Oleg Karmadonov
Irkutsk State University,

Irkutsk, Russia

The Project Objectives.

The transformation of all fields of social life taking place in Russia today put the question about possible alternatives of this transformation and its consequences. Russia, despite all changes during the past 15 years yet is not a democratic country in strong sense of this word. As in the past, an authoritarian and nationalistic tendencies are rather influential here; so far, there is a kind of ideological vacuum, that could be filled with extreme right (or left) wing/ideology.  That is why the creation of the sustainable basis of democratic consciousness is, actually, one of the most important tasks in today’s Russian society. “Each real democracy is based on the appropriate tradition”, with the words of Edward Shils, - that is why an elaboration of such a tradition should be an objective of each day andeach social institute. 

In this process the role of University is hard to underestimate. A University is a space where the second socialization of young people is taking place. Just here, through the significant others the background of this or that mentality and ideology is being created. At the same time, Universities always were the placeof realization of youth’s social activity. In a circumstances of a radical social changes, of transformation from authoritarian to democratic framework the role of Universities rises incredibly. What is more, while a state itself is not sure about any particular ideological system, while moral and ethic norms become more and more relative (or are eliminated at all), just Universities should accomplish a function ofsignificant agent of democratic socialization. I believe it could and should be accomplished through the democratic oriented professors and teachers, and it, undoubtedly, ought to be an official policy of the management of University. In this connection there is a necessity of conscious and oriented policy in and around University towards elaboration and incorporation of ideas of a real democratic character. The youth is indeed tomorrow of country, and it is rather important what kind of ideas the young people will bring with them in this tomorrow. Certain sort of ideas will create certain sort of country. 

In this light, the main goals of the project are subdivided into the two units:

I.Studying of the external and internal circumstances of University in a transition society.

(i)changing culture: the production and dissemination of ideas, exerting influence upon the system of Higher Education.

(ii)program and curriculum changes;

(iii)changes in the composition of students;

(iv)changes in the composition of staff;

(v)changes in the destinations of graduates;

(vi)development of or changes in ‘outreach’ activities;

(vii)changes in research policies and funding;

(viii)changes in governance and decision-making

(ix)an elaboration of a scheme of suggestions regarding innovations and 

reforms in the sphere of Higer Education in the Irkutsk region

II.Studying of the transformative incentives.

(i)changes taking place in ‘old’ universities;

(ii)the creation of ‘new’ universities;

(iii)the role of ‘private’ or ‘transnational’ institutions;

(iv)the role of non-university institutions and sectors;

(v)the role of quality assurance;

(vi)the role of funding policies of the state and the extent of the diversification of funding sources;

(vii)the extent, contents and implementation of new legislation.


The results of the project will be applied in practice as a number of elaborated corrections and innovations in the sphere of public policy on Higher Education in Irkutsk region. I intend to utilize these innovations in a strong collaboration with the management of Universities, government officials, and non-governmental organizations. It is planned that as the first base for research itself and then for innovation testing leading in East Siberia Irkutsk State University (12000 students), will be used. The ultimate goal of the given project is to draft appropriate legislation, write a research and policy paper in coordination with mentors to be presented to Irkutsk State University, the Board of Rectors of the Irkutsk Region Universities, and the Department of Higher Education and Science of the Government of Irkutsk.


The timetable of the given project is determined by the main research goals, and manifested as following:

The first stage (1st – 3rd  quarters of 2002)

·Studying of the external and internal circumstances of Universities in social transition. An analysis of a structure, quality, and a content of legislation regarding the Higher Education.The following empirical methods are envisioned: statistical approach (studying the curricula’s changes, changes in a composition of staff and students), interviews with responsible persons – Universities officials, government officials.
The second stage (4th quarters of 2002 - 1st quarter of 2003)
·An elaborating of a scheme of suggestions regarding innovations and reforms in the sphere of educational policy  in today’s Russia in general and in Irkutsk region in particular. The draft of appropriate legislation is envisioned (“The Regional Law on a Basic Principles of a Higher Education”). This period of work will be conducted in a strong collaboration with the following structures: the Committee on High Education of the Irkutsk Region Administration, the Committee on Youth Policy of the Irkutsk RA, the Legislative Assembly of Irkutsk Region, Board of Rectors of Universities in Irkutsk Region.
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