International Policy Fellowships

  Advisor afilliation

Urban Policy Watch
  Working group fellows

Mukhtar Ali
Syed Mohammad Ali
Abdel Mahdi Alsoudi
Ahmed Idrees Rahmani

Ibrahim Al-Marashi
Haroon Rafique

  Recent publications

Social Capital: Trust, Democracy and Development

The Promise of the City: Space, Identity and Politics in Contemporary Social Thought
Kian Tajbakhsh
Senior Advisor to the 2005 & 2006 Open Society Promotion working groups

Short biography:

Kian Tajbakhsh is a social scientist and urban planner based in Tehran, Iran. Since returning to Iran in 2000, he has worked as a consultant in the areas of local government reform, urban planning and social policy, and has taught at several universities. He has worked with several organizations including Iran's Municipalities Organization and the Social Security Organization, and international organizations such as the World Bank and the Dutch Association of Municipalities. His academic research examines the evolving nature of Iranian state institutions. Tajbakhsh is the author of two books and over 20 academic papers. In 2006, he completed a three-year study of the local government sector in Iran. From 1994 until 2001, Tajbakhsh taught urban policy and politics at the New School for Social Research in New York City. He received his MSc from University College, London in 1984, and PhD from Columbia University in 1993.

  2005 Working Groups

2005 Working Group Summary
Wider Europe
Open Society Promotion
Open Society Threats
Combating Organized Crime
Transparency and Accountability
Higher Education Reform
Public Health and Roma
Policymaking in Transition
  2006 Working Groups

2006 Working Group Summary
Wider Europe
Open Society Promotion
Open Society Threats
Resource Curse
Roma Exclusion
Open Information Policy February 2006