Curriculum Vitae

Márta Márczis

Date of birth: 1955

· Adult Educator
· Land-use ecologist

· Teacher Training College, course of Teacher, Adult Education and Cultural Management (Gy?r, 1980)
· University of Horticulture, Faculty of Landscape Ecology (Budapest, 1988)
· Candidacy at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences ( Budapest, 1994)
Non-degree training
· Journalist School (1990)
· “Etyek Life and Handicraft School”, Private Institute on the basis of Steinerian school (1991- 96)
· Rural development courses in Austria and Germany (1991, 1992 and 1993)
· Land-use Stewardship Program (QLF Atlantic Center, New England, 1994)
· Community development studies (University of Wisconsin, Madison, U.S., 1995)
· Sustainable rural development courses (Sweden, 1997 and 1998)

Employment and working experiences

2001 -     Expert at the UNDP (United Nations Development Programs) on the field of (rural) Roma community and economic
2001 -     Head of Rural Community Development Department, Hungarian Institute for Culture, Budapest. The main task of the Department is to manage community based cultural economic development pilot projects including specially designed training programs and technical assistance to disadvantaged groups such as Romany and poor in different micro-regions in Hungary.

1995 - 01 As Director of the Rural Workshop Foundation:

· Program Coordinator at the USEPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) for Community Based Watershed Development Program in Central Europe, Budapest. The purpose of this program was to demonstrate the advantages of a holistic; community based approach to solving the economical and ecological problems of the pilot watershed areas. As results of the program, international training courses were arranged, publications were disseminated, advice was prepared for different governmental bodies and some long-lasting local watershed councils were established, including local governments, NGOs, and entrepreneurs. Technical and financial assistance was provided for the local watershed councils in creating of their long-term programs for sustainable development on the watershed.

· Advisor and mediator to communities based rural development pilot programs (local self-governments, NGO-s, Romany communities) in different micro-regions of Hungary and Slovakia

1993 - 94 Chancellor at the Hungarian Ministry of Environment and Regional Policy. I was responsible for reconciliation of economic interests of local communities with nature protection in protected areas.

1991 - 93 Advisor at the Environmental and Regional Development Committee of the Hungarian Parliament. As advisor to the Committee I had prepared documents, negotiations and conferences on the impact of the privatization on the environment, i.e. how the “Private and public”, “Economic development and environmental protection” can be harmonized.

1988 - 90 Researcher at the Faculty of Landscape Protection of the University of Horticulture, Budapest. My main topic was to clarify the methodology the participation of local communities in cultural heritage and nature protection.

Community activities
· Founding president of the "Zsámbék" Basin Rural Development Association (1987-1994). This voluntary association was one of the first ones working on sustainable rural development in Hungary.

· Member of the International Committee of the ECOVAST  (European Council for Villages and Small Towns, 1998- 2000). The ECOVAST is a network of 120 governmental and non-governmental bodies from the EU and Central and Eastern European countries.

· Founder and President of the Hungarian Rural Parliament Movement, which a countrywide network of sustainable local initiatives in Hungary. The Hungarian Rural Parliament (HRP) was established in April 1998.  Today 460 local and national level non-governmental organizations and local action groups work under its aegis.
· Associated Member of the Hungarian Regional Development Council (1999-)
· Member of the Hungarian SAPARD Monitoring Committee (2001-)
? Board member of the Forum Sy0nergies (European Network for Sustainable Initiatives, 2000- ). This network initiated creating the PREPARE (Pre-Accession Partnership for Rural Europe) Program in order to build long-term cooperation between the 10 pre-accession countries in the field of sustainable rural economic development and related policies, and to strengthen the co-operation between governmental and non-governmental organizations within and between the countries.

· Board member of the AEIDL, LEADER Observatory (2001-)


Results of action researches were published in different scientific conferences, reviews (1984-)
"NYAKAS" - periodical on community based sustainable development, as editor (1990-94)
"Constructed Wetlands", 1996, Budapest, English and Hungarian, Handbook on alternative wastewater treatment technologies
"World of the water", 1997, Budapest, Handbook on Community Based Watershed Management Process
"Escape from the Kegyetlen" - Roma life, Roma community in the Kegyetlen Micro-region, 1998, Budapest
Analisys and introduction of different rural initiatives in Hungary and the EU were published on "FALU", scientific periodical on rural development, Budapest, (1998-)
"Scarecrow" - periodical of the Hungarian Rural Parliament Movement, as editor (2001-)

Márta Márczis
Tel: +36 1 225 07 23, Fax: +36 1 225 07 22, E-mail:
Address: 1251 Budapest, PF.94