Patients' Rights as Policy Issue in South Eastern Europe

My resume                                                               Neda MILEVSKA-KOSTOVA


Bachelor Degree, Faculty of Pharmacy
    University "Sts. Cyrill and Methodius" - Skopje, Macedonia in 1998.

Master Degree, Functional Pharmaceutics/Molecular Biology,
    The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan in 2002.

Master Certificate in Public Policy and Management
    The University of Pittsburgh, GCPPM, Skopje, Macedonia in 2004.

professional affiliation

Program Director
    Center for Regional Policy Research and Cooperation "Studiorum" - Skopje.

past and other current affiliations

Project Coordinator
    Department of Pharmacogenomics, Japanese Institute for Cancer Resarch, Tokyo, Japan.

Project Coorinator
    Humanitarian Association "Handicap Integration", Macedonia.

    fiscal policy and future priority projects, Japan Bank for International Cooperation in Macedonia.

Expert Member
    Second Degree Commitee on Industrial Property Rights, Government of Macedonia.


Special Assistance for Project Implementation (SAPI), in the Republic of Macedonia,
    Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), March - December 2004.

Special Assistance for Project Formulation (SAPROF) in the Republic of Macedonia,
    Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), May-October 2002.

The Study on Integrated Water Resource Development and Management Master Plan in Macedonia
    Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Sept 1997 - May 1999.

Translation of “Earthfood Spirulina”, health-related issues, by Robert Henricson,
    Ronore Enterprise Inc, San Francisco, 1998

Translation of “The New Public Health”, by Theodore Tulchinski, Elena Varavikova,
    Academic Press, San Diego, 1999, (grant of Public Health Program of OSI Macedonia)

Editor of "The Dictionary of Public Health" (working title), in collaboration with
   The Graduate School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University "Sts. Cyril and Methodius"-Skopje.

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If you are interested in more details, the full version of my CV can be downloaded here.

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