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Since the beginning of academic year 2001/02 I have taught at Estonian Institute of Humanities and Estonian Business School. The classes that I teach reflect my academic background and interest, while the way I teach them has been influenced by the research on educational policy.

More particularly, I have followed the following principles:
  • Classes are not meant for the students to produce study material. Rather, I do my best to open and explain the topics and assigned literature.

  • Students have a quite heavy load of independent work with required literature.

  • Little emphasis/credit is given to fact awareness rather than to the development of ability to apply that in unexpected circumstances.

  • For details please see the syllabuses of the taught cources:
    Political Economy of Transition (PDF)
    Social Change in CEE/FSU 1 (PDF)
    Social Change in CEE/FSU 2 (PDF)
    Introduction to Sociology (PDF)
    History of Economic Thought (PDF)

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