Patients' Rights as Policy Issue in South Eastern Europe


about Patients' Rights


        Patients' Rights as a policy issue in Southeastern Europe (PDF file in Macedonian)

      The Challenges for the Public Health in Europe

other publications

  “The Dictionary of Public Health”, 2005 (in Macedonian language)
  Karadzinska-Bislimovska, J., Gjorgjev, D., Kendrovski, V., Kochubovski, M.,
  Milevska-Kostova, N., Popovska-Jovanovska, K., Spasovski, M., Stikova, E.,
  Tausanova, B., Tozija, F., Faculty of Medicine - Skopje and OSI-Macedonia

  Translation of the book “The New Public Health”, 2003 (Macedonian language)
  by Theodore Tulchinski, Elena Varavikova, Academic Press, San Diego, 1999
  Neda Milevska, MSc, translator
  Filip Duma, MD, PhD, consultant for the medical terminology

conference presentations