January, 2003- February, 2003
The timetable of this project is prepared on the basis of the methodology used.
- To conduct an analysis of the existing political, economic and legal
framework related to regions and regional governor and its role in regional
development matters and the current distribution of roles and responsibilities
among levels of government in regional development, based on a review of
the existing literature, legislation, and main social and economic indicators;
- To prepare a map for conducting the quantitative analysis to be applied
to each level of government. This combines analysis with case studies from
the central level of government / Council of Ministers, Ministry of Regional
Development and Public Works and the Ministry of Finance/, 4 regional
centers /Smolian, Vidin, Gabrovo and Stara Zagora/, two small towns with
particular success in regional development /Sevlievo and Trojan/
and two small towns within a rural area with heavy problems in economic
development /Smolian and Haskovo/. The regional centers are selected as
to present different tendencies: Vidin and Smolian are centers of planning
Euro-regions/ Bulgarian-Romanian and Bulgarian-Greek borders/, Gabrovo
and Stara Zagora have been centers of pilot projects for advancing regional
development. The case studies of the local level of government are selected
according to the agenda to include real success stories /Sevlievo/, as
well as problematic areas /Smolian and Haskovo/ in an effort to envisage
different types of problems, different solutions and to draw common conclusions
on this basis. The purpose of the quantitative analysis is to illustrate
how different levels of government participate in regional development
“on paper”- in terms of national legislation, various local regulations,
local financial and statistical data, absorbtion of EU funds and their
management, public-private partnerships, etc..
- To prepare a questionnaire for the interviews to be conducted at
each level of public administration, including central, regional and local
bodies of government and the 6 planning regions as a part of the qualitative
March, 2003-May, 2003
- To conduct the quantitative analysis based on different primary and
secondary sources;
- To conduct the qualitative analysis based on interviews held in all
pilot areas selected. The qualitative analysis is based on interviews conducted
at each level of public administration to provide an understanding of the
empirical reality of central, regional and local governments participating
in regional development in Bulgaria. Using this methodology, information
will be obtained on the implementation of central, regional and local government
policies, related to formulating, planning, coordinating and overseeing
regional development. Interviews will be conducted with a wide range of
main actors in the public sector, representatives of the business sector,
the existing business incubators as development agencies, the NGOs,
etc. Representatives of the Delegation of the European Commission in Bulgaria,
international financial institutions, development programs and observers
will be interviewed as well. Qualitative methods are to evaluate institutional
performance at all levels of administering regional development.. The interviews
will use questions related to the allocation of responsibilities among
the different levels of government with respect to regional development,
the role of the 6 planning regions, the incentive instruments, the management
of the EU pre-accession funds, the transparency of public tenders and other
procedures, the accountability, the decision making process, the public-private
partnerships, the role of business incubators in local economic development,
the positive examples of innovative practices, the negative examples with
their problems and solutions.
June-July, 2003
- To analyze and summarize the results of the quantitative and qualitative
- To prepare a consolidated report on the existing political,
economic and legal framework related to regions and regional governor and
its role in regional development matters and the current distribution of
roles and responsibilities among levels of government in regional development
- To communicate the results of the report to major stakeholders and
present them at a working session of Group 21 “Regional development”, which
leads negotiations with the EU on regional development issues;
- To incorporate observations and comments made in the report.
August-September, 2003
- To conduct a comparative analysis of the roles and responsibilities
of regional authorities in regional development issues in Poland and Hungary;
- To analyze the EU requirements on institutional structure for managing
regional development and pre-accessions funds;
- To analyze the existing requirements and recommendations formulated
by the Congress of Local and Regional authorities at the Council of Europe
regarding regional authorities and distribution of competence between central/regional/local
- To summarize the important results and lessons for Bulgaria in a
- To communicate the results to major stakeholders in a working session
of Working Group 21 “Regional policy”
- To incorporate observations and comments made in the report.
October-December, 2003
- To explore the possibilities for reformulating the role of regional
governor in consolidating deconcentrated central government management
and monitoring obligations at regional level; to analyze the capacity for
improving coordination and cooperation among local, regional and central
administrative units on regional development issues and for strengthening
the policy making authority and representative character of regional development
- To formulate the results of the above analysis in a report listing
policy recommendations related to the new role of regions and regional
governor in overseeing and coordinating regional development in Bulgaria;
- To prepare recommendations and proposals for necessary changes in
legislation towards increasing the capacity of regional authorities to
serve as a bridge among the central government and the local government
structures in maintaining an efficient and transparent regional development
policy. The following laws need to be amended: Regional Development Act,
Law on the Spatial Planning Act, Laws on Administrative and Territorial
Division and Law on the Administrative Servicing of Natural and Legal persons,
Law on Local Self-Government and Local Administration. Some Constitutional
issues will be discussed as well. The suggestions shall also include by-law
recommendations as draft by-laws regulations should be prepared in accordance
with the drafts of the amendments among the related laws to provide a comprehensive
and integrated approach and the opportunity to both ensure complementarily
and the identification potential conflicts in implementation. The objective
of the by-laws, among others, should be to increase the transparency within
the planning and implementation process.
- Both policy and legislative recommendations shall be incorporated
in a report and discussed within Working Group 21, changes incorporated.
- The final product of the project will be a consolidated report including
the following sections: current role of regions and regional governor in
regional development issues-policy and legal aspects, achievements and
drawbacks, needs and potential for improvement; comparative analysis
of the role of regional governor in Hungary and Poland, experiences and
lessons learned, EU requirements regarding the absorbtion of Pre-structural
funds, the planning regions, division of responsibilities among different
tiers of government and the role of regional governor; policy and legal
recommendations for reformulating the role of regional governor in Bulgaria.
- The final report will be communicated to major stakeholders, published
and disseminated.
January-February, 2004
- Selected parts of the report and some of the background materials
generated will be used to prepare targeted manuals for training of trainees
at the Institute of Public Administration and European Integration and
master students of Public Administration at the University of Sofia”St.
Climent Ochridsky”