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The representation of minorities and indigenous peoples in parliament: a global overview, Report, IPU and UNDP, 2010. (Also available in French and Spanish).

Representation of minorities in the Romanian parliament, Case Study Report, IPU and UNDP, 2010. (Also available in French and Spanish).

Resolving the Transnistrian Conflict: Policy Positions of Political Parties and the Expert Community in Moldova, (with Andrei Volentir and Igor Bucataru), Report for OSCE Moldova Mission, 2009.

Political Institutions and Public Policies: Legislative Decision-Making in Russia and Ukraine, Report, OSI International Policy Fellowship, 2003.

Campaign and Party Finance in Ukraine: Dilemmas of Regulation in the Context of Weakly Institutionalized Political and Legal Systems, IFES Report (Washington, D.C.: International Foundation for Election Systems, May 2002) 

Semi-Presidentialism: The Logic of Institutional Conflict and Implications for Public Administration Design (Ph.D. dissertation, Rutgers University, 2000)