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CV (Curriculum Vitae)


Degree studies

Sept. 2000 to June 2001
M.Phil (Ph.D. a.b.d.), Central European University, Budapest, Hungary. Political Science. Prospectus title: Academic Elite Change as a Source of Quality-Oriented Higher Education Reform.

Sept. 1999 to June 2000
M.A., Central European University, Budapest, Hungary. Politics and the Political Economy of the Post-Communist Transition. Graduated with distinction; Thesis: "Why There is so Little Reform in Higher Education: Dual Identity of Estonian Intellectuals".

Sept. 1994 to May 1998
B.A., Concordia International University Estonia
Major in International Business
Thesis: "The Future of Capitalism"Covered 75% of university expenses by working part-time.

Sept. 1991 to June 1994
High-School Diploma, Reaalkool, Tallinn
Major in Mathematics & Physics
Minor in Electronics & Computer Science.


Non-degree studies

July 2002
Certificate, CHEPS Summer School on Higher Education Research "The Rise of the Networked University"

Aug. 2001
Certificate, Oslo University Summer School in Comparative Social Science Studies, "Education and Development for All"

June 1998 to Aug. 1998
Certificate, Engalitcheff Institute on Comparative Political and Economic Systems, Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA

Feb. 1998 to June 1998
An exchange student, St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance, St. Petersburg, Russia

July 1997 to Aug. 1997
Certificate, American Institute on Political and Economic Systems, Charles University in Prague & Georgetown University in Washington DC

Aug. 1993 to June 1994
An exchange student, Amtgymnasium, Sønderborg, Denmark


Volunteer experience

Dec. 1997 to Dec. 1998
Head of Internal Audit Committee, Federation of Estonian Student Unions

March 1996 to July 1997
President of Student Government, Concordia University

June 1996 to July 1997
Member of Board, Federation of Estonian Student Unions

June 1996 to July 1997
Member of Board, Union of Estonian Youth Organizations

Dec. 1996 to May 1997
Head of Organizing Committee, Students' Spring Festival97

Sept. 1991 to June 1993
Vice President of Student Government, Reaalkool


Working experience

Oct. 2001 to present
Lecturer of Political Economy of Transition in Central Eastern Europe and Former Soviet Union at Estonian Business School

Oct. 2001 to present
Project Coordinator, Royal Netherlands Embassy, Tallinn

Oct. 2001 to March 2002
Lecturer of Social Change in Central Eastern Europe and Former Soviet Union at Estonian Institute of Humanities

Dec. 1998 to Aug. 1999
Marketing Director, Baltic Development Group Concert

Sept. 1998 to Dec. 1998
Managing Director, Katrin Kuldma Fashion House

June 1998 to Aug. 1998
Research Assistant, The Progress and Freedom Foundation, Washington DC

Sept. 1996 to Feb. 1998
Project Manager, Baltic Development Group

July 1995 to Feb. 1998
Project Manager, Program Booking Center Tallinn, Estonian Telephone Company



Jan. 2002 to March 2003
IPF Fellowship, for doing policy oriented higher education research on the Role of University in Social Transformation

Sept. 2000 to June 2001
CEU Fellowship, for attending CEU Political Science PhD

Sept. 1999 to June 2000
Soros Scholar, for attending CEU Political Science MA

June 1998 to Aug. 1998
Full scholarship, The Samuel Freeman Charitable Trust for attending Georgetown University in Washington DC

June 1997 to July 1997
Full scholarship, The Fund for American Studies for attending Charles University in Prague

Aug. 1993 to June 1994
Partial Scholarships, Fund of Democracy and Baltic Fund for attending gymnasium in Denmark


Language and computer skills

Foreign Languages
English, Russian, Danish & Finnish

Computer Skills
Software Familiarity: Office applications, Addobe Acrobat/Distiller
Hardware Familiarity: PC



András Bozóki
Associate Professor (Political Science Department)

Central European University
H-1051, Budapest, Nádor ut. 9, Hungary.
Office phone: (361) 327-3085, 327-3078
Fax: (36-1) 327-3087
Email: bozokia@ceu.hu
Website: www.personal.ceu.hu/departs/personal/Andras_Bozoki



Dr. Balázs Váradi
Professor (Political Science Department)

Central European University
H-1051, Budapest, Nádor ut. 9, Hungary.
Office phone: (36-1) 327-3025
Fax: (36-1) 327-3087
Email: varadib@ceu.hu