Open Society Institute Center for Policy Studies Central European University


Last Update: 15 February, 2009


Working Bibliography of the Project  



Anastasakis, Othon and Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic. 2002. Balkan Regional Cooperation & European Integration. Hellenic Observatory, European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science. July. 

Asian Development Bank (ADB). 2001. Empowering Nations Through Regional Cooperation

Badie, Bertrand. [1992] 2000. The Imported State: The Westernization of Political Order. Transl. Claudia Royal. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 

Bailes, Alyson JK. 1999. “Subregional Cooperation in Post-Cold War Europe”. In Andrew Cottey. Ed. Subregional Cooperation in the New Europe: Building Security, Prosperity and Solidarity from the Barents to the Black Sea. London and New York: MacMillan Press and St. Martin’s Press: 153-183. 

Bakić-Hayden, Milica, and Robert Hayden. 1992. "Orientalist Variations on the Theme ‘Balkans’: Symbolic Geography in Recent Yugoslav Cultural Politics". Slavic Review 51: 1- 15. 

Bakić-Hayden, Milica. 1995. "Nesting Orientalisms: The Case of Former Yugoslavia". Slavic Review 54: 917-31. 

Baldwin, Richard. 1994. Towards Integrated Europe. London: CEPR. 

Balkan Reconstruction Report. 2001. “No to the Balkans”. 17 September 2001. 

Balkans 2010. 2002. Balkans 2010. Report of an Independent Task Force Sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations Center for Preventive Action. 

Banac, Ivo. 1984. The National Question in Yugoslavia: Origins, History, Politics. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press.

Bankwatch Mail No. 11 (2002). Newsletter of the CEE Bankwatch Network in International Financial Flows. March 2002. 

Belloni, Roberto. 2001. “Civil Society and Peacebuilding in Bosnia and Herzegovina”. Journal of Peace Research 38(2): 163-180. 

Bojičić-Dželilović, Vesna. 2001. “International Aid Policies- A Review of the Main Issues”. In Open Society Fund Bosnia-Herzegovina. International Support Policies to SEE Countries- Lessons (Not) Learned in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Sarajevo: OSF BiH: 188-98. 

Bose, Sumantra. 2002. Bosnia After Dayton: Nationalist Partition and International Intervention. London: Hurst & Company Publishers. 

Bremmer, Ian, Sophia Clement, Andrew Cottey and Thanos Dokos. 1999. “Emerging Subregional Cooperation Processes: South-Eastern Europe, The Newly Independent States and the Mediterranean”. In Andrew Cottey. Ed.  Subregional Cooperation in the New Europe: Building Security, Prosperity and Solidarity from the Barents to the Black Sea. London and New York: MacMillan Press and St. Martin’s Press: 213-40

Bulgarian Government. 2001. Annual Report on the State of National Security of the Republic of Bulgaria in 2000. Sofia. April. Exact paging not available. In Bulgarian. 

Burgess, Adam. 2001. “Universal Democracy, Diminished Expectation”. Democratization 8(3): 51-74. 

Carothers, Thomas. 1999. Aiding Democracy Abroad: The Learning Curve. Washington D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Carter, F.W. and H.T. Norris. Eds. 1996. The Changing Shape of the Balkans. London: UCL Press. 

Centre for European Policy Studies. 1999. A System for Post-War South-East Europe: Plan for Reconstruction, Openness, Development and Integration. Brussels: CEPS Working Document No. 131, May. 

Chairman of Working Table III- Security Issues. 2001. Sixth Meeting of Working Table III, Bucharest, June 5-6, 2002. Annotated Agenda.

Cooper, Frederick and Randall Packard. Eds. 1997. International Development and the Social Sciences. Essays on the History and Politics of Knowledge. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press. 

Crewe, Emma and Elizabeth Harrison. 1998. Whose Development? An Ethnography of Aid. London and New York: Zed Books. 

Demichelis, Julia. 1998. NGOs and Peacebuilding in Bosnia’s Ethnically Divided Cities. United States Institute of Peace Report. 

Democratization Policy Institute. 2002. An Agenda for Bosnia's Next High Representative. May. 

Dwan, Renata and Andrew Cottey. 1997. Framework for Security and Integration in Europe: Region-Building in South-Eastern Europe. Report of a Workshop held in Sofia, November 8-9, 1997. 

EastWest Institute and European Stability Initiative (ESI). 2001. Democracy, Security and the Future of the Stability Pact for Southeastern Europe: A Framework for Debate by the EastWest Institute in Partnership with the European Stability Initiative

Emerson, Michael. 2000. "Perspectives for the Balkans and a Wider European Order". In Vladimir Gligorov. Ed. Balkan Reconstruction: Economic Aspects. Vienna: LSE- WIIW Balkan Studies: 321-47. 

Emerson, Michael. 2001. "On the Forming and Reforming of Stability Pacts: from the Balkans to the Caucasus," CEPS Europa South-East Monitor, 23: 1-5. 

Emerson, Michael. 2002. The Wider Europe As the European Union’s Friendly Monroe Doctrine. CEPS. Policy Brief No. 27. October. 

Escobar, Arturo. 1995. Encountering Development. The Making and Unmaking of the Third World. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 

European Stability Initiative (ESI). 1999. Reshaping International Priorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Part 1. Sarajevo: EastWest Institute. 

ESI. 2000. Reshaping International Priorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Part Two: International Power in Bosnia. March. 

ESI. 2001a. In Search of Politics: The Evolving International Role in Bosnia and Herzegovina. ESI Discussion Paper. November. 

ESI. 2001b. Reshaping International Priorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Part Three: The End of the Nationalist Regimes and the Future of the Bosnian State. March.  

ESI. 2001c. Democracy, Security and the Future of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe. Available at ESI. 2002a. Imposing Constitutional Reform? The Case for Ownership. Discussion Paper. March. 

ESI. 2002b. Western Balkans 2004: Assistance, Cohesion and the New Boundaries of Europe. A Call for Policy Reform. Berlin, Brussels, Sarajevo. November.

European Commission. 2000. EC financial assistance to the Central and Eastern European Countries. Financing for Development UN/ECE Regional Conference, 6-7 December 2000. Background Paper.  

European Commission. 2001a. Proposal for a Council Decision Concerning the signature of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and its Member States and the Republic of Croatia on behalf of the European Community. Brussels. COM(2001) 371 final. 2001/0149 (AVC). 09 July. 

European Commission. 2001c. The Stabilisation and Association Process and CARDS Assistance 2000 to 2006. Second Regional Conference for South East Europe Conference Paper from the European Commission.   

European Commission. 2001c. Transport and Energy Infrastructure in South East Europe. Brussels, 15 October. 

European Commission. 2001d. Annual Report of the Instrument for Structural Policy for Pre-Accession (ISPA) 2000. [COM(2001) 616 final]. Brussels. October. 

European Commission. 2002a. Bosnia and Herzegovina: Country Strategy Paper 2002- 2006.  

European Commission. 2002b. CARDS Assistance Programme to the Western Balkans: Regional Strategy Paper 2002-2006.  

European Commission. 2002c. Regular Report on Bulgaria’s Progress Towards Accession. COM(2002) 700 final. Brussels. October. 

European Commission. 2002d. ISPA Manual. Working Document. Revision: April. 

European Commission. 2002e. Regular Report on Romania’s Progress Towards Accession. COM(2002) 700 final. Brussels. October. 

European Commission. 2002sap. The Stabilisation and Association process for South East Europe. First Annual Report. COM(2002) 163 final. April. 

European Institute. 1999. Comments Towards the Discussion of the CEPS Working Document "A System for Post-War South East Europe". Sofia: European Institute. 

European Investment Bank (EIB). 2000. Basic Infrastructure Investments in South-Eastern Europe: Regional Projects Review. Brussels: Regional Funding Conference for South- Eastern Europe.  

Filipov, Vladimir. 2001. Report of Ambassador Vladmir Filipov, National Coordinator of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe. Sofia. November 2001. In Bulgarian. 

Gagnon, Chip. 2002. “INGOs in Bosnia-Herzegovina”. Part of the Carnegie Project on Evaluating NGO Strategies for Democratization and Conflict Prevention in the Formerly Communist States” December 1998. Draft. 

Gender Project for Bulgaria Foundation. 2001. Gender Task Force Bulgaria: 2000- 2001. Sofia: Gender Project for Bulgaria Foundation. 

Gligorov, Vladimir. 2001. "Notes on the Stability Pact". Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 1(1): 12-19. 

Gligorov, Vladimir, Mary Kaldor and Loukas Tsoukalis. 2000. "Balkan Reconstruction and European Integration". In Gligorov Vladimir. Ed. Balkan Reconstruction: Economic Aspects. Vienna: LSE- WIIW Balkan Studies: 259-320. 

Gligorov, Vladimir. 2000. "Scorning the Stability Pact". Transitions Online, 3 May.

Haider, Zaglul. 2001. “Crises of Regional Cooperation in South Asia”. Security Dialogue 32(4): 423-437.  

Held, David. 1997. “Democracy and Globalization.” Global Governance 3(3): 251-267. 

Hemment, Julie. 1998. “Colonization or Liberation: The Paradox of NGOs in Postsocialist States”. Newsletter of the East European Anthropology Group 16(1). Paging not available. 

Human Security. 1999. Human Security in South-East Europe. Independent team of authors. Team leader Ivan Krastev. Special report commissioned by UNDP. 

ICG (International Crisis Group). 2001a. After Milosevic: A Practical Agenda for Lasting Balkans Peace. Available at ICG. 2001b. Bin Laden and the Balkans. Report no. 119. 9 November. 

ICG. 2002a. Courting Disaster: The Misrule of Law In Bosnia & Herzegovina. Sarajevo, Brussels: Balkans Report No. 127.March. 

ICG. 2002b. Moving Macedonia Toward Self-sufficiency: A New Security Approach for NATO and the EU. Skopje, Brussels: Balkans Report No.135. November. 

ICG. 2002c. Still Buying Time: Montenegro, Serbia and The European Union. Podgorica, Belgrade, Brussels: Balkans Report No. 129. May.

Integrating the Balkans. 2002. Integrating the Balkans: Regional Ownership and European Responsibilities. Balkan Forum. Berlin. July 15-16 2002. Bertelsmann Foundation. Center for Applied Policy Research. Policy Planning Staff, German Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

Ivanov, Andrej. 1996. “Regional Integration: A Setback of or a Step Towards Full Membership”. In Dinko Dinkov et al. Eds. Security Through Partnership and Integration. Bulgaria, NATO and the European Security Architecture. Sofia: Bulgarian Association for the Study of the European Community: 67-74. In Bulgarian. 

Kagan, Robert. 2002. “Power and Weakness”. Policy Review 113. June & July. 

Kempe, Iris and Wim van Meurs. 2002. Toward a Multi-Layered Europe: Prospects and Risks Beyond EU Enlargement. Center for Applied Policy Research Working Paper. November 2002: Bertelsmann Group for Policy Research, Center for Applied Policy Research, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich.

King, Charles. 2001. “The New Near East”. Survival 43(2): 49-67. 

Klemencić, Mladen. 1996. “Croatia Rediviva.” In F.W. Carter and H.T. Norris. Eds. The Changing Shape of the Balkans. London: UCL Press: 97-117.  

Kovacheva, Hristina and Diljan Mluzev. 2001. “Optimistic Beginning”. Foundation for Local Government Reform: Information Bulletin 11: 12. In Bulgarian. 

Krastev, Ivan. 2002. The Inflexibility Trap: Frustrated Societies, Weak Democracies. Sofia: CLS. 

Letica, Slaven. 1989. “Vođe, mase i modeli.” [“Leaders, Masses and Models.”] In Slaven Letica. Četvrta Jugoslavija. [The Fourth Yugoslavia.] Zagreb: Centar za informacije i publicitet. In Croatian. 

Link Diversity Review. 2001. October. 

Makim, Abigail. 2002. “Resources for Security and Stability? The Politics of Regional Cooperation on the Mekong, 1957-2001”. Journal of Environment & Development 11(1): 5- 52. 

Mayhew, Alan. 1998. Recreating Europe: The European Union’s Policy towards Central and Eastern Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

McMahon, Patrice. 2001. “Building Civil Societies in East Central Europe: The Effects of American Non-governmental Organizations on Women’s Groups.” Democratization 8 (2): 45-68. 

Mendelson, Sarah and John Glenn. 2000. Democracy Assistance and NGO Strategies in Post- Communist Societies. Democracy and Rule of Law Project, Global Policy Program. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Working Papers. November. 

Mendelson, Sarah and John Glenn. Eds. 2002. The Power and Limits of NGOs. A Critical Look at Building Democracy in Eastern Europe and Eurasia. New York: Columbia University Press. 

Office for South East Europe, European Commission/World Bank. 2001. Report on the Activities of the European Commission/World Bank Office for South East Europe 2001. Brussels, November. 

Ohiorhenuan, John and Amitav Rath. 2000. “The History and Urgency of South-South Cooperation in Science and Technology”. Cooperation South 1: 6- 28.

Ohiorhenuan, John. 2000. “Learning to Listen, Listening to Learn: A Participatory Approach to Programme Development”. Cooperation South 2: 7-20. 

OneWorld International and Information Program of the Open Society Institute (OSI). 2001. The Use of Information and Communication Technologies by Non-Governmental Organizations in Southeast Europe.  

Open Society Fund Bosnia-Herzegovina. 2001. International Support Policies to SEE Countries- Lessons (Not) Learned in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Sarajevo: OSF BiH. 

Papić, Zoran. 2001. “The Role Of Institutions In Peace Building”. In Open Society Fund Bosnia-Herzegovina. International Support Policies to SEE Countries- Lessons (Not) Learned in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Sarajevo: OSF BiH.: 30-43. 

Patten, Chris. 2001a. Speech held at the International Crisis Group in Brussels on EU strategy in the Balkans, Brussels, International Crisis Group. July. 

Patten, Chris. 2001b. Speech held at the Regional Conference for South Eastern Europe, Bucharest, 25 October 2001. 

Patten, Chris. 2002a. “Speech by Chris Patten, EU Commissioner for External Relations, to the Western Balkans Democracy Forum, Thessaloniki, 12 April 2002”. 

CEPS Europa South-East Monitor 33: 2-8. Patten, Chris. 2002b. Speech held at the UK Conference on Organised Crime, London - 25/11/02.  

Pavliuk, Olexandr. 1999. “The Black Sea Economic Cooperation: Will Hopes Become Reality?”. In Andrew Cottey. Ed. Subregional Cooperation in the New Europe: Building Security, Prosperity and Solidarity from the Barents to the Black Sea. London and New York: MacMillan Press and St. Martin’s Press: 128-150. 

Peet, Richard with Elaine Hartwick. 1999. Theories of Development. New York and London: Guilford Press. 

Porumb, Elena-Marilena and Michaela Vincze. 2001. “Case Study- A Regional Strategy for Stability and Prosperity in South Eastern Europe”. Paper presented at the Conference “South-Eastern Europe and EU Enlargement”, Cluj-Napoca, 16-18 September. 

Razsa, Maple and Nicole Lindstrom. 2002. “Balkan is Beautiful: The Role of Balkanism in the Constructions of Contemporary Croatian Identity”. Manuscript. Published in 2002 in East European Politics and Society 16(2). Exact reference and paging of the published version currently unavailable. 

Romanian Co-Chairmanship. Working Table III. 2002. Concept Paper. Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe. January- June 2002. 

Rorty, Richard. 1995. Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.  

Sali-Terzić, Sevima. 2001. “Civil Society”. In Open Society Fund Bosnia-Herzegovina. International Support Policies to SEE Countries- Lessons (Not) Learned in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Sarajevo: OSF BiH: 138-59. 

Sampson, Steven. 1996. “The Social Life of Projects: Importing Civil Society to Albania”. In Chris Hann and Elizabeth Dunn. Eds. Civil Society: Challenging Western Models. Routledge: 121-42. 

Shugarian, Rouben. 2001. “Stability in the Caucasus. Eight Principles of Regional Cooperation”. Central Asia and the Caucasus 1(7): 7-12.

Spano, Roberto. 1998. “Children of a Lesser God? Albania and the Albanians between Balkan Dreams and European Images.” In Stefano Bianchini and Robert Craig Nation. Eds. The Yugoslav Conflict and Its Implications for International Relations. Ravenna: Longo Editore: 145-74.

Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe. 2001. Working Table III on Security Issues. Fourth Meeting of the Working Table on Security Issues. Zagreb. June 2001. 

Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe. 2002. Security Sector Reform: Gaps Analysis

Steves, Franklin. 2001. “Regional Integration and Democratic Consolidation in the Southern Cone of Latin America”. Democratization 8(3): 75-100. 

Stubbs, Paul. 1999. “Social Work and Civil Society in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Globalisation, Neo-feudalism and the State”. Manuscript. (Published in International Perspectives on Social Work 1999: 55-64). 

Stubbs, Paul. 2000. “Partnership or Colonisation?: The Relationship Between International Agencies and Local Non-Governmental Organisations in Bosnia- Herzegovina.” In Bob Deacon. Ed. Civil Society, NGOs and Global Governance. GASPP Occasional Papers No. 7/2000: 23-31. 

Stubbs, Paul. 2001. “‘Social Sector’ or The Diminution Of Social Policy? Regulating Welfare Regimes in Contemporary Bosnia-Herzegovina.” In Open Society Fund Bosnia- Herzegovina. International Support Policies to SEE Countries- Lessons (Not) Learned in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Sarajevo: OSF BiH: 188-98. 

Sustainable Theory/Unsustainable Practice. 2001. Sustainable Theory/Unsustainable Practice. Billions for Sustainability? Project. Second Report. Friends of the Earth, CEE Bankwatch Network. In Bulgarian.

The World Bank (WB). 2000. The Road to Stability and Prosperity in South Eastern Europe: A Regional Strategy Paper.  

Thompson, Mark. 2002. Interpreting the International IDEA/SEEDS Survey of Public Opinion in South Eastern Europe. Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA). Policy Brief No. 2, May. 

Tvedt, Terje. 1998. Angels of Mercy or Development Diplomats? NGOs and Foreign Aid. Trenton and Asmara: Africa World Press. 

USIP (United States Institute of Peace). 2002. Taking Stock and Looking Forward. Intervention in the Balkans and Beyond. USIP Special Report. February. 

USIP. 2003. Kosovo Decision Time: How and When? USIP Special Report. February.

Van Meurs, Wim and Alexandros Yannis. 2002. The European Union and the Balkans. From Stabilisation Process to Southeastern Enlargement. Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Center for Applied Policy Research. 

Walzer, Michael. 1994. Thick and Thin: Moral Argument at Home and Abroad. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. 

Wedel, Janine. 1998. Collision and Collusion: The Strange Case of Western Aid to Eastern Europe 1989-1998. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Whyte, Nicholas. 2002. “The CEPS Plan for the Balkans, Three Years On”. CEPS Europa South-East Monitor 33: 1-8. 

Wolf, Larry. 1994. Inventing Eastern Europe. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 

Wonnacott, Ronald. 1996. “Trade and Investment in a Hub-and-Spoke System Versus a Free Trade Area”. The World Economy 19 (3): 237-52.

World Bank. 2002. The Role and Effectiveness of Development Assistance. Lessons from World Bank Experience. Washington D.C.: World Bank.



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