International Policy Fellowships

  Advisor afilliation

Centre for European Policy Studies
  Working group fellows

Simeon Evstatiev
Archil Gegeshidze
Nicolae Popescu

Beáta Huszka
Fariz Ismailzade
Elena Klitsounova
Vesna Pesic

  Recent Publications

Democratisation in the European Neighbourhood

European Neighbourhood Policy: Strategy or Placebo? November 2004

The European Transformation of Modern Turkey (co-authored with Kemal Dervis, Daniel Gros and Sinan Ulgen), September 2004

Readings in European Security Vol. II (co-authored with Dana Allin and Marius Vahl), March 2004

The Wider Europe Matrix, January 2004
Michael Emerson
Senior Advisor to the Wider Europe working group

Short biography:

Michael Emerson is Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) in Brussels. He served as European Union Ambassador to Moscow from 1991 to 1996. His primary research interests focus on pan-European institutions, political economy of Wider Europe, European security policy, and EU relations with Russia, Ukraine and the Northern Dimension, Turkey, and Cyprus, while his secondary areas of research expertise include the economics of transition to a market economy, EU politics, enlargement of the EU, European Monetary Union, democratization in South Eastern Europe, EU relations with the Caucasus, and EU-US relations. He earned an MA from the University of Oxford and honorary doctorates from Kent University and Keele University.

  2005 Working Groups

2005 Working Group Summary
Wider Europe
Open Muslim Societies
Open Society Threats
Combating Organized Crime
Transparency and Accountability
Higher Education Reform
Public Health and Roma
Policymaking in Transition
  2006 Working Groups

2006 Working Group Summary
Wider Europe
Open Muslim Societies
Open Society Threats
Resource Curse
Roma Exclusion
Open Information Policy February 2006