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1.    Religion and Politics in the Arab World: Islam and the Public Sphere [in Bulgarian], Sofia University Press: Sofia, 2008 [forthcoming], 323 pages.
2.    Medieval Arab Historians on the Society and Governance [in Bulgarian], Ph.D. Dissertation, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, 1999, 281 pages; published by Iztok–Zapad Publishing House: Sofia, 2008 [forthcoming].
3.    Islam and Europe (editor and co-author) [in Bulgarian], Book resulting from the International conference “Islam, the Balkans and the European Neighbourhood Project”, Sofia, October 20–22, 2006, Center for Intercultural Studies and Partnership (CISP), 2008 [forthcoming].
4.    Islam: A Short Handbook (editor and co-author) [in Bulgarian]. Sofia: Center for Intercultural Studies and Partnership (CISP), 2006, 2nd Revised Edition with Iztok–Zapad Publishing House: Sofia, 2007 (263 pages).
5.    Islam and the Public Sphere: Global and Regional Dimensions (editor together with Dale F. Eickelman and co-author) [in Bulgarian], Center for Intercultural Studies and Partnership: Sofia 2007.
6.    The Muslim Community in Bulgaria: Facing the International Challenges (editor together with Plamen Makariev and co-author) [in Bulgarian], Center for Intercultural Studies and Partnership: Sofia, 2007.
    Online-version of the handbook 
7.    Bulgarians and Arabs [in Bulgarian], co-author, ed. by Prof. Dr. Alexander Fol, TanNakRa Publishing House: Sofia, 2003.


    In Bulgarian Language:
8)    “Identity and Politics in the Middle East: The Debate on Islam and the Public Sphere”, in:  Evstatiev, Simeon and Dale F. Eickelman (editors). Islam and the Public Sphere: Global and Regional Dimensions, Center for Intercultural Studies and Partnership: Sofia 2007, 17 pages.
9)    “Preface” (together with Dale F. Eickelman), in: Evstatiev, Simeon and Dale F. Eickelman (editors). Islam and the Public Sphere: Global and Regional Dimensions, Center for Intercultural Studies and Partnership: Sofia 2007, 10 pages.
10)    “Islam and Secularism in Modern Bulgaria”, in: Plamen Makariev and Simeon Evstatiev (editors), The Muslim Community in Bulgaria: Facing the International Challenges, Center for Intercultural Studies and Partnership: Sofia, 2007.
11)    “The New Islamic Publicness: Beyond Culture or Cultural Identity through Religion”, Kultura, Issue No 5 (2488), 2008. <>
12)    “Islam and the Religious Public Sphere as a Trial to the West” [in Bulgarian], in: Around Charles Taylor. Religion and Politics: The Troubles of Modernity, Ivaylo Znepolski (editor), Sofia Dialogues 2005, Sofia December 3–4, 2005, House for Human and Social Sciences: Sofia, 2006, pp. 293–316.
13)    “Henri Corbin and the Dialogue of Civilizations”, Kultura, No 6 (2214), Year XLVI 2002, <>.
14)    “Early Schools and Approaches in Arabic Historiography”, Arabic and Islamic Studies II: Studies in Occasion of the 60th Aniversary of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Penka Samsareva, Ed. Simeon Evstatiev et al, Sofia University Press: Sofia, 2003, pp. 318–345.
15)    “Yordan Peev and his Contribution to the Formation of Arabic and Islamic Studies in Bulgaria”, Preface to: Arabic and Islamic Studies: Studies on the Occasion of the 6oth Anniversary of Prof. Dr. Yordan Peev [in Bulgarian], Ed. by Tsvetomira Pashova et al., Sofia University Press: Sofia, 2001, pp. 9–17.
16)    “Cultural-Historical Significance of the Transition from Jahiliyya to Islam” [in Bulgarian], Review of the book by P. Pavlovitch History and Culture of Ancient Arabia. Studies, Galeon Publishing House: Sofia, 2001, In: Istoriya, 3-4, 2003, pp. 23–27.
17)    “The Contribution of al-Tabarī and al-Mas‘ūdī in the Historical Tradition of Medieval Islam”, Istoriya, 1/2001, pp. 49–64.
18)    “Ibn Khaldūn on the Society and State: the Role of Islamic Tradition in his Idea of History”, Arabic and Islamic Studies: Studies on the Occasion of the 6oth Anniversary of Prof. Dr. Yordan Peev [in Bulgarian], Ed. by Tsvetomira Pashova et al., Sofia University Press: Sofia, 2001, pp. 44–61.
In Enligsh and German:
19)    “Balancing Text and Context in Arabic and Islamic Studies: Overcoming the Accusations of Orientalism”, Tradition and Change in the Realms of Islam. Studies in Honour of Urbain Vermeulen, Peeters: Leuven, 2008.
20)    “Shaping a New Religious Public Sphere: Sheikh Faysal Mawlawi and his Jama‘a Islamiyya in Lebanon”, Proceedings of the International Conference “The Arab World and Islam – Identities and Intercultural Interactions”, on occasion of the 30th anniversary of the introduction of Arabic Studies in the curricula of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia May 10–14, 2005, Ed. by Tsvetan Teofanov et al., Sofia University Press: Sofia, 2008 [forthcoming], 19 pages.
21)    “Islam in Southeast European Public Discourse: Focusing on Traditions of Tolerance”, Policy Perspectives, International Policy Fellowships Program – Open Society Institute, Central European University Press: Budapest, 2006, pp. 137–145.
22)    “Public Islam on the Balkans in a Wider Europe Context”, Policy Documentation Center, Open Society Institute, Central European University Press: Budapest, 2006.
23)    “On the Periphery of Two Worlds: Some Aspects of the Perception of Arabic-Islamic Tradition among the Muslims in the Balkans”, Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants. Part Two, Ed. By K. Dévényi, Arabist: Budapest Studies in Arabic, Budapest, 2003, pp. 37–44.
24)    “In Search of the True Face of Islam: Orthodox Christians in Bulgaria between Historical Myth and Reality”, Religion, Rights and Societal Reconstruction, Ed. J. Paul Martin and Danielle Celermajer, Columbia University Press: New York, [forthcoming], 15 pages.
25)     “On the Perception of the Khatam an-nabiyyin Doctrine in Arabic Historical Thought: Confirmation or Finality”, Studies in Arabic and Islam, Proceedings of the 19th Congress, Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, Halle 1998, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 108, Uitgeverij Peeters, Leuven – Paris – Sterling, VA, 2002, pp. 455–467.
26.    “Die Konzeption von der islamischen Gemeinde als umma wasat. Ein klassisches Fundament mit modernen Dimensionen”, Kultur, Recht und Politik in Muslimischen Gesellschaften, Band 1: Akten des 27. Deutschen Orientalistentag (Bonn – 28 September bis 2. Oktober 1998), Hrsg. Stefan Wild und Hartmut Schild, S. 337–344.


27.    Arabic and Islamic Studies II: Studies in Occasion of the 60th anniversary of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Penka Samsareva [in Bulgarian], together with H. Chobanova and I. Dylgerov, Sofia University Press: Sofia, 2003 (460 pages).
28.    Karen Armstrong, Islam: a Short History [in Bulgarian], Prozoretz Publishing House: Sofia, 2002 (240 pages).


29.    Editor (together with Plamen Makariev) of Christianity and Islam: Basics of Religious Tolerance. A Handbook for Teachers in Religion [in Bulgarian]. Center for Intercultural Studies and Partnership (CISP): Sofia, 2007 (205 pages).
30.    Chapter “Doctrinal and Historical Challenges for Religious Tolerance”, in: Christianity and Islam: Basics of Religious Tolerance. A Handbook for Teachers in Religion [in Bulgarian]. Ed. by Simeon Evstatiev and Plamen Makariev, Center for Intercultural Studies and Partnership (CISP): Sofia, 2007, pp. 167–190.
31.    Chapter “Islam: Past and Present”, in: Beyond Differences: Towards a Tolerance and Dialogue between Christianity and Islam in Bulgaria – a Handbook [in Bulgarian], Ed. by Orlin Sabev, IIZDVV: Sofia, 2004.


32)    “The Qur’ān and the Sunna – the Two Fundamentals of Islam” [in Bulgarian] Ethno-reporter, 2/2002, pp. 18–19.
33)    “Islam: the Innovation as a Return to the Roots” [in Bulgarian], Kultura, 41/42 (2249/2250), 2002.
34)    “Islam and Fundamentalism” [in Bulgarian], Ethno-reporter, 6/2002, pp. 40–42.
35)    Participation in carrying-out a discussion interview with Prof. Dr. Tilman Nagel from Göttingen University, Kultura, January 2003.
36.    Analyses and interviews on issues related to the Arab world and Islam, as well as interreliogious relations in the Bulgarian press: “Capital”, “Kultura”, “Maritsa”, “Demokratsia”, “Tsarkoven Vestnik”, “Novinar’ etc. in the period 2000–2008.


Last modified 16.06.2008 
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