Patients' Rights as Policy Issue in South Eastern Europe


news and updates


June 19-29, 2006

NATO Advanced Study Institute, Skopje, Macedonia
Strengthening National Public Health Preparedness and Response for Chemical,
Biological and Radiological Agents Threats

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Diplomacy Division has awarded The Center for Public Health Readiness and Communication at the School of Public Health, Drexel University (Prof. Peter Rumm, MD) and The National Public Health Institute of Macedonia (Prof. Elisaveta Stikova, MD, PhD) to hold an Advanced Study Institute (ASI) in Macedonia. The Macedonian ASI titled “Strengthening National Public Health Preparedness and Response for Chemical, Biological and Radiological Agents Threats” was high-level tutorial course of two weeks where the mentioned subject was treated in depth by lecturers of international standing. more...

May 18-21, 2006
Regional Conference of Development of Public Health Education in SEE Countries

The mission of the conference is to assess progress in post graduate educational development in Public Health in South Eastern Europe. It is intended to cover new educational approaches in the New Public Health and  to identify the link between formal public health education and career perspectives of MPH graduates to become good leaders, advisors, managers, policy analysts and professional specialist according to the needs and demands of the new public health in the SEE countries.
In the opening ceremony, the newly published book "Dictionary of Public Health" by group of authors was promoted by Prof. Magdalena Zanteva-Naumoska, Dean of the Medical Faculty in Skopje, Prof. Theodore Tulchinsky, Professor at the Braun School of Public Health in Jerusalem, Prof. Jovanka Karadzinska-Bislimovska, coordinator of the School of Public Health in Skopje, and Neda Milevska-Kostova, Program Director at CRPRC "Studiorum", SKopje. more...

May 3-5, 2006
Regional Conference on Public Health "Balkan Medicine Towards FP7", Bucharest, Romania

"Biomedical research driven by Balkans' SMEs in relaunching the Lisbon Strategy", Bucharest, Romania

The launching of the 7th Framework Programme in the near future and the connected preparatory stages play an important role in our activity as well as the improvement of better information of the potential participants on European Research and integration activities. In this context scientists have all the chances to act as a catalyst in developing and improving the best partnerships in the RTD domain, giving an added value to the ERA contributing to a better re-integration of the Balkan region. more...

February 22-24, 2006

      IAPO 2nd Global Patients Congress, Barcelona, Spain

“Together we can…” - the theme of the International Alliance of Patients’ Organizations (IAPO) second Global Patients Congress was fully supported by participants, reflecting their commitment to effect change through working in partnership to address the main issues considered during the Congress: Patient-Centred Healthcare and Patient Safety.
The Congress brought together over 120 patient leaders from around the world, alongside healthcare representatives including the global health professionals associations and the World Health Organization (WHO), to work together to develop strategies to bring patients to the centre of healthcare systems. Click here to see photos of the event, here to read speakers' presentations and here to read the evaluation report from the event.

     May 18, 2005

Promotion of the First Class of Graduates, GCPPM, University of Pittsburgh in Skopje

The First Class of Graduates from the Graduate School of Public Policy and Management, University of Pittsburgh in Skopje was promoted in the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The success story can be found at more...

about Patients' Rights

In the transition societies, the issue of patients' rights has been widely discussed among the medical professionals, policy makers and general public for long time but still without consistent argumentation. The European Charter of Patients' Rights regulating the basic patients' rights currently at risk, is setting high standards for the treatment of European patients.

about this Project

The objectives of the project are to analyze patients’ rights policies and the level and quality of their implementation; develop policy recommendations promoting patients’ rights for the Roma population as an enabler of development for the ministries of health, medical associations, parliaments, civil society and academic communities; and write a research paper and 20-page policy study in coordination with the group advisor for the Ministry of Health, Doctors’ Chamber, Roma non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders in the region.

support for the Project

This project is supported by International Policy Fellowship (IPF), a joint program of OSI and Center for Policy Studies at the Central European University (CEU) in Budapest.

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