


Institute of Economics              

The Hungarian Academy of Sciences   

Budaorsi ut 45. Budapest,                    

P.O. Box 262, H-1502, Hungary         

T:(36-1) 309-2665, Fax: (36-1) 319-3136




  <>            M.A. 1989, Karl Marx University of Economic Sciences in agricultural economics

            Ph.D. 1996, Hungarian Academy of Sciences in economics

            Ph.D. 2003, University of Newcastle upon Tyne in agricultural economics (expected)




            Economics of Agricultural Policy, Agricultural Development and Trade

            EU Enlargement Issues in Eastern European Agriculture




1998-2002                   Postgraduate Student, Department of Agricultural Economics

                                    and Food Marketing, University of Newcastle upon Tyne

1996 April-                  Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Hungarian

                                    Academy of Sciences

1992 October-             Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Hungarian

                                    Academy of Sciences

1989 -92 Sept.             Research Fellow, Institute for Economic and Market

                                    Research and Informatics

1997 March-                Senior Research Fellow, Budapest University of Economics

                                    Department of Agricultural Economics

1997 March-June         Short-term Local Consultant at the Local Staff of the World






1998-2001                   ACE-PHARE Scholarship, Department of Agricultural Economics

                                    and Food Marketing, University of Newcastle upon Tyne

1998-2001                   Bolyai János Fellowship

1996 May- August       ACE-PHARE Fellowship, Visitor Research Fellow

                                    Department of Agricultural Economics and Food Marketing

                                    University of Newcastle upon Tyne






<!--[if !supportLists]-->2000-2001                                     <!--[endif]-->László Rajk College, Budapest University of Economic Sciences:

Economics of Agricultural Prices, Economics of Agricultural Policy

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1996-                                                     <!--[endif]-->Budapest University of Economic Sciences:, Economics of Agricultural Prices, Agricultural Policy

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1995-97                                             <!--[endif]-->Gödöllő University of Agricultural Sciences: Agricultural Economics,

Agricultural Policy




            Award for Hungarian Economic Association, 1992

            Academy Award for Young Outstanding Scholars, Hungarian Academy of

            Sciences, 1995




            English, German and Hungarian.




            Hungarian Economic Association

            American Association of Agricultural Economics

            North American Association of Agricultural Economics

            International Association of Agricultural Economics

            British Association of Agricultural Economics

            European Association of Agricultural Economics





Books, book chapters:


<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.      <!--[endif]-->Az agrárpolitika gazdaságtana. (The Economics of Agricultural Policy) Válogatott tanulmányok. Fertő Imre - Éder Tamás (eds.) Századvég Kiadó Budapest 1998.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.      <!--[endif]-->Az agrárpolitika néhány aspektusa: protekcionizmus, kereskedelemtorzítás és hatékonyság. (Some Aspects of Agricultural Policy: Protectionism, Trade Distortion and Efficiency) In: Laki Mihály-Pete Péter-Vincze Péter (eds.) Mindannyiunkban van valami közös. Lányi Kamilla születésnapjára. pp. 259-275 Kopint Datorg Alapítvány, MTA Közgazdaságtudományi Kutatóközpont, Budapest 1999.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.      <!--[endif]-->Az agrárpolitika modelljei. (Models of Agricultural Policy) Osiris Kiadó, Budapest 1999.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.      <!--[endif]-->Changing Governance Structure within Agri-Food Sector after Privatisation. Megjelent: Major Iván (szerk.) The Redistribution of Property Rights, Corporate Governance and Company Restructuring After Privatisation. pp. 86-122 Open Society Institute, Center for Publishing Development, 1999

<!--[if !supportLists]-->5.      <!--[endif]-->A Közös Agrárpolitika gazdaságtana. (The Economics of Common Agricultural Policy) Megjelent: Forgács Imre – Inotai András - Wéber Attila (szerk.) Az Európai Unió évkönyve 1999-2000. pp. 328-369 Osiris Kiadó, Budapest 2000.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->6.      <!--[endif]-->A Közös Agrárpolitika politikai gazdaságtana. (The Political Economy of Common Agricultural Policy) Gál Róbert Iván-Szántó Zoltán (szerk.) Cselekvéselmélet és társadalomkutatás. Osiris Kiadó, Budapest 2001. Megjelenés alatt.




1. Characteristic and crisis symptoms of the Hungarian agricultural system. (co-authors: Pál Juhász, Kálmán Mohácsi) Acta Oeconomica, Vol. 44. (1-2) pp. 95-114 (1992)

2. The Transition in Agriculture. Acta Oeconomica, Vol. 46. (3-4) pp. 253-275 (1994)

3. Agricultural Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe. Európa Fórum, Special Issue pp. 71-83 (1995)

4. A mezőgazdasági árak stabilizálásának problémáiról. (On the Problems of Stabilizing Agricultural Prices) Közgazdasági Szemle Vol. 42. (3) pp. 256-269 (1995)<!--[if !supportNestedAnchors]--><!--[endif]-->

5. Methods for Stabilizing Agricultural Prices in Developing Countries. Acta Oeconomica, Vol. 47. (1-2) pp. 155-170 (1995)

6. A mezőgazdaság a piacgazdaságban. (Agriculture in a Market Economy) Közgazdasági Szemle Vol. 43. (2) pp. 114-127 (1996)

7. Agricultural Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe. Economic Planning in Free Societies Journal for Agriculture and Related Industries. Vol. 32. (3-4) pp. 5-14 (1996)

8. A vertikális koordináció a mezőgazdaságban. (Vertical Coordination in Agriculture) Közgazdasági Szemle Vol. 43. (11) pp. 957-971 (1996)

9. Elszalasztott lehetőség és/vagy elhalasztott paradigmaváltás? A magyar agrárgazdaságtan a kilencvenes években. (A Missed Opportunity and/or a Delayed Change of Paradigm? The Hungarian Agricultural Economics in the Nineties) Közgazdasági Szemle Vol. 44. (4) pp. 296-310 (1997)

10. Az agrárpolitika politikai gazdaságtana I. A kormányzati politikák modellezése a mezőgazdaságban. (The Political Economy of Agricultural Policy Part I. Modelling Government Policies in Agriculture) Közgazdasági Szemle Vol. 45. (3) pp. 223-246 (1998)

11. Az agrárpolitika politikai gazdaságtana II. A agrárpolitikák magyarázata. (The Political Economy of Agricultural Policy Part II. Explanation of Agricultural Policies) Közgazdasági Szemle Vol. 45. (4) pp. 297-316 (1998)

12. Az agrárpolitika politikai gazdaságtana III. Vegyes motívumok az agrárpolitikában: termelő és ragadozó politikák. (The Political Economy of Agricultural Policy Part III. Mixed Motives in Agricultural Policy: Productive and Predatory Policies) Közgazdasági Szemle Vol. 45. (5) pp. 424-436 (1998)

13. Az Európai Unió közös agrárpolitikájának gazdaságtana I. A CAP eszközei és hatásai. (Economics of the European common agricultural policy. Part I. The instruments and impacts of the CAP) Közgazdasági Szemle Vol. 46. (7-8) pp. 709-733 (1999)

14. Az Európai Unió közös agrárpolitikájának gazdaságtana II. A CAP politikai gazdaságtana. (Economics of the European common agricultural policy. Part II. The political economy of the CAP) Közgazdasági Szemle Vol. 46. (9) pp. 813-822 (1999)

15. Restructuring of Hungarian Agri-Food Sector. Acta Oeconomica Vol. 50. (1-2) pp. 151-168 (1999)

16. A magyar agrárkereskedelem az Európai Unióval a társulási szerződés után. (Hungarian Agricultural Trade with European Union since the Association Agreement) Közgazdasági Szemle Vol. 47. (7-8) pp. 585-599 (2000)

17. Versenyképesség és komparatív előnyök a magyar mezőgazdaságban. (Competitiveness and Comparative Advantage in Hungarian Agriculture) (co-author: Lionel J. Hubbard) Közgazdasági Szemle Vol. 48. (1) pp. 31-43 (2001)

18. A mezőgazdasági termékek ágazaton belüli kereskedelme Magyarország és az Európai Unió között. (Intra-Industry Trade in Agri-Food Products between Hungary and the EU) (co-author: Lionel J. Hubbard) Közgazdasági Szemle Vol. 48. (9) pp. 766-778 (2001)

19. Hungarian agricultural trade after the Association Agreement.. European Mirror. Special Issue. 2001. pp. 91–109

20. Political Economy of Land Reforms. Századvég, Új folyam Vol. 23. pp. 83-106 (2002)

21. Revealed Comparative Advantage and Competitiveness in Hungarian Agri–Food Sectors. (társszerző: Lionel J. Hubbard) The World Economy Volume 26 (2) pp.


Selected Research Paper:


1. Competitiveness and Comparative Advantage in Hungarian Agriculture. (co-author: Lionel J. Hubbard) Discussion Paper 2001/2. Institute of Economics Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest 2001.

2. Intra-Industry Trade in Agri-Food Products between Hungary and the EU. (co-author: Lionel J. Hubbard) Discussion Paper 2001/6. Institute of Economics Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest 2001.

3. Intra-Industry Trade in Horizontally and Vertically Differentiated Agri-Food Products between Hungary and the EU. (co-author: Lionel J. Hubbard) Discussion Paper 2002/2. Institute of Economics Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest 2001.

4. Revealed Comparative Advantage and Competitiveness in Hungarian Agri–Food Sectors. (co-author: Lionel J. Hubbard) Discussion Paper 2002/2. Institute of Economics Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest 2001.


Conferences, Seminars


1. Failures in Hungarian rural development and agricultural policies during transition. (co-author: Gusztáv Nemes) 18th Conference of Association of European Rural Sociologist in Lund 24-29 August 1999

2. Rural Development and Transition in Hungarian Agriculture. European Rural Development. Problems, Chances, Research Needs, IIASA Workshop in Warsaw May 5-9, 2001

3. Competitiveness and Comparative Advantage in Hungarian Agriculture. (co-author: Lionel J. Hubbard) Eastern European Transition and EU Enlargement: A Quantitative Approach, Seminar, in Gdansk, University of Gdansk, June 15-21, 2001

4. Regional Comparative Advantage and Competitiveness in Hungarian Agriculture. (co-author: Lionel J. Hubbard) 77th EAAE Seminar, International Agricultural Trade: Old and New Problems, in Helsinki 17-18, 2001

5. Changing Governance Structure in Hungarian Agriculture. (co-author: Gábor G. Szabó) 78th EAAE Seminar, Economics of Contracts in Agriculture and the Food Supply Chain, in Copenhagen, June 15-16, 2001

6. Intra-Industry Trade in Agri-Food Products between Hungary and the EU. (co-author: Lionel J. Hubbard) Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association in Chicago, August 5-8, 2001

7. Regional Comparative Advantage and Competitiveness in Hungarian Agriculture. (co-author: Lionel J. Hubbard) Annual Meeting of British Agricultural Economics Association in Newport Harper Adams University College, September 10-12, 2001

8. Intra-Industry Trade in Agri-Food Products between Hungary and the EU. (co-author: Lionel J. Hubbard) Annual Meeting of British Agricultural Economics Association in Aberystwyth, University of Wales, April 8-11, 2002

9. The Choice of the Supply Channels in Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Sector. (co-author: Szabó G. Gábor) II. Conference on the Economics of Contracts in Agriculture and the Food Supply Chain, in Annapolis, July 15-16,2002

10. The Choice of the Supply Channels in Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Sector. (co-author: Szabó G. Gábor) Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association in Long Beach, July 5-8, 2002

11. Intra-Industry Trade in Horizontally and Vertically Differentiated Agri-Food Products between Hungary and the EU. (co-author: Lionel J. Hubbard). X. Congress of European Association of Agricultural Economists, Zaragoza August 28-31, 2002

12. The Choice of the Supply Channels in Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Sector. (co-author: Szabó G. Gábor) International conference on Evolution of Institutions and Knowledge Economy in Debrecen, October 3-5, 2002.

13. Intra-Industry Trade in Horizontally and Vertically Differentiated Agri-Food Products between Hungary and the EU. (co-author: Lionel J. Hubbard). Annual Meeting of British Agricultural Economics Association, University of Plymouth, Seale Hayne Campus, April 11-13, 2003