A Gendered View of the Decade of Roma Inclusion

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December 2006 - December 2007


7 Dec 2006, Belgrade, Serbia: Held a workshop organized by the NGO Anti-Trafficking Center on “Racial Discrimination at Work: Violations of Roma Rights” for youth activists, with an emphasis on gender and racial discrimination of Romani women.
18 Dec 2006, Podgorica, Montenegro: Spoke at an event organized by the United Nations Development Program on socially vulnerable groups, including Roma, in Montenegro
20-21 Feb 2007, Belgrade, Serbia: Participated in a workshop for researchers, women's NGOs and other stakeholders on the shadow report on the situation of Romani women in Serbia, prepared by the European Roma Rights Center and three Romani women's NGOs from Serbia (Women's Space, Eureka, Bibija) Photos
21-23 March 2007, Skopje, Macedonia: Took part in "Western Balkans Conference on the Decade of Roma Inclusion: Continuous Dialogue among Actors and Challenges for Implementation" organized by Roma NGO Sonce and presented my research project.
28-29 March 2007, Belgrade, Serbia: Took part in regional conference "Reporting under CEDAW - Sharing Regional Experiences", including a session on the CEDAW shadow report on Romani women
1-3 April 2007, Budapest, Hungary: Took part in the conference "Education Reforms and Roma Inclusion in Eastern and Central Europe" organized by the Roma Education Fund (REF)
26 April, Novi Sad, Serbia: Held a meeting with the representatives of the Secretariat for Labour, Employment and Gender Equality of the Vojvodina Executive Council
21-25 May 2007, Dubrovnik, Croatia: Participated in the course "Feminist Critical Analysis: Race, Discourse, Politics" at the Inter-University Center Dubrovnik, organized by Rutgers University, Women's and Gender Studies Department and Belgrade Women's Studies and Gender Research Center, Belgrade University. Gave a presentation on “A Failing Promise? Romani Women in the Decade of Roma Inclusion” and took part in the roundtable on the situation of Roma in Serbia.
5 June 2007, Novi Sad, Serbia: 13 June 2007, Belgrade, Serbia: participated in an event organized by the Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization on the situation of Roma returned to Serbia under readmission agreements
13 June 2007, Belgrade, Serbia: participated in an event organized by the Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization on the situation of Roma returned to Serbia under readmission agreements
22 June 2007, Budapest, Hungary: Meeting with ERRC about the forthcoming joint advocacy event
19 July 2007, Novi Sad, Serbia: IPF advocacy event - conference "Romani Women in Serbia: The Way Forward" organized jointly with ERRC and the Vojvodina Secretariat for Labour, Employment and Gender Equality with IPF additional support
24 Aug 2007,
Belgrade, Serbia: Chaired the session on the plans of the Serbian Government and relevant intergovernmental organizations to promote CEDAW, at the National Conference of Romani Women's Network "Romani Women's Movement in the Light of the CEDAW Shadow Report and the Committee's Recommendations"
25 Aug 2007, Belgrade, Serbia: Facilitated the session on activities for the inclusion in the Roma Decade, at the National Conference of Romani Women's Network "What Next?" Photos

5-6 January 2007
"Encountering Human Rights: Gender, Sexuality and Human Rights", Westminster University, London, UK.
12-14 April 2007
Discussant in the session "Enlarged Europe and the Challenge of Ethnic, Cultural and Political Diversity, 12th Annual Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities, Columbia University, New York, USA.
29-30 October 2007
Conference on Durable Solutions for Roma Refugees, IDPS and Returnees in the Balkans, organized by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Council of Europe, and the Serbian Agency for Human and Minority Rights
9-10 November 2007
Spoke on "Trafficking, Gender and Race: The Case of Romani Women" at the seminar Gender and Trafficking in Post-Soviet Space: A Case Study of Violation of Human Rights, Middle Eastern Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey.
3-4 December 2007
Panelist in the workshop "Realizing Romani Women's Rights", at the "Our Voices Heard: Romani Women's Rights Conference", organized by the Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality of Sweden, Council of Europe, and the European Union Fundamental Rights Agency, in Stockholm, Sweden

Links to the following publications can be found in Individual and Group publications.
Violations of the Rights of Roma Returned to Serbia under Readmission Agreements (Author), Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization (EHO), Novi Sad, Serbia, May 2007.
Krsenje ljudskih prava Roma vracenih u Srbiju po osnovu sporazuma o readmisiji (Author), Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization (EHO), Novi Sad, Serbia, May 2007.
“The Romani Women’s Movement in Montenegro: Chapter One”, Roma Rights, Budapest, April 2007.
"Na raskrscu: Romkinje u Srbiji", reprinted in: Prirucnik za NVO aktiviste i aktivistkinje, Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization (EHO), Novi Sad, Serbia, March 2007.
"Prikaz: Romkinje I” (book review), in Savic, Svenka (ed.), Romkinje 2, Futura publikacije, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2007.
At Risk: The Social Vulnerability of Roma, Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in Montenegro (Editor), United Nations Development Program, Podgorica, Montenegro, December 2006.
At Risk: The Social Vulnerability of Roma in Albania (Editor), United Nations Development Program, Tirana, Albania, December 2006.

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Additional links :

Activity report 2006