Agnes Simonyi

Personal Data
Born: 1947 Budapest, Hungary
Nationality: Hungarian
Children: 2
Personal address: Budapest, 1028. Piszke u. 6.
Tel/fax: 36.1-27.57.364
Professional address: Budapest, 1117. Pázmány P. sétány 1/B
                     Eotvos Lorand University
                     Department of Social Policy and Social Work
             tel/fax: 36.1-299.0555/68.57

English, French, Italian, Russian

Academic training

1988. Ph.D. in Sociology (Scientific Qualification Committee of the Hungarian Accademy of Sciences)
1969. Diploma in Economics (K. Marx University of Economics, Budapest)

Professional positions

Associate professor - Department of Social Policy and Social Work, Eotvos Lorand University of Sciences, Budapest (since 1992)

Senior research fellow - Institute of Sociology of the Hungarian Academy of Science (since 1991)

Invited lecturer - Université de Paris X. Nanterre (1995-98)

Deputy director, Accademia d’Ungheria, Roma, (1989-1992)

Invited research fellow, Bari University, FORMEZ (1986/87)

Membership in Scientific Boards

Member of Board in the Research Committee on Sociology of Work, International Sociological Association

Member of the Board of the Hungarian Association of Labour Relations

Member of the Hungarian Social Policy Association, “R. Hilscher”

Member of the Scientific Board, Szociológiai Szemle (Sociological Review), Hungary

Member of the Editorial Council of Sociologia del Trabajo, Spain

Teaching activity

Economic sociology, Organisations, Sociology of work, Labour Relations, Comparative Studies of Employment Systems

Actual Research Activity (ongoing projects)

Links between Social Protection and Labour Market Processes in Hungary (ILO project, continuation of a similar ILO project in Kosovo in 2001)

The Role of the Family in Social Security and Protection in the Aftermath of the Transition in Hungary (UNDP project)

New Systems of Employment – the Intervention of New Actors on the Labour Market, Social Workers Facing the Employment Crisis (French-Hungarian Comparative Study, partner A. Jacob, Paris X. Nanterre)

Corporate Social Responsibility, Firm Level Welfare ( Comparative study, European Foundation on the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin, Ireland)

New Economic Paradigms in a Developing Hungarian Region (Employment Perspectives in and around the town of Dunaujvaros) – National Employment Foundation (OFA)

Work and Labour Market Related Securities (ILO Peoples’ Security Survey – Hungary)

Evaluation of the European Higher Education in the Light of Changing Labour Market Situations, New Stakeholders in the Higher Education Institutions (EVALUE, 1995-1998, HEINE, 1998/1999, DG XII. TSER Applied Research Programs, member of the Italian Research Group of CONICS and of AF. Forum)

Publications 1990-2001

Társadalmi terek és az autonóm cselekvés lehetőségei (Social Spaces and the Possibility of Autonomous  Actions) (with Cs. Makó) Vol. of the Institute of Sociology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. 1990

Verso il Mercato: Transizione Politica ed Economia in Ungheria, in: Il Futuro del Sindacato, Dossier Internazionale, CGIL, Roma, 1991

Esperienze di Riforma Economica e Sperimentazioni Sociali in Ungheria, in: Scenari della Transizione nell' Est Europeo, ed. Umbra, Perugia, 1991

Industrial Relations and Present Situation in the Hungarian Society, Sekai no Rodo/World Labour, Jan. vol. 41. Tokyo, 1991

The Need for an Integrated Approach: Lessons from the New Technology Debate, (with Cs. Makó) in: Work and Social Innovations in Europe ed. University of Tampere, Finnland, 1991

Social Spaces and Acting Society, (with Cs. Makó) in: Labour Relations in Transition in Eastern Europe, ed. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-N.Y. 1992

Les Mécanismes de Régulation et les Changements Sociaux dans la Société Hongroise (with Cs. Makó) in: Cahiers de recherche sociologique, Université du Québec, Montréal, no.18-19, 1992

Organizazzione del Lavoro in Transformazione nell' Economia Ungherese, in Sociologia del Lavoro, ed. M. La Rosa, F. Angeli, Milano, 1993

Labour Market Developments in Hungary (with A. Nesporova), ILO-CEET Reports, Budapest 1994.

Tempus 1 in Hungary: Analysis of Major Trends (with I. Hronszky and P. Tamás) in: Evaluation of the Hungarian experience of the Tempus program of the European Union, 1990-93, Evaluation Study, Tempus office, Budapest, 1994

Labour Relations and the Labour Market (with M. Csákó and A. Tóth) in: H. Moerel ed: Labour Relations in Transition, Nijmegen, Holland-Budapest 1994

Szervezet- és piacépités, (Creating the Organization and the Market) Budapest, Társadalomkutatás, 1994/1-4

Munka nélkül (Out of Employment) Budapest, Szociológiai Szemle, 1995/1

Participation at Firm Level in the Transformation Process, (with Cs. Makó) in: B. Grancelli ed. Social Change and Modernisation, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-N.Y. 1995.

Munkahelyi alkuk (Bargaining at Firm Level) (with Cs. Makó), Társadalmi Szemle, 1995/6

Munka nélkül: Családi alkalmazkodási stratégiák és hiányuk (Without Work - Families With and Without Adaptive Strategies),in: Volume 3. of the Active Society Foundation, Budapest, 1995.

Tartósan munkanélküli fiatalok munkaerőpiaci és szociális helyzete
(The Social and Labour Market Positions of Long-term Unemployed Young People) Research Report for the Phare Social Policy Project, Budapest, 1996.

Employment and Life Chances of the Long-term Unemployed in Hungary, International Review of Comparative Public Policy, 1996. Vol.7.

A munka, változó értékek, régi és új formák (Work, Changing Values, Old and New Forms), in: Rejtőzködő Jelen, ed. H.R. Social Policy Association, Budapest, 1996.

Université de Ca Foscari Venise, Université de Catania, Polytechnique de Turin, 2., 3. et 4. études de cas, EVALUE, DG XII Programme TSER, 1997, 1998, Roma (with S. Boffo, R. Moscati, S. La Amendola, A Cali)

Inheritence, Imitation and Genuine Solutions - Institution Building in Hungarian Labour Relations (with Cs. Makó), Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 49. No. 2. 1997.

A munkahelyi képzés néhány tipusa és összeféggése a gazdálkodási stratégiákkal, (Vocational Training and Enterprise Strategies), Szakképzési Szemle, 1997/2

Gazdasági szervezetek és szakmai képzés (Economic Organisation and Vocational Training), EDUCATIO, 1997/2 Nyár (Summer)

Szezonális foglalkoztatás, szezonális munkanélküliség (Seasonal Employment, Seasonal Unemployment), research report, Közösen a Jövő Munkahelyeiért Alapítvány, (Foundation for Future Jobs) Budapest, 1997.

Szezonális foglalkoztatás, (Seasonal Employment) in: Atipikus foglalkoztatás Magyarországon, (Atypical Employment in Hungary) ed: T. Laky, ISM (Workshop for Integrational Strategies of the Hungarian government) studies, Budapest, 1997

Transformation du marché du travail et chomage en Hongrie dans les années 90, Le Travail á l'Est, No 4. avril 1997, LADYSS, CNRS-Université de Paris X.  Nanterre

Munkaszociológia, (Sociology of Work) textbook, Győr, Széchenyi István High School, 1997

Les relations du travail en Hongrie (Munkaügyi kapcsolatok Magyarországon) (with Cs. Makó), Relations professionelles en Europe Centrale, la Revue de l`IRES, no. 26-hiver 1998, Paris

Transformation of the Labour Market in Hungary and Spreading Forms of Atypical Employment, in: Transition and Labour Market In Russia and Central and Eastern Europe, ed. S. Ohtsu, Kobe University, April, 1998

A twofold objective: Model their countries labour relations systems in the most developed countries of the EU, taking into account specific national contexts, (Makó Csabával),  ILO-Labour Education, 1999/1-2

The Evaluation of the University-Territory Relationship, European Journal of Education, September (no.3) 1999

Labour and Social Welfare in Competitive Firms, in: The Management and Organization of the Firm in Global Context, szerk.: Cs. Makó-C. Warhurst, Budapest-Gödöllő, 1999

Configurations différentes du temps de travail et conditions de vie. Expériences hongroises apr?s la transformation, Sociologia del Lavoro, 74-75. 1999. Franco Angeli, Milano

Sociologia del lavoro: tematiche, problemi e ricerche nell’Ungheria degli anni ’90, in Sociologia del Lavoro, 76, (Le ricerche in sociologia del lavoro in Italia e in Europa) 1999: Franco Anglei, Milano

Soziale Spannungsfelder in der ungarischen Gesellschaft, in: Innovative Antworten der Beschaftigungspolitik in der EU, Östereichisch-ungarische konferenz, Sozialpolitische Herausforderungen,  Szombathely, 1999

Hungary no Rodó Shijó no Taisei Tenkan to Hi-Tenkeiteki Koyó Keitai no Kakudai (The Transformation of the Hungarian Labour Market and the Expansion  of Atypical Employment Patterns) in: S. Ohtsu- Y. Masahiko ed: Keizai Shisutemi Tenkan to Rodó Shijó no Tenkai Roshia chu Tóó (Tranformation of the Economic System and of the Labour Market in Russia and in East Central Europe) 1999 Nihon Hyoron Sha, Kyoto

Versenyképesség növelés jóléti reformok és közjavak révén, (Increasing competitivity through welfare reforms and public goods), Szociológiai Szemle, 2000/1.

Az evaluáció, mint a felsőoktatás fejlesztésének eszköze, (Evaluation as a device for the development of higher education), Vezetéstudomány, 2000/9

Az egyetem és társadalmi környezete, (The University and its social environment), In: Írások – Huszár Tibor 70 születésnapjára, (Volume for the 70th birthday of Tibor Huszár) ELTE University, Institute of Sociology, Budapest, 2000.

Munkahelyi jóléti rendszerek a munkaügyi kapcsolatok kontextusában, (Firm level welfare systems in the context of labour relations) In: A munkaügyi kapcsolatok rendszere és a munkavállalók helyzete, (Labour relations and the situation of wage earners) ed:: Koltay Jenő, Research Center of Economic Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Bp, 2000

Tizenegy falu, ötvenöt család – kisgyermekes munkanélküli családok hátrányos munkaerőpiaci térségekben  (11 villages, 55 families – unemployed parents of young children in disadvantageous labour market regions), Volume edited by Struktura Munkaügyi Kiadó, Budapest, 2001.

Szakképzés és szociális párbeszéd Franciaországban, (Vocational training and social dialogue in France) in: A szociális partnerek szerepe a szakképzésben az EU néhány országában, (The role of social partenrs in vocational training in the EU countries) ed: Benke Magdolna, National Training Institute, Budapest, 2oo1.

A vállalkozásfejlesztési politika tapasztalatai és hatásai Olaszországban, (The experiences and effects of small business development policy in Italy) in: A kis- és középvállalkozások állami támogatásának formái és módszerei, (Methods and forms of developing small firms) eds.: Szirmai Péter - Mészáros Tamás, Budapest University of Economics, Budapest 2oo1.

Foglalkoztatási „rend” hátrányos helyzetű kistelepüléseken, (Employment „order” in small settlements in disadvantegeous labour markets) Szociológiai Figyelő, (Sociological Observer, SZOFI) Budapest, 2oo1. September

Crises de l’emploi et action sociale, une comparaison Hongrie-France (with A. Jacob e B. Rist) forcoming in: M. Lallement et al. Eds: Comparaisons internationales, PUF, Paris