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Protsyk, Oleh, “Semi-Presidentialism under Post-Communism” in Robert Elgie, Sophia Moestrup, Yu-Shan Wu, eds., Semi-Presidentialism and Democracy (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011)
Matichescu, Marius & Oleh Protsyk, “Political Recruitment in Romania: Continuity and Change” in Ronald F. King and Paul E. Sum, eds., Romania under Basescu (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2011)
Protsyk, Oleh, “Legislative Representation,” in Marc Weller, ed., Political Participation of Minorities: A Commentary on International Standards and Practice (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010)
Protsyk, Oleh, Old and New Challenges of the Current Ukrainian Leadership,” in OSCE Yearbook 2010 (Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2011)
Protsyk, Oleh, Accountability within Minority Political Participation,” in  European Yearbook of Minority Issues, Vol.7, 2007/8 (Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2010).

Protsyk, Oleh, "Gagauz autonomy in Moldova: the real and the virtual in post-Soviet state design, in Marc Weller, ed., Asymmetric  Autonomy as a Tool of Ethnic Conflic Settlement (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010).

Protsyk, Oleh and Ion Osoian, Moldova: Party Institutionalization in Public Finance-Scarce Environment,” in Steven D. Roper and Janis Ikstens (eds), Party and Campaign Finance in Post-Communist Countries, (London: Ashgate Publishers, 2008).

Protsyk, Oleh, "The Presidency and the Political Role of Cabinets in the Western CIS Countries," "Section Introduction" in Bernadette Connaughton, Georg Sootla, B. Guy Peters (eds), Politico-Administrative Relations at the Centre: Actors, Structures, and Processes Supporting the Core Executive (Bratislava: NISPAcee, 2008)
Protsyk, Oleh, Igor Bucataru, and Andrei Volentir, "Otnoshenie moldavskikh partij k probleme resheniya pridnestrovskogo konflikta" /Positions of Moldovan Political Parties on the Issue of Conflict Settlement in Transnistria/ in Kimitaka Matzusato, ed., Pridnestrov'ye v macroregional’nom kontekste chernomorskogo poberezhja / Transnistria in Macro-Regional Context of Black Sea Coast/ (Hokkaido University: Slavic Research Center, 2008)

Protsyk, Oleh, "Nation-Building in Moldova" in Andrzej Suszycki and Pawel Karolewski, eds., Nation and Nationalism: Political and Historical Studies (Wroclaw: Wroclawskie Wydawnictwo Oswiatowe, 2007)

Protsyk, Oleh, "Democratization as a Means of Conflict Resolution in Moldova," European Yearbook of Minority Issues, Vol.4, 2004/5 (Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2006)

Protsyk, Oleh, Cabinet Decision-Making in Ukraine: The Dual Executive and The Diffusion of Policy Making Authority” in Allan Rosenbaum and Juraj Nemec, eds., Democratic Governance in the Central and Eastern European Countries: Challenges and Responses for the XXI Century, (Bratislava: NISPAcee, 2006)

Protsyk, Oleh, "Party Funding in Ukraine" in Daniel Smilov, ed., Party Funding and Corruption in Eastern Europe (Budapest: CPS Books, 2005) (the chapter analyzes developments untill 2001; more recent analysis is in my IFES Report provided below).

Protsyk, Oleh, "Ukrayna ve Rusya'da Siyasal Kurumlar ve Avrupa Entegrayonuna Bakış"/ Political Institutions in Ukraine and Russia and European Integration/ in Erhan Büyükakıncı, ed., Değişen Dünyada Rusya ve Ukrayna /Russia and Ukraine in a Changing World/ (Ankara: Phoenix,  2004).