
Irkutsk State University, Russia


1.Socio-cultural factors and their influence on democratization processes in the Newly Industrial Countries of APR, and in Russia. /a paper/. Interrelations Among Nations of Russia, Siberia, and Eastern Countries. Papers of International Scientific Conference. Moscow-Irkutsk. 1995.

2.Spiritual values and the problem of ideological revivalism of Russia//Studium. Collected Works. Irkutsk State University Publishing. 1996. 

3.Epistemological function of a symbol: Toward the problem of the typology of consciousness' forms. /a paper/. Sociology of Knowledge: Problems and Perspectives. Collected Papers. StPetersburg. 1996.

4.The personality and the nation: Problems of identification. /a paper/.Peoples of the Former Soviet Union on the Eve of the Third Millenium. Papers of the International Scientific Congress. StPetersburg. 1996. V.III.

5.The role of symbol in political history of countries of the China-Confucian region. /a paper/. The East and Russia: A View from Siberia. Collected Papers. Irkutsk. 1996.

6.The role of non-formal institutions in the social structure of traditional China. /a paper/. Ibid.

7.A civil society: About the some conditions of an origin and an existence. /a paper/. Russia: The Sources and the Paths of a Spiritual Revival. Collected Papers. Arhangelsk. 1996.

8.Character of the symbolic in the art of the East and the West. /a paper/. Interrelations Among the Nations of Russia, Siberia, and Eastern Countries. Papers of the International Scientific Conference. Moscow-Irkutsk-Taeghu. 1997.

9.The role of religion's institutes in a process of social transformation: In terms of historical sociology// Studium. Collected Works. Irkutsk State University Publishing.1997.

10.International relations in terms of process realization of the phenomenon of symbolic. / A paper/. Human. Environment. Universe. Papers of the International Scientific Conference. Irkutsk. 1997.

11.A penitentiary system as a complex of the symbolic representations. /a paper/. The Force Structures and the Society: A Character of Relations in Russia. Collected Papers. Irkutsk. 1997.

12.The humaniora and the phenomenon of symbolic: Methodological aspect. /a paper/. Philosophy of Human Knowledge: Russian Academic Tradition and Modernity. Collected Papers. StPetersburg.1997.

13.The personality and the state: A correlation between freedom and necessity by traditions of the East and the West. /a paper/. The East and Russia: A View from Siberia. Collected Papers. Irkutsk. 1998.

14.The algorithm of a social research. The teaching aid. / A brochure/. Irkutsk. ISTU Publishing House. 1998.

15.The value orientations of the Russian students. /a paper; with A.S.Poluectova/. Problems of Sustained Social Development. Papers of the 3rd Russian Scientific Conference. Irkutsk. 1998.

16.Political culture: Interrelations between political leaders and the masses. /a paper/. Ibid.

17.Semantics of a political space: AnExperience of cross-cultural transsymbolic analysis. /an article/. Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology. 1998, V.I., #4. (Refereed)

18.Historical Anthropology and Historical Sociology: Joint Approach to the Study of Spiritual Reality// Studium. Irkutsk State University Publishing. 1999.

19.Consumer preferences of the modern Russian youth. /a paper; with O.P.Kondratyeva/. Relations Between the Society, and the Nature: The Past, the Present, and the Problems of Security. Papers of Scientific Conference. Irkutsk. 1999.

20.Democracy and Russia: Their co-existing in the mass consciousness of the young generation. /a paper/. Ibid.

21.Apprehension of the basic forms of political power by the youth of Russia and Mongolia. /a paper; with A.S.Prizhimova/. Ibid.

22.Some social groups: Their apprehension and real social statuses. /a paper /. Ibid.

23.Transcendental elements in the consciousness of the Russian youth. /a paper/. Ibid.

24.Ethnic correlation during the apprehension of some elements of political space. /a paper/. Ibid.

25."The West the West, the East the East…" Political Sociology in comparative perspective. /a manuscript/

26.The personality and the state: A message of an opposition// Studium. Collected Works. Irkutsk State University Publishing. 1999.

27.Democratization and religion: The case of Russia. /a manuscript; in English/ 

28.Soren Kierkegaard: The metamorphoses of rationality and the crash of the Knight of Belief. /a paper/. Science Rationality and the Daily Structures. Collected Papers. StPetersburg. 1999.

29.Russian social drama: The dynamics of characters, the transformation of statuses (1985-1999) /Studium. Collected Works. Irkutsk State University Publishing. 2000.

30.Pathos and Prestige as a life strategies of a socio-economic group// Sociological Researches, 2001, #1. (Refereed)(English version).

31.Social Deviation as a factual value and normative model// Social and Humanitarian Knowledge, 2001, #6. (Refereed)

32.The Russian Orthodox Church and its Role in the Extreme Right Ideology in Today’s Russia//Studium. Collected Works. Irkutsk State University Publishing, 2001.

33. The Features of Religious Environment in Today's America: An Experience of Sociological Analysis// Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology, 2002, #6.

34. Classical University in Today's Russia: Brilliance and Poverty of Classicism// Social and Humanitarian Knowledge, 2003, #1. (English version).

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