The Impact of Land Reform on Economic Development in Rural Kazakhstan

International Policy Fellowship (2004-2005)
 2004 Fellowship
  Project Proposal

  Activity Report

Final Activity Report
  Interim Report
  Final Report

Final Policy Report
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Apt. 24, 134A Karasai Batyr Street, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Tel.: 7 3272  43 65 88  (office); 68 16 30 (home)
Fax: (3272) 43 79 22

 CITIZENSHIP: Kazakhstan


1958-1963  Diploma in Agricultural Economics, Ukrainian Agricultural Academy
                                                                                                           Kiev, Ukraine
1972           Ph.D in Economics, defended a thesis “Profitability of Grain Production
                   in Tselinograd Oblast (Kazakhstan)”, Ukrainian Agricultural Academy
                                                                                                            Kiev, Ukraine
1990          Doctorate in Economics, Subject of dissertation: “Economic Aspects
                  of Intensive Use of Agricultural Land in Kazakhstan”, Almaty
                  Institute of Economics.                                                        Kiev, Ukraine


1988    Upgrading course, Agroindistrial Enterprise “Slushovitsa” Czechoslovakia
1989    Upgrading Course in Agribusiness and Management   Cyprus
1995     Seminar “Land Ownership, Land Relations and Land Market Mechanisms”
University of Minnesota, USA
1995    Study of agriculture sector restructuring in East Germany Saxony, Germany


1955 -1956      Member of a collective farm.                           Stavy, Kiev Oblast, Ukraine
1963-1967       Chief Economist, “Komarovsky” state farm.  Kokshetav Oblast, Kazakhstan
1967-1970      Deputy Head, Department of Economic Planning, Tselinograd Oblast
                       Department of Agriculture.                                         Tselinograd, Kazakhstan
1971-1975       Deputy Director in Science, Tselinny branch of Kazakh Scientific Research
                        Institute of Economics and Organisation of Agriculture.   Almaty, Kazakhstan
1976-1978      Head of Department, Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Economics and
                        Organisation of Agriculture.                                          Almaty, Kazakhstan
1979-1987      Head of Department, Deputy Director in Science, Kazakh Scientific Research
                        Institute of Economics and Organisation of Agriculture.  Almaty, Kazakhstan
1988-1991      Head, the Main Division of Economics, the State Agro-Industrial Committee,
                        Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic.                                Almaty, Kazakhstan
1992-2001      Associate Professor, the Department of Economics, Kazakh Academy of
                        Agricultural Sciences (currently National Academic Centre for Agrarian
                        Research)                                                                       Almaty, Kazakhstan
2001-2003       Deputy rector on scientific and international cooperation of Kazakh National
                                                    Almaty, Kazakhstan
2004- Aug 2004   Chief Scientific Specialist of Land  Relation Department of Kazakh
                            Scientific Institute of Economy Agro-Industrial  Complex and Rural
                            Area Development.                                                  Almаty, Kazakhstan

 Aug 2004-present    Deputy Director on Scientific Affair of Kazakh Scientific Institute of
               time     Economy Agro-Industrial  Complex and Rural Area Development.
                                                                                                               Almаty, Kazakhstan 


 1994                Local Consultant, Privatisation of State Agricultural Enterprises Project
                         implemented by Euroconsult (Dutch consulting company)         Kazakhstan

 1995-1996      Local Consultant, the World Bank funded study of agricultural reforms in
                        Kazakhstan                                                                     Almaty, Kazakhstan

Jan.-July 1996 Local Consultant / Agricultural Specialist, Asian Development Bank funded
                         Technical Assistance Project “Strengthening the Implementation of
                        Agriculture Reforms”
No. 2356-KAZ                          Almaty, Kazakhstan
Aug. 1996-      Local Consultant / Economist, Asian Development Bank funded Technical
March 1997   Assistance Project “Study of Market Reforms in Agriculture” No. 2447-KAZ
                                                                                                                   Almaty, Kazakhstan
June 1997-     Local Consultant / Agricultural Economist, Asian Development Bank funded
Febr. 1998   
  Project Farm Restructuring and Development” No. 2737-KAZ, 
                                                                                                                  Almaty,  Kazakhstan
Febr. 2000-     Consultant, responsible for screening and appraisal of project proposals
Present time   submitted to     SOROS funded “VOSTOK-VOSTOK” Programme     
                                                                                                                   Almaty, Kazakhstan

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