The Open Society Institute
International Policy Fellowship

I had the International Policy Fellowship of the Open Society Institute in 2001-2002,
then the Continuing Fellowship in 2002-2003.
The following documents resulted during the two fellowship periods.

Rural Development Policies in Central and Eastern Europe - is there an alternative way? Research Proposal, Gusztáv Nemes, 15 July 2001

Interim Report for OSI International Policy Fellowship –  Description of activities
Rural Development Policies in Central and Eastern Europe - is there an alternative way? 
Activity Report, Gusztáv Nemes (895-PPP-NEM-HU),July, 2002

Rural Development and Pre-accession Preparation in Hungary.
Final Policy Paper, Gusztáv Nemes, March 2003

        Appendix1: The determinants of rural- and agri-environmental policy-making in Hungary
        Appendix2: Official and ‘side effects’ of the SAPARD Programme

Research papers:
         Gusztáv Nemes,  Zsuzsanna Fazekas: Integrating Rural Women – EU policies and the evolution rural development, 2002
         Gusztáv Nemes: ‘Cötkény’ - a Journey to the Future – integrating nature, society and local economics for rural development
         Gusztáv Nemes: Vidékfejlesztés és előcsatlakozási felkészülés Magyarországon, Közgazdasági Szemle L. évf., 2003. január                       (56-75. o.)

My mentors are Ágnes Simonyi, Márta Márczis and for the continuing fellowship Imre Fertő.

Continuing fellowship research plan: 
Continuing International Policy Fellowship, Knowledge Transfer of Endogenous Rural Development Policies Impacts, institutions and evaluation. Gusztáv Nemes 040-PPP-NEM-HU

Continuing International Policy Fellowship Activity Report:
Knowledge Transfer of Endogenous Rural Development Policies - Impacts, institutions and evaluation  2004-11-25 Gusztáv Nemes 040-PPP-NEM-HU