International Policy Fellowships


Mukhtar Ali
Syed Mohammad Ali
Abdel Mahdi Alsoudi
Ahmed Idrees Rahmani

  Group Advisor

Kian Tajbakhsh

  Soros Network Initiatives

Middle East & North Africa Initiative
Central Eurasia Project
Information program

  Open Society Promotion

Islam and Democracy
U.S. Institute of Peace
HI: Future of Muslim World

  Annotated Papers

Islam and Democracy in the Middle East
Prospects for Muslim Democracy
Contemporary Muslim Thinkers on an Ideal State for Muslim Societies
Islamic Political Identity in Turkey

Open Society Promotion

The cultural, intellectual and religious struggle around the promotion of open societies is one of the major challenges facing predominantly Muslim societies. These societies are undergoing fundamental challenges in seeking to balance the often-conflicting objectives of modernization, such as open societies, economic development, and cultural identities. This struggle should not be confused with the notion of a "clash of civilizations" between the West and the Islamic world. In seeking to contribute to these debates within predominantly Muslim societies-both Arab and non-Arab-we seek to support policy-relevant research proposals.

Fellow projects in 2005:

  • Mukhtar Ali (Pakistan):
    Lack of transparency and freedom of information in Pakistan: An Analysis of State Practice and Realistic Policy Options for Reform
  • Syed Mohammad Ali (Pakistan):
    Civil participation in poverty reduction programs of the government of Pakistan
  • Abdel Mahdi Alsoudi (Jordan):
    The Impact of US Aid Policy on Democracy and Political Reform in Jordan and other Arab Countries
  • Ahmed Idrees Rahmani (Afghanistan):
    The Role of Religious Leaders in the Provision of Local Services in Afghanistan
  •   Fellow Activities and Publications

    Syed Mohammad Ali had published two articles “Rethinking development ” and “Participation in development“ in Daily Times, Pakistan.

    ▪  The 19th International Policy Fellowships seminar was organised in Istanbul, December 8-12, 2005

    ▪  A workshop about the role of Ulama in making a democratic and developed Islamic Afghanistan was held in Kabul on 25 – 29 November 2005.

    ▪  In August 2005 Ahmad Idrees Rahmani attended the conference of Community Development Council (CDC) Representatives with the President of Afghanistan in Kabul.

    ▪  In September 2005 Abdel Mahdi Alsoudi held a presentation at Georgetown University about the Impact of US Policy on Democracy and Political Reform in Jordan.

      2005 Working Groups

    2005 Working Group Summary
    Wider Europe
    Open Society Promotion
    Open Society Threats
    Combating Organized Crime
    Transparency and Accountability
    Higher Education Reform
    Public Health and Roma
    Policymaking in Transition
      2006 Working Groups

    2006 Working Group Summary
    Wider Europe
    Open Society Promotion
    Open Society Threats
    Resource Curse
    Roma Exclusion
    Open Information Policy April 2006