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Simeon Evstatiev holds a Ph.D. in Arabic and Islamic History (1999) from St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia where he currently studies and teaches Middle Eastern History and Islam at the Centre for Oriental Studies. In 2000 he specialized in Spain, where he worked on a project devoted to Christian-Muslim relations as an Andrew W. Mellon Fellow at the CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) in Madrid. Currently, Simeon Evstatiev is working on his International Policy Fellowship (IPF) Project entitled “Islam, the Balkans and the European ‘Neighbourhood Project’” at the Open Society Institute (OSI) and the Center for Policy Studies (CPS) affiliated with the Central European University in Budapest.

 Besides, his main areas of interest include Arabic religio-historical thought, religious and political movements in the Muslim-majority world as well as Christian-Muslim relations. He has numerous publications on these topics. Simeon Evstatiev has directed and participated in different research and educational projects on national and international level. He visited and gave papers and lectures at various academic forums in Great Britain, The Netherlands, Germany, Hungary, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Belgium and Kuwait, India, Poland and USA. Within his research projects he visited also Turkey, Lebanon and Syria, Macedonia and Kosovo. Since 2003 Simeon Evstatiev is also Research Director of the academy-based Center for Intercultural Studies and Partnership (CISP) in Sofia.

 The international memberships of Simeon Evstatiev include: Union Eurpéenne des Arabisants et Islamisants (UEAI), The European Association for Middle Eastern Studies (EURAMES), Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft (DMG), Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vorderer Orient für gegenwartsbeyogene Forschung und Dokumentation (DAVO). Since 2004 Simeon Evstatiev is also National Representative of Bulgaria and Coordinator for South East Europe at the UEAI as well as Contact Person of EURAMES in Bulgaria and the Balkans.


Last modified 15.05.2005 
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