Open Society Institute Center for Policy Studies Central European University


Last Update: 16 February, 2009


Activity Report



Title of Project:

Reinvigorating Regional Cooperation through Fostering Local Initiative: A Proposal for Reform of the Stability Pact for Southeast Europe


Issue Area: 

Conflict Prevention in Southeast Europe



Research Activity


Preparatory stages of the research

  • Preliminary consultations with mentors regarding changes in the originally proposed research as recommended by the IPF;

  • Preparatory research, analysis of academic literature and data relevant to the project. The latter includes existing policy analyses focused on SEE; policy documents by governments and international organizations pertaining to the SEE region; background information. In addition, for the purpose of the cross-regional comparative analysis suggested by the project mentors, I have analyzed academic literature and policy documents focused on other regional associations;

  • Preparations for the scheduled field research.

Field research

The research consisted of in-depth personal interviews and analysis of resources provided by these organizations/institutions. The changes in the focus of the original proposal, which were also recommended by the IPF, were determined by the priority problems and themes identified by my respondents and interviewees. Proposals by the project mentors were also taken into account. 


The field research included the following research trips:


»  Field research in Sofia, Bulgaria 

The field research trips took place in the following periods:

  • 12 May - 1 June 2002;

  • 12 August 2002- 14 August 2002;

  • 16 September 2002- 5 October 2002;

  • 15 March 2003- 22 March 2003.

The field research was focused on the activities/work of the following organizations (not in any special order):

  • Gender Taskforce of the Stability Pact - Bulgaria.

  • The Bulgarian national working group of the Media Taskforce of the Stability Pact.

  • Project for strengthening democracy at the local level and local government capacity building in the Harmanli county, Bulgaria (coordinated by the National Centre for Regional Development, Bulgaria; the project is funded by the Council of Europe and is executed within the framework of the Stability Pact).

  • The National Organizing Committee of the Link Diversity Initiative, part of the Stability Pact.

  • The unit responsible for regional transport infrastructure development in the Bulgarian Ministry of Transport and Communications.

  • Bluelink, Bulgaria - information network created by major Bulgarian environmental NGOs. The network in currently one of the leading implementing agencies in a REReP project coordinated by the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) within the Stability Pact. 

  • Za Zemiata (For the Earth)- Bulgarian environmental NGO closely linked to Central and Eastern Europe Bankwatch Network (Bankwatch). It is currently involved together with Bankwatch in a project for monitoring of the Stability Pact with regard to public participation in the reconstruction process in Southeast Europe. The project is supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) and REC.

  • Center for Environmental Information and Education- Bulgarian environmental NGO closely linked to Bankwatch. The member of the NGO that I talked to has substantial experience with different projects. 

  • A unit in the Bulgarian Ministry of the Environment and Waters responsible for a REReP project within the Stability Pact.

  • The Bulgarian member of the executive board of the SEE environmental NGOs network (SEEENN) established by a REReP project.

  • Bulgaria Economic Forum. The NGO organizes the annual Investment Forum for SEE and publishes investment and business guides for the SEE region as part of international projects. 

  • Project for strengthening democracy at the local level and local government capacity building in the Elena county, Bulgaria (coordinated by the Foundation for Local Government Reform, Bulgaria; the project is funded by the Council of Europe and is executed within the framework of the Stability Pact).

  • The Bulgarian National Coordinator of the Stability Pact, Vladimir Filipov. 

The field research in addition included 

  • Personal consultation with the third mentor of the project. I have requested and received a number of official documents pertaining to the project by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the cooperation of the Office of the National Coordinator of the Stability Pact.

  • I attempted to research a current REReP project aiming at the development of a Regional Environmental Information Portal for SEE. Interestingly, however, the project stakeholder and implementing agency - the Executive Environment Agency, Bulgaria-  imposes strict prohibitions on its employees to give any information whatsoever to researchers, and subsequently called off a pre-scheduled meeting and did not react to a formal email request for clearly specified concrete information. Thus, while no substantive information was received, this case itself was informative with regard to certain aspects of my research.  

  • Several follow-up interviews aimed at updating findings from the earlier research trips.

  • Several short phone conversations with people involved in projects funded by international donors or initiatives, e.g. the Disaster Prevention Preparedness Initiative within the Stability Pact. 

The project built on earlier research executed in December 2001 in the Ministry of Transport and Communications and the Association of the Bulgarian Enterprises for International Road Transport and the Roads (AEBTRI). Some findings from these earlier interviews, after a follow-up research, have been relevant for the current project. 


»  Field research in Budapest, Hungary

The short field research took place in the second half of October 2002.

It included research on the above-mentioned current Bankwatch project on monitoring of the Stability Pact, which is closely related to my own research, as well as discussion with the project coordinator in Budapest. 


»  Field research in Zagreb, Croatia

The field research took place between end December 2002 and early January 2003. It was focused on the activities/work of the following organizations (not in any special order):

  • Gender Taskforce of the Stability Pact- Croatia.

  • The unit in the Ministry of Environment of Croatia that deals with international funding for environmental projects and investment.

  • Programi PINTA (Programs PINTA), Croatia. The organization was selected by the Ministry of Environment of Croatia as an implementing agency in a REReP project within the Stability Pact. 

  • Zdravo Društvo (Healthy Society), Croatia. The organization works on projects promoting multiculturalism and intercultural understanding.

  • Nacionalni savez mladih Hrvatske (Croatian National Youth Council).

  • Demokratska Inicijativa Mladih (Democratic Youth Initiative), Croatia. The organization focuses on the education of young people in advocacy and political activity.

  • Interkultura, Croatia. The organization focuses on promoting multiculturalism.

Conferences Attended

Participation in the following conferences facilitated my research:

March 2002, Budapest: Workshop of the Blue Bird Project. Agenda for Civil Society in South-East Europe. Organized by the OSI.

May 2002, Budapest: 4th Annual Graduate Student Retreat organized by the Society for Comparative Research. (I presented an academic paper which is to some extent relevant to my draft research paper and I benefited from comments by senior and junior academics). 



Project Output  

  • The findings of the research can be found in the final research report

  • I have also written a discussion paper that critically evaluates the prevalent policy approaches to conflict prevention in SEE. This paper addresses more general academic and policy debates. 

  • The main findings of the study and the recommendations developed on the basis of the research are summarized in the policy paper


  • All papers written as part of the project, including the policy paper, are available on my IPF website.

  • The following article published in a refereed Bulgarian academic journal presents some of the main findings of the research: 
    Gergana Cisarova-Dimitrova. 2003. "International Assistance to Southeast Europe: Solution of the Problems or Part of the Problem?" (in Bulgarian). Dialog 4: 8-15. ISSN 13119206.

  • Following significant revisions and continued research, the discussion paper has become the basis of one chapter in my Ph.D. dissertation. I plan further publications on this topic.

  • Some parts of the research have been relevant for my presentation at the CEEISA/ISA International Convention (Budapest, June 26 -28, 2003).


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