 children

Languages:       Bulgarian, English
                         Russian, Macedonian, and Serbian

Computers:       MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point


June 2000       Tulane and Loyola Law Schools, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
                        International Legislative Drafting Institute
1980 - 1985     Sofia University School of Law
                        Master's Degree of Law
1974 - 1979     English Language School, Ruse


Sofia, Bulgaria                     February 1999 - Present
Legal and Policy Reform Team Leader

? Responsible for providing legal and policy support to the partners of the Local Government Initiative Program of USAID/Bulgaria including the National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria, the Foundation for Local Government Reform, Ministry of Finance, Commission on Local Self-government, Regional Development and Public Works of the National Assembly, and the Bulgarian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works. Also providing ongoing support to the Commission on Local Self-government, Regional Development and Public Works of the National Assembly, and the Bulgarian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works in connection with the draft law assessment and promoting transparency of the legislative process.
? Responsible for the coordination between LGI and the USAID/Bulgaria Partners in the area of legal assistance, transparency issues and public dialogue.
? Representing LGI at Effective Dialogue Initiative.
? Responsible for LGI Regional Governance Working Group
? Coordination of advocacy activities, concerning local government and NGOs, organization and participation in public hearings, preparation of informational materials and meetings with Members of Parliament
? Providing TA and coordination for the development and implementation of the LGI Legislative Drafting Team Action Plan; developed a curriculum with the TA of the American STTAs Dr.David Marcello and Dr. Idella Wilson, Tulane School of Law, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
? Organized 7 Legislative Drafting Seminars for over than 140 Bulgarian Legal drafters.
? Providing TA to the Institute for Public Administration and European Integration in the area of Legislative Drafting Training
? Legal Research and Legal Drafting

Accomplishments of the Policy Team:

? At the national level
? Work with the Regional Governance Working Group and the Ministry of Regional development and Public Works on:
o Division of the Roles and Responsibilities of the Different Levels of Government in Bulgaria
o Comparative Study of the EU and CEE in Regional Policy
o Regional Governance Issue Paper
o Stakeholder Analysis for Regional Policy Identification
? Work directly with the national legislature and national and local  decision-makers:
o Legislative Drafting and Draft Laws Assessment
o Legislative Drafting Training and Legislative Drafting Manual
o Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Training
o Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA)
o Effective Dialogue Initiative - Promoting Public Dialogue and Consensus Building
o Policy Reform Tools – Political Mapping, Stakeholder Analysis, Policy Characteristics Analysis, Building Consensus, Lobbying Techniques

? At the regional level
? Demonstrated approaches for improving collaboration among regional administration, local governments, businesses, and NGOs in three pilot projects and for bringing diverse stakeholders into a dialogue on common interests. Each of the three pilot projects—implemented in Gabrovo, Stara Zagora, and Smolyan regions—is intended to provide a new model of intergovernmental relationships around a different set of issues.

? At the local level
? Work with local governments and the National Association of Municipalities of the Republic of Bulgaria (NAMRB)
o Advocacy Training
o Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Training
o Advocacy Manual published and disseminated
o TA for the National Association of Municipalities of the Republic of Bulgaria (NAMRB) to prepare statements on proposed legislation
o Drafting Sample Ordinances
Workplan focus:
? Regional Pilot Projects (Smolyan, Gabrovo, and Stara Zagora) - of mechanisms to disseminate the lessons learned from the pilot projects, including meetings of regional governors, exchanges with the Council of Ministers and other central agencies, and special workshops
? Monitoring and Tracking Legislation System for NAMRB
? Regulatory Drafting Training (Design and Pilot) and Regulatory Drafting Manual
? Legislative Drafting Manual
? Local Elections 2003

Attorney at Law
Sofia, Bulgaria                    February 1997 - 2001

? Lawyer, responsible for substantial litigation matters, including courtroom practice. Practice was concentrated in tax law, bank law, and commercial law. Specialized in the area of Debtor-Creditor Relations and Bankruptcy. Primary Lawyer responsible for representation of Allianz Insurance Group and Bulgaria Invest Bank (Allianz Group) before Bulgarian courts, including the Supreme Court of Casation and the Supreme Administrative Court. Responsible for the litigation practice consisting of a major tax suits (claims in excess of $3 million) and commercial suits (claims in excess of $ 8,5 million). Prepared, conducted and/or supervised all discovery requests and responses, motions, trial materials, trials, appellate and administrative hearings.
? Legal and Tax Advisor of Allianz Insurance Group and Bulgaria Invest Bank (Allianz Group) - providing legal analysis and statements.
? Conducted a World Bank Policy Survey in Bulgaria and Slovenia, interviewing 10 high-level government officials (Ministers, Deputy Ministers, the Governor of the Bulgarian National Bank, etc.), June-October, 1999

Razgrad, Bulgaria               1989 - January 1997

Maintained general litigation practice with concentration in civil law, family law, real estate law, administrative law, corporate law, tax law
Legal Advisor of the United Bulgarian Bank (1995-1997)
? Special interest in election law and election procedures and civil rights (1990-1996)
? Over than 60 personal suits of Bulgarian Turks vs. Bulgarian State for restitution of real estate property, nationalized by the communist regime. There is an Interpreting Decision # 4/ 1991 of the Supreme Court of Bulgaria, based on 12 of these cases.

Ruse, Bulgaria                                                                                               1987 - 1989

? Maintained general litigation practice with concentration in civil law, family law, and real estate law.


? Bulgarian Bar Association (1987-Present) – member of Sofia Bar Association


? International Polling Supervisor for OSCE at the first ever free Local Elections in Kosovo, October, 2000
? International Polling Supervisor for OSCE at the Local Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina, April 2000
? Volunteer Coordinator and Advisor of the Bulgarian Orphanage and Medical Relief Fund, Hanover, PA, USA. Up to now the fund has donated medical equipment, medicines and consumer product food and clothes to the hospitals in Rousse and Razgrad as well as in the orphanages in Razgrad, Rousse, Dobrich, Silistra, Strahilovo, Osenets, 1993- Present
? International Polling Supervisor for OSCE at the General Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina, September, 1998
? International Polling Supervisor for OSCE at the Local Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina, September, 1997
? Leader of the Regional Election Campaign for Razgrad Region of  Petar Stoyanov    - primary presidential elections of the United Democratic Forces, June 1996
? Leader of the Regional Election Campaign for Razgrad Region of the ex-President Petar Stoyanov - presidential elections, October, 1996
? Personal contribution for founding English Language Public Library in the Informational Center in BAFECR Club in Razgrad, October 1995
? Legal Advisor of BAFECR, Razgrad, May 1990 - 1995
? Secretary of the Razgrad Regional Election Commission, nominated by the oposition - first free Parliamentary and Local Elections, June, 1990


? Strategic Public Sector Negotiation Training Program,  Raleigh, North Carolina, RTI International, May 2002
? Regulatory Impact Analysis, organized by SIGMA Project of OECD, November 2001
? Mediation and Conflict Resolution, organized by LGI, conducted by Colleen Durocher, June 2001
? Training of Trainers (TOT), organized by LGI, conducted by Ed Comstock (MSI), Sofia, November 2000
? Seminars on Banking, Debtor-Creditor Relations and Bankruptcy, organized by the United Bulgarian Bank, 1995-1996
? Seminars on Municipal and Mass Privatization - USAID, Barentz Group, Plovdiv and Sofia, 1994-1995
? "Bulgarian Project" - seminars on Mediation and Conflict Resolution, organized by BAFECR, Razgrad and conducted by the Center for Creative Justice, Amis, Iowa, USA, and Barbara Mathias, Mid-America Leadership Group, 1992-1994
? International Conference "Ethnic Tolerance on Local Level", organized by NDI, USA, Sofia, April 1993


?  Legislative Process – Parliamentary System: Comparison with the U.S. Bicameral System; Overview of Drafting; Ethics and Politics of Legislative Drafting; Policy Reform - at the Legislative Drafting Courses at the Institute for Public Administration and European Integration – May 2001 - April 2003
? "Implementing Policy Change – Bulgarian lessons learned” at the Retreat of USAID Local Government Programs in Albania, Bulgaria and Macedonia - Ohrid, Macedonia, September 29 - October 1, 2000
? "Facing the challenges in Bulgarian society in transition - US support on all levels of change - legislature, local and regional institution building, a partnership approach" at the Pennsylvania District Kiwanis Convention, August 12, 2000 in Williamsport, PA, USA. The Ambassador to the USA Philip Dimitrov and H. Kenneth Hill, Retired USA Ambassador to Bulgaria, presented Bulgaria to the Convention. Robert and Elizabeth Bittinger, founding members of the Bulgarian Orphanage and Medical Relief Fund, presented the Pilot Program for Bulgaria "Adopt an Orphanage".
? "Policy Reform - Bulgarian Lessons Learned" and "Negotiation Skills” at the Seminar on Lobbying of the Foundation Multi-Ethnic Initiative, June 2000
? "Multi-Ethnic Communication - Bulgarian Experience" at The Class of Honor, class of Cross Cultural Management of Professor Sheila Puffer, Ph.D., College of Business Administration, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA, April 1998
? "Presenting Bulgaria" - guest-speaker at Rotary Clubs Meetings, Hanover,PA, Littletown, PA, USA , September 1993 and May 1997
? "The Young People of Bulgaria" - guest-speaker at a Meeting of Students Groups of Volunteers, Hanover, PA, USA, May 1997
? "Elections and Elections Procedures" - trainer at the Pre-election Training of the volunteers of BAFECR, Razgrad, 1990-1997
? "Civil Rights" - trainer at the seminars of BAFECR, Razgrad, 1990-1995

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