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Maria-Carmen Pantea








Pantea, M.C. (Editor in-chief) (Forthcoming 2013) The role of youth work (non-formal learning) in

            fostering entrepreneurial learning among young people. Brussels: SALTO Partcipation.


Pantea, M. (2008) Copiii care muncesc in Romania (Engl. Working Children in Romania). Cluj, Cluj

           University Press. ISBN 978-973. 619-785-6.




Journal articles and book chapters:


Pantea, M.C. (Forthcoming, 2013) “Negotiating change: Young students doing voluntary work in

            Romania” in Jason A.L., Concepción N. and Mrnjaus, K. (Eds). Citizenship, Democracy and

            the University in Europe, Canada and the U.S. Palgrave.


Pantea, M.C. (2013). Understanding non-participation. Structural barriers in cross border

            volunteering among Romanian youth’. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth. IFirst.


Pantea, M.C. (2013) Young people in cross-national volunteering. Perceptions of unfairness.

            Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 30 (5): 564-581.


Pantea, M.C. (2013) Policy implications for addressing Roma precarious migration

            Through employment at home. International Migration. Ifirst.


Pantea, M.C. (2013) „Romania” in Robert E. Emery (Ed.) Cultural Sociology of Divorce. SAGE.


Pantea, M.C. (2013) “Negotiating ‘children’s best interests’ in the context of parental

            migration” in Hanne Warming (Ed). Trust dynamics in the governance of children and youth –

            a European perspective. Palgrave Macmillan.


Pantea, M.C. (2012) “Comments on CRC concluding observations on Romania” in

            Carlos Villagrassa (Ed). Children’s Rights in Euro Mediterranean region. Barcelona: Huygens



Pantea, M.C. (2012) “Transitional Education for Child Labourers. A Review of

            Residential Bridge Camps for Mainstreaming Ex-Child Labourers into the Formal Education

            System” in the Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work. 9(5): 433-464.


Pantea, M.C. (2012) „Social ties at work:  Roma migrants and the community dynamics” in Ethnic and

            Racial Studies. IFirst


Pantea, M. (2012) From ‘making a living’ to ‘getting ahead’: Roma women’s experiences of migration.

            Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 38(8): 1251-1268. Special Issue ‘The Roma in the

            new EU: policies, frames and everyday experiences’.   


Pantea, M.C. (2012) „The changing nature of volunteering and the cross-border mobility.

            Where does learning come from?” in Studies in Continuing Education 35(1): 49-64.


Pantea, M (2012). ‘Young volunteers’ perspectives on their interactions with

            adults in position to facilitate their participation’ in Baraldi, C. and Vittorio Iervese (Eds).

            Participation, facilitation and mediation. Perspectives on children and young people

            involvement in social contexts. pp. 161-179. NY: Routledge.


Pantea, M.C. (2012) “Grandmothers as main caregivers in the context of parental migration” in the

            European Journal of Social Work special issue ‘Social work, older people and migration’ 15(1):



Pantea, M. (2012) “’I have a child and a garden’: Young people’s experiences of care

giving in transnational families” in Journal of Youth Studies. 15(2): 241-256.


Pantea, M. (2011) “Young people’s perspectives on changing families’ dynamics of

            power in the context of parental migration“ in YOUNG 19(4) 375–395.


Pantea, M. (2011) Experiencing Social Transition at the Workplace: Hard to Reach

Youth and Their Social Capital. CAS Working Paper Series No. 4/2011: Sofia 2011. Shaken

Order: Authority and Social Trust in Post-Communist Societies (Case Studies in Law), a project of the Centre for Advanced Study Sofia.


Pantea, M. (2011). Entries: “Adolescence”, “Child Labor”, “Migrant workers”, “Romania” in Zeiss

            Stange et al. (Eds): The Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World. SAGE. More…


Pantea, M. (2011). “What does it take to volunteer? Benefits and social costs of volunteering for

             disadvantaged young people” in Christiana Bagusat et al. (Eds.): Decent Work and

             Unemployment. Perspectives on Social Ethics. Wien–Berlin–Münster: Lit Verlag. pp. 105-129. 


Pantea, M. (2010) “Romania” in Encyclopedia of Motherhood, Sage.


Pantea, M. (2009) “Child Labour in Romania” in The World of Child Labor: An Historical and

             RegionalSurvey, Hugh D. Hindman (Ed.), M.E. Sharpe Inc., New York.


Pantea, M. (2009) “Performing the border of child labour: Roma working children”, in Romani Studies

              5, Vol. 19, No. 1, 19–48. Liverpool University Presss.


Pantea, M. and Roth, M. (2008). “Challenges in Addressing Child Abuse and Neglect among Roma

              Children in Romania” in ISPCAN's World Perspectives on Child Abuse: an International

              Resource Book, 8th edition.


Pantea, M. (2007) “Current challenges in analyzing child labor in Romania”, in Human Rights of

              Children. An appraisal of the Children's Rights Convention. Theory meets practice, Intersentia.

              Pp. 309-332.



Book reviews:


Holosko, M.J. et al (Forthcoming) Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families. Evidence

            Informed Assesments and Interventions. New Jersey: Wiley in Research on Social Work Practice.


Kadushin, A. and Kadushin, G. (Forthcoming) The Social Work Interview, Fifth Edition. NY: Columbia 

            University Press. Book review in Research on Social Work Practice


Nichols-Casebolt, A. (Forthcoming) Research Integrity and Responsible Conduct of Research,

            NY: Oxford University Press, Inc. Book review in Research on Social Work Practice.


VeLure Roholt, R. et al (Eds) (Forthcoming) Co-Creating Democratic Youth Spaces. Civic Youth

            Work. Chicago: Lyceum Books, Inc. Book review in Research on Social Work Practice.


J. Longhofer, J. Floersch and J. Hoy (2013) Qualitative Methods for Practice Research. New York:

            Oxford University Press. Book review in Research on Social Work Practice 23(3):361-362.


Werdel, M.B. and Wicks, R.J. (2013) Primer on Posttraumatic Growth. An introduction

            and Guide. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Book review in Research on Social Work Practice 23(3): 362




Policy reports:


Pantea, M.C. (2013) Information template (questionnaire) on the topic Social Inclusion and guidelines

related to this for data collection in 47 European states: country information of the European

Knowledge Centre for Youth Policy (EKCYP).


Pantea, M.C. (2012) Mapping of competences needed by youth workers to support young

people in international learning mobility projects (43 pg). URL:


Pantea, M. (2012) Comparative review of National Youth Reports on Voluntary Activities

            submitted by Member States on the implementation of the first work cycle of the EU Youth

            Strategy 2010-2012. (20 pg). URL: http://youth-partnership



Pantea, M.C. (2011). Evaluation of the Pilot Project Programme of the European Youth Foundation,

            With particular emphasis on the period 2007-2010. Submitted to: The European Youth



Pantea, M.C. (2011). A policy research of voluntary repatriation schemes and reintegration incentives

addressed to roma migrants. Submitted to LGI Programme of OSI. (p.50).


Pantea, M.C. (2011). Country report on ESF measures enhancing the labour market and social

            Inclusion of migrants and minorities. Romania.  Centre for Strategy &Evaluation Services.

            Kent. Submitted to the DG. Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. (p.85).


Pantea, M.C. (2011). Thematic Roma Report. Romania. Centre for Strategy &Evaluation Services.

            Kent. Submitted to the DG. Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. (p.49).


Pantea, M.C. (2009). Gender Mainstreaming in the National Action Plans for the Decade of Roma

Inclusion. UNIFEM. At



Pantea, M.C. (2008). Ex-ante Evaluation study of the research and policy strand of the Partnership on

Youth between the Council of Europe and the European Commission (p.44).


Pantea, M.C. (2008). Report of the 3rd meeting of the Quality group to the European Knowledge

            Centre for Youth Policy. Strasbourg. European Youth Centre. (p.9).