A Gendered View of the Decade of Roma Inclusion

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May - November 2006


27-28 May, Feketic, Serbia: Attended a seminar for Romani women activists organized by the Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization (EHO), and talked about the human rights of Romani women, and the Decade of Roma Inclusion from the gender point of view
16-18 June, Nis, Serbia: Attended a seminar of the Romani Women’s Network, involving many Romani women activists from Serbia, and talked about:
- human rights and gender and race discrimination
- monitoring and documenting human rights abuses, with a gender and race focus
- monitoring the implementation of Roma Decade National Action Plans in Serbia from a gender point of view.
27 June 2006: Phone interview with Zeljko Jovanovic, Romani activist, also Programme Assistant, Democratization Department, OSCE Serbia
28 June 2006, Belgrade, Serbia: Meeting with Petar Antic, Executive Director, Minority Rights Centre
29 June 2006, Belgrade, Serbia: Meeting with Djurdjica Zoric, Activist, Roma Women’s Centre Bibija
30 June 2006: Phone interview with Slavica Vasic, Romani woman activist, also Assistant, Secretariat for Roma National Strategy
30 June 2006, Novi Sad, Serbia: Meeting with Orsolya Vidacs, Senior Associate, Office of the Deputy Ombudsman for National Minorities, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
30 June 2006, Novi Sad, Serbia: Meeting with Andor Deli, Senior Associate, Secretariat for Regulations, Administration and National Minorities, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
29 July 2006, Belgrade, Serbia: Meeting with Tunde Kovacs-Cerovic, Senior Officer, Roma Education Fund (REF)
15 - 17 Sept 2006, Nis, Serbia: Attended a seminar of the Romani Women’s Network, involving many Romani women activists from Serbia, and talked about advocacy and lobbying for Roma women, with a special focus on Roma Decade activities. The seminar included meeting Isabela Mihalache, Program Coordinator, Roma Participation Program (RPP), OSI Budapest, and attending her presentations on the OSI’s work on Roma and Roma Decade issues, as well as good practices of Roma women’s advocacy in action.

9 Sept 2006, Budapest, Hungary: Meeting with Raluca Popa, IPF 2006/7
10 Sept 2006, Budapest, Hungary: Meeting with Tara Bedard, Project Manager, European Roma Rights Center
11 Sept 2006, Budapest, Hungary: Meeting with Ostalinda Maya Ovalle, Women’s Rights Officer, European Roma Rights Center

4 Sept 2006, Podgorica, Montenegro: Meeting with Veselj Beganaj, Roma NGO “Pocetak”
4 Sept 2006, Podgorica, Montenegro: Meeting with Tamara Srzentic (Roma Program Coordinator) and Tanja Luburic (Women’s Program Coordinator), Open Society Institute Montenegro
4 Sept 2006, Podgorica, Montenegro: Meetings with Behija Ramovic (Romani woman activist and Deputy Director) and Aleksandar Zekovic (Director), Roma Scholarship Foundation
4 Sept 2006, Podgorica, Montenegro: Meeting with Asya Varbanova, Project Coordinator, UNIFEM Office for Central and Eastern Europe
5 Sept 2006, Niksic, Montenegro: Meeting with Fana Delija, Husnija Hajrusaj, and Fatima Naza, Roma Initiatives Centre, and Nada Koprivica and Dijana Pistalo, SOS Niksic
5 Sept 2006, Podgorica, Montenegro: Meeting with Aleksandra Visnjic, Programme Associate, Social Inclusion Cluster, UNDP Montenegro
6 Sept 2006, Podgorica, Montenegro: Meeting with Marko Gazivoda, Youth Activities Manager, Forum Syd Balkan
6 Sept 2006, Podgorica, Montenegro: Meeting with Jelena Perovic, Programme Development Officer, Save the Children UK / Montenegro Country Programme
6 Sept 2006, Podgorica, Montenegro: Meeting with Danica Willis, intern with OSCE Montenegro
6 Sept 2006, Podgorica, Montenegro: Meeting with Anita Zeciri, Romani law student
6 Sept 2006, Podgorica, Montenegro: attending a youth community meeting in the Konik Roma settlement in Podgorica, meeting with Dijana Mehmeti, Romani woman activist

18-20 May 2006, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Presented a paper on “Political participation of Romani Women” at the seminar “Women and Politics: Ten Years After”, organized by Zenska infoteka from Zagreb, Croatia
18 July 2006, Belgrade, Serbia
Delivered a presentation “At Risk: Roma and the Displaced in Serbia”, at the conference “At Risk: The Social Vulnerability of Roma, Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in Serbia”, organized by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Serbia
24-25 August 2006, Belgrade, Serbia
“Cooperation and Coordination in the Realization of Action Plans for the Improvement of Roma Situation”, organized by the Secretariat for the National Roma Strategy, Belgrade, Serbia

Links to the following publications can be found in Individual and Group publications.
“Dvostruka diskriminacija” (Double Discrimination), major national weekly Vreme, Belgrade, Serbia, July 2006.
“At Risk: The Social Vulnerability of Roma, Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in Serbia” (Lead Author), UNDP Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia, July 2006.
“At Risk: Roma and the Displaced in Southeast Europe” (Contributor), UNDP Europe and CIS, Bratislava, Slovakia, June 2006.
“Antidiskriminaciake kanunija” (Antidiscrimination Laws), national Romani monthly Romano Nevipe, No. 15-16, Belgrade, Serbia, 2006.
“At the Crossroad: Human Rights of Romani Women in South East Europe”, Identities Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture, Skopje, Macedonia, May 2006.

Data gathering was collected and studied throughout the whole period, both through less formal contacts and meetings, and also by collecting literature and reports on Romani women’s issues in southeast Europe.
All opportunities were used to both share information on my research project, and raise awareness of Roma women’s concerns within the Decade of Roma Inclusion in Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro.
Initial contacts were made with activists in Croatia, in preparation for field work to be undertaken soon.
Administrative issues were dealt with, website was set up, and most of the technical equipment was purchased.

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Activity report 2007