IPF   Syed Mohammad Ali
Civil participation in poverty reduction programs
of the government of Pakistan
Context and background
 ▪ Soros network initiatives
OSI Central Eurasia project
OSI Economic & Business Development Program
Related IPF research
 ▪ Relevant initiatives worldwide
World Bank
The World Conservation Union
International Monetary Fund
 ▪ Annotated papers
Devolution Plan in Pakistan
Accelerating Economic Growth
Poverty, Growth and Governance
 Project objectives
  • work to improve the quality of analysis, highlight lessons learned;
  • provide recommendations to enhance local ownership of international poverty alleviation and development initiatives by encouraging greater participation through means feasible both for the Pakistan government (Ministry of Finance and other relevant ministries)and its donors (World Bank major bilateral donors, and international non-governmental organizations development programs);
  • write a research paper and 20-page policy study in cooperation with the group advisor.
  •  Fellow Website

     Fellow activities & publications

    Syed Mohammad Ali had published two articles “Rethinking development ” and “Participation in development“ in Daily Times, Pakistan.
    IPF policy paper is expected in April 2006.
     The fellow

    Curriculum vitae
    Research proposal
     2005 Working Groups

    2005 Working Group Summary
    Democratic Governance
    Wider Europe
    Public Health and Roma
    Policy Making
    Combatting Organized Crime
    Higher Education Reform
    Open Society in Former SU
    Open Society and Muslims
     2006 Working Groups

    2006 Working Group Summary
    Wider Europe
    Open Muslim Societies
    Open Society Threats
    Resource Curse
    Roma Exclusion
    Open Information Policy

    www.policy.hu www.soros.org www.ceu.hu/cps January 2006