Born on March 22, 1965

in Tomsk, USSR



Karl Marx St. 1

Irkutsk, 664003, Russia

Phone:  +7(3952) 336-873


  Fax:    +7(3952) 243-748

















2003 – Present

Head Department of Regional Studies and Social Economics, Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia

*      Supervise the work of the Department's staff, and control the general educational process

*      Supervise and direct the fellows' research projects on the different issues of social life (mainly – of the cultural, religious and political character)

*      Consult on the topics of public relations, and various dimensions of social policy in Russia (among the recipients there are different organizations, from NGOs and private business till the governmental bodies)

*      Teach classes: 'Methods and Technique of Sociological Research', ‘Sociology of Knowledge’, ‘Ethnic Psychology’, ‘Sociology of Education’

*      Teach special courses ‘Social Activity as a Complex of Symbolic Representations’, ‘Sociology of a Changing Society’

*      Advise and direct student’s class schedules and research projects

*      27 published works, including three monographs and eight articles in the internationally refereed Russian academic journals

2000 - 2002

Associate Professor Department of Sociology, Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia

1998 - 2000

Assistant Professor Department of Sociology, Irkutsk State University

1994 - 1998

Lecturer Department of Sociology, Irkutsk State University



Irkutsk State University Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology (‘The Social Function of a Symbol’, 1997)

Irkutsk State University Honors Diploma in History (‘The Role of Socio-Cultural Factors in the Modernization Processes’, 1994)




Salzburg Seminar, Session "The Cultural, Civic and Economic Purposes of Higher Education", 2003

Budapest, Open Society Institute, the Series of Methodological Seminars on "The Problems of Social Policy in Changing Societies", 2002 –2003

Vienna, Center for Higher Education Research and Information at the Open University (UK), Association of the Commonwealth’s Universities, Methodological Seminar "The Role of Higher Education in Social Transformations", 2002

Moscow, Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Trainee, Certificate, 2001

Warsaw, Central-European University Curriculum Recourse Center's session "Sociology in Transition Societies", 2000 (An outcome:

Budapest, Summer Methodological University, CEU Certificate, Political Science, 1999

St Petersburg, Winter Methodological University Diploma, Social Psychology, 1998

Yaroslavl, Summer Methodological University Diploma, Cultural Anthropology, 1997



*            Fellowship from the Fulbright Senior Scholar Exchange Program, research project: ‘From the Toleration Act and Social Gospel to Modernity: An Evolution of Religious Environment in America (Through the Use of Social Symbols)’, 2002

*            Fellowship from the Open Society Institute, Center for Policy Studies (International Policy Fellowship), research project: ‘Role of Universities in a Construction of New Social Realities’, 2002

*            Fellowship from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, research project: ‘Transformation of Symbolic Forms in Changing Societies: Phenomenology of Social Dynamics’, 2001

*            Fellowship from the United States Information Agency (USIA) and International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX), research project: ‘Freedom of Religion, Democracy, and Democratization: Problems and Perspectives’, 1999

*            Fellowship from the Russian Foundation for Humanities, research project: ‘Trans-Symbolic Bases for a Study of Human’, 1998

*            Grant from the Open Society Institute, the teaching courses' competition winner, ‘Ethnic Psychology’, 1998


Russian – native, English – fluent, German- good, Chinese - good.

An Expert of the Global Development Network

Member of the Political Experts' Network

Married, with daughter.


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