International Policy Fellowships


Simeon Evstatiev
Archil Gegeshidze
Nicu Popescu

  Group Advisor

Michael Emerson

  Soros Network Initiatives

Regional resource links
EU Monitoring and Advocacy Program
OSI Brussels office

  Wider Europe

EU Neighbourhood Policy
EU Wider Europe strategy
Prodi: Wider Europe
Soros: Wider View ...
ENP:Strategy or Placebo?
on EU: Reluctant Debutante
Gravity Model
Center for European Policy Studies
German Marshall Fund: Wider Europe
College of Europe
EurActiv portal
SEI: Wider Europe

  Annotated Papers

European Neighbourhood Policy Promotion
Conclusions on European Neighbourhood Policy
Achievments and Chalenges of EU Enlargement
European Neighbourhood Policy Challenges
EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy
Wider Europe Matrix
Europeanization and Conflict Resolution- Case Studies
Democratization in European Neighbourhood
Interethnic Power-sharing in Accession Countries
UN in Georgian-Abkhazian Conflict
Beyond the New Borders
Next EU Enlargement
Europeanization and Conflict Resolution-Testing

Wider Europe

Wider Europe policy was developed by the European Union (EU) in 2003 to define relations with neighboring countries and mitigate negative effects of EU enlargement. Since the border of the EU have been redrawn toward the East and South, a host of new neighboring countries stand to gain from the institution's expansion of democratic norms and practices. Some states in the Balkans, for example, are already on track for EU membership in 2007. Others, for example Ukraine and Belarus, have no current prospects. The Challenge of Wider Europe working group thus raises the question of what policies are needed to promote Europeanization in countries without prospects for EU membership and how economic, political and security dimensions of the European Neighborhood Policy can be better integrated to ensure peace and stability in the EU neighborhood.

Fellow projects in 2005:

  • Simeon Evstatiev (Bulgaria):
    Islam as a factor in the design of a European Neighbourhood Policy in the Balkans
  • Archil Gegeshidze (Georgia):
    Georgia in the Wider Europe context: Bridging divergent interpretations
  • Nicu Popescu (Moldova):
    The Conflict Resolution dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy: the Cases of Abkhazia and South Ossetia
  •   Fellow Activities and Publications

    Nicu Popescu has published "The EU in Moldova – Settling conflicts in the neighbourhood", the European Union Institute for Security Studies, Paris.

    In December 2005 Nicu Popescu made a presentation on EU policies towards Transnistria at the Brzezsinki Scholars Forum in Kyiv, Ukraine. He also gave a lecture on Europeanisation and Conflict Resolution in the EU Neighbourhood at the Free Uniresity of Brussels (VUB).

    In November 2005 Nicu Popescu spoke about European Neighbourhood Policy and Moldova in front of the European Parliaments' delegation to the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Cooperation Committee in Brussels. He made a presentation on EU policies towards the conflicts in Georgia and Moldova at the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels.

    Nicu Popescu, IPF 2005 fellow, is moving to the Center for European Policy Studies in Brussels

    Nicu Popescu has a new article on "EU and the De Facto States of the Black Sea Region" in Agora Without Frontiers, July 2005, Athens

    The Russian version of the book "Europeanisation and Conflict Resolution", Michael Emerson and Bruno Coppieters (eds) was published as "Evropeizacija i Razreshenie Konfliktov" (Ves Mir, Moscow, 2005). The book features chapters by Michael Emerson, the Wider Europe Group mentor, and Nicu Popescu.

    The Freedom House Report Nations in Transit 2005 is forthcoming at Rowman & Littlefield. The “Moldova” chapter is co-authored by Nicu Popescu and George Dura.

    Simeon Evstatiev’s draft outline of the Research Paper "Islam and Wider Europe" is available.

      2005 Working Groups

    2005 Working Group Summary
    Wider Europe
    Open Muslim Societies
    Open Society Threats
    Combating Organized Crime
    Transparency and Accountability
    Higher Education Reform
    Public Health and Roma
    Policymaking in Transition
      2006 Working Groups

    2006 Working Group Summary
    Wider Europe
    Open Muslim Societies
    Open Society Threats
    Resource Curse
    Roma Exclusion
    Open Information Policy April 2006