The Municipal Development Planning
and Public Involvement in Russia


Articles and Publications

1. Jounda N. (2004) Evolution of the Local Development Policymaking in Russia: from Administrative Planning to Public Policy?  

2. Jounda N. (2004) Local Development in Russia: from Administrative Planning  to Participatory Policymaking.  

3. Jounda N.  Batchaev A. et al. (2004) Participation of business community in elaboration and implementation of local economic policy: practice and recommendations. Leontief Centre, St.-Petersburg (in Russian).

4. Jounda N. and L. Limonov (2003) Strategic Planning in St. Petersburg: Lessons After Seven Years of Implementation. Article prepared for EURA - Eurocities conference (in English). 

5. Jounda N. (2003) Strategies of the Mining and Other Mono-profile Cities. In Territorial strategic planning in Transition Period: Experience of the Russian Cities. Leontief Centre, St.-Petersburg (in Russian).

6. Jounda N., Zikharevich B. et al. (2003) How to Develop a Strategic Plan? A Practical Guide. Leontief Centre, St.-Petersburg (in Russian).

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© Nikolai Jounda. International Policy Fellow 2003-2004