Open Society Institute Center for Policy Studies Central European University


Last Update: 15 February, 2009


Curriculum Vitae


Personal information


Name: Gergana Dimitrova;

Citizenship: Bulgarian

Date of birth: 30 January 1975

Gender: Female




September 1999 - September 2008

Degree awarded: Ph.D.

Central European University, Budapest, Hungary

Main subjects: European Studies; International Relations; International Political Economy; Political Science

Thesis Title: "From Bright Light to Blackout: The Influence of the Europeanization Paradigm on Bulgarian Foreign Policy and Transport and Energy Infrastructure Policy".

Research focus on the impact of Europeanization processes and EU enlargement conditionality on policymaking in Balkan countries. In-depth empirical research on the impact of EU accession conditionality on selected policy areas in Bulgaria.


September 1998 - June 1999

Degree awarded: Master of Arts in International Relations and European Studies

Central European University, Budapest, Hungary

Main subjects: International Relations; European Studies; International Political Economy


September 1993 -  September 1997

Degree awarded: Higher Education Degree in International Economic Relations, 4-year course of study

University of Economics, Varna, Bulgaria

Main subjects: International Political Economy; Economics; International Relations


Additional training


March 2002 -  March 2003

International Policy Fellowships at the Open Society Institute, Budapest, Hungary and the Center for Policy Studies, Budapest, Hungary

2002/2003 International Policy Fellowships Program, including four intensive two-week seminars on policy analysis and policy-oriented research


October/November 1999 and May 2000

European Political-Economy Infrastructure Consortium (EPIC); London School of Economics, London, Great Britain

Two EPIC Advanced Research Workshops focused on research methods in social science research


Teaching experience


September 2002 - June 2003; September 2003 - June 2004; September 2004 - January 2005; February 2006 -  June 2006

Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic 

Lecturer and seminar instructor (part-time: individual courses); Main subjects: theories of International Relations


Publications in refereed academic journals


Dimitrova, Gergana. 2002. "The Limits of Europeanization: Hegemony and its Misuse in the Political Field of Bulgaria." Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 2 (2): 69-92

Cisarova-Dimitrova, Gergana. 2003. "International Assistance to Southeast Europe: Solution of the Problems or Part of the Problem?" Dialog 4: 8-15 (in Bulgarian)

Císařová Dimitrova, Gergana. 2005. "Democracy and International Intervention in Bosnia and Herzegovina." Středoevropské politické studie [Central European Political Studies Review] 7 (1): 44-71


Language skills


Mother tongue: Bulgarian

Other languages: excellent knowledge of English; very good knowledge of Czech; average knowledge of German; good reading and understanding capacity of Russian and Serbo-Croat


Computer skills


Proficient in MS Word; MS Power Point; Adobe Photoshop; programs for website creation and design; advanced HTML programming; some knowledge of Javascript and PHP scripts


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Website design: Gergana Dimitrova