IPF   Nicu Popescu
The Conflict Resolution dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy: the Cases of Abkhazia and South Ossetia
Context and background
▪  Soros network initiatives
OSI initiatives in Central and Eastern Europe
OSI Moldova Foundation
OSI East-East Program: Subprogram for European Integration
OSI Central Eurasia project
OSI eurasianet.org
OSI Moldova: Civil Society Development in Transnistria
Policy Web Forum: EU enlargement
Related IPF research
 ▪ Relevant initiatives worldwide
Institute for Security Studies of the European Union
Center for European Policy Studies
Journal of Foreign Policy of Moldova
Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe
Journal of International Politics
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik
 ▪ Annotated papers
Proposed Action Plan EU - Moldova
Evaluation of EU - Moldova Action Plan Implementation
Impact of EU Expansion on Moldova
National Security and Defence - Moldova
Readings in European Security
A Post-Soviet or South-east European country?
New Opportunities to resolve the Transdniestria Conflict
Transdniestria, Abkhazia, Chechnya and EU Intrevention
Economic Factors in Conflict Resolution in Georgia and Caucasus
Regional Security in South Caucasus
EU Border Assistance Mission to Ukraine and Moldova
 Project objectives
  • examine possible incentives and reward structures of the European Neighbourhood Policy (EPN) in order to strengthen the European Union (EU) capacity to promote its objectives in the Wider Europe area
  • analyze concrete EU policies that can effectively promote democratization and conflict resolution within the framework of the ENP
  • prepare policy recommendations for EU institutions, the governments of EU member states and their neighbors
  • write a research paper and 20-page policy study in coordination with the group advisor
  •  Fellow Website

     Fellow activities & publications

    Nicu Popescu has published "The EU in Moldova – Settling conflicts in the neighbourhood", the European Union Institute for Security Studies, Paris.

    In December 2005 Nicu Popescu made a presentation on EU policies towards Transnistria at the Brzezsinki Scholars Forum in Kyiv, Ukraine. He also gave a lecture on Europeanisation and Conflict Resolution in the EU Neighbourhood at the Free Uniresity of Brussels (VUB).

    In November 2005 Nicu Popescu spoke about European Neighbourhood Policy and Moldova in front of the European Parliaments' delegation to the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Cooperation Committee in Brussels. He made a presentation on EU policies towards the conflicts in Georgia and Moldova at the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels.

    Nicu Popescu:Towards a Sustainable Solution of the Transnistria Problem: A Role for the European Union, Working Paper 141, Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), Geneva, July 2004.
    Nicu Popescu, Valeriu Gheorghiu and Oazu Nantoi: “External Actions in Transnistria Conflict Settlement, Eurojournal.org, March 2004.
    Nicu Popescu: European Union’s Foreign Policy Change Towards Moldova, NATO Studies Center, Strategic Issues Review No.4, Bucharest, Politeia-SNSPA, September 2003.

     The fellow

    Curriculum vitae
    Research proposal
     2005 Working Groups

    2005 Working Group Summary
    Democratic Governance
    Wider Europe
    Public Health and Roma
    Policy Making
    Combatting Organized Crime
    Higher Education Reform
    Open Society in Former SU
    Open Society and Muslims
     2006 Working Groups

    2006 Working Group Summary
    Wider Europe
    Open Muslim Societies
    Open Society Threats
    Resource Curse
    Roma Exclusion
    Open Information Policy

    www.policy.hu www.soros.org www.ceu.hu/cps January 2006