My Mentor

Borce Davitkovski PhD, professor of Administrative Law, Public Administration and Ecology Law graduated at the Faculty of Law in Skopje. In 1984 received LL.M on the subject “Relations between the administration and the citizens”. In 1992 received PhD (Juris Doctor degree) on the subject “Control over government administration” (parliamentary and non-parliamentary). At present: Employed as a full time professor at the Faculty of Law in Skopje, University of “St. Cyril and Methodius” teaching Administrative Law, Public Administration and Ecology Law.
Publications: Over 70 published scientific articles in scientific reviews in Former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Macedonia. Co-author of 5 university textbooks: “Administrative Law”, “Science of Administration”, “Ecology Law”, “Privatization in the world” and "Governing problems". He is also a co-author of the Comments of the Law on Citizen's Associations and Foundations.
Special interest: In these works, which mainly cover the field of administrative law, the control over the government administration is especially explored, relations between the government administration and the citizens, judicial control over administration, organization of government administration, local government, staff administration, relations between the state authorities (parliament, government, administration and courts), the privatization of public services, and also the legal status of the NGO's is the focus of his research.
In the period of 1990 - 1998 for the Macedonian Government’s needs participated in different working groups for preparation and drafting of 29 working versions of legal projects.
Among the more important laws for  which preparation he participated are: The Law on the Government of Macedonia, The Law on the State Administration, The Law on Administrative Procedure, The law on the Administrative Disputes, The Law on the Administrative Personal, The Law on Administrative Institutions, The Law on the Citizen’s Associations and foundations, The Law on Expropriation, etc.
He participated in a large number of projects organized by domestic and international organizations.
During the 1997 he resides 35 days in Washington, U.S.A. in the ICNL -Institute where he have profound researches of the NGO System in U.S.A.


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