Milena Minkova
Issue area: Building Institutions
Title: Defining the New Role of the Regions in Overseeing and Coordinating Regional Development in Bulgaria
1. With regard to my IPF research in the period March, 2003-April, 2004, I undertook the following research activities:
• Background research of the existing political, economic and legal framework related to regions, regional governor and regional administration, and regional development policy, based on the surveyed various primary and secondary sources including review of the existing literature, legislation, and main social and economic indicators /Results are reflected in the final research paper/;
• Refining methodology with mentors;
• Preparation of a map for conducting the quantitative analysis to be applied to each level of government. The following stakeholders in regional policy in Bulgaria have been identified: Central Government Ministries / Regional Development and Public Works (MRDPW), Finance (MoF) and Economy (MoE)/ and the Council of Ministers, Members of Parliament and Political Parties, Regional Governors and Regional Councils, Municipal Mayors and Municipal Councils, Non-Governmental Organizations, including the National Association of Municipalities in Bulgaria, the Foundation for Local Government Reform, Regional Development Agencies and the Bulgarian Association of Regional Development Agencies (BARDA), Association of Urban Planners in Bulgaria, Associations presenting the Bulgarian Business Community, The Agency for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, the Bulgarian Industrial Association and the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, European and International Organizations, the media.
• Preparation of the interviews to be conducted as a part of the qualitative analysis;
• Fieldwork in Bulgaria: data collection through personal interviews with various stakeholders, in this relation I conducted a substantial part of the structured interviews at central, regional and local level of government as to get feedback from the real world implementation of regional policy in Bulgaria. On this basis a stakeholder analysis has been prepared. Its results are assessed against the results of recent stakeholder analysis performed by USAID.
• Analysis of the data from the fieldwork research and preparation of results.
• Preparing of a draft research paper and draft policy paper
• Dissemination of the draft policy paper to major stakeholders participants in the working group on decentralization at the Ministry of Regional Development
• Analysis of the feedback from the stakeholders and incorporation of the results in the policy paper
• Discussion of  the  findings with major stakeholders and their presentation at a working session of Group 21 “Regional development”, which leads negotiations with the EU on regional development issues.
• Incorporation of the results
• Discussion of the proposed policy paper with group mentor and working group in institution building in Budapest at the IPF seminar in March, 2004
• Presentation of the paper at Conference in Regional Development, april 2004
• Presentation of some findings at NISPACee seminar in Bratislava, in May 2004
• Finalization of a policy research paper and policy paper
             Publication activities
• Article on the new  Regional Development Act  published
• Findings to be incorporated in a comparative studies book on the situation of local democracy to be published in September, 2004 by LGI
• Publication of the findings in a discussion paper
Other activities
• Participation in the three seminars organized by IPF;
• Participation in the working group on regional policy in Bulgaria.
• Participation in the working group on decentralization in Bulgaria
• Participation in the GDN Annual Conference on Bridging Policy and Research in January, 2004,  New Delhi, India
• Participation in the NISPACee seminar –ToT for Building Advisory Capacities in the Accession Countries in Bratislava, May, 2004
• Participation in the NISPACee Annual Conference in Vilnjus, 2004

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