My IPF Project
Revised Research Proposal
Issue Paper
Work and Advocacy Plan
Project Reports
Activity Report
Interim Report
Final Report
About Me
Short Bio
My Projects

Group Adviser


RESEARCH TIMETABLE                             

IPF 2005–2006

 April – August 2005

Initial Research in Bulgaria and the European Union

  • Studying documents and collecting relevant materials at the National Library and the archives in Sofia
  • Fellows Seminar in Budapest
  • Preparation of the questionnaire for the non-standardized interviews by the IPF Fellow in cooperation with relevant experts
  • Consultations and interviews with officials and policymakers from the relevant ministries of the Bulgarian government, particularly the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Meetings and interviews with representatives of the Islamic leadership from the Grand Mufti’s administration, the Higher Islamic Institute and other Islamic official and non-governmental organizations
  • Study trip to Belgium (coinciding with the first workgroup meeting) and Germany
  • Survey in the South of Bulgaria – field research in the Rodopi region
  • Technical processing of the data and the materials collected during the surveys and the study trips
  • Preparation of the activity report and outline research to the group and individual advisors
  • Submitting the Interim report to the IPF Program


September – December 2005

Regional Case Studies: Research in South-East Europe and the Middle East

  • Study trip to Macedonia, Kosovo and Bosnia to carry out expert interviews with Muslim leaders, academics and NGO-activists
  • Field research in Lebanon and Egypt to collect materials and carry out expert interviews with representatives of the Muslim leadership, academics and public intellectuals
  • Field research in Turkey (possibly coinciding with the December IPF training seminar) to collect materials and carry out expert interviews with representatives of the Muslim leadership, academics and public intellectuals
  • Processing of the data collected during the research activities


December 2005 – January 2006

Writing the Paper

  • Finalizing the research paper
  • Working on the policy paper and the policy recommendations


February – April 2006

Advocacy Stage of the Project

  • Short publications around the project in the print media and/or on the web summarizing the findings of the paper and drawing wider public attention to the policy paper
  • Fellows seminar in Budapest – working group discussion of the draft final research papers, individual and group outcomes
  • Summarizing of all data and materials collected during the fellowship
  • Submitting final activity report and draft final research paper



Last modified 15.05.2005 
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