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Maria-Carmen Pantea






2013: The Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services, Kent, UK.

            Country expert for the Study on updating and clarifying the list of activities in Annex IV to the

            Professional Qualifications Directive 2005/36/EC (Provision of evaluation and evaluation

            related services to DG Internal Market and Services).

            Interviews and case studies: Romania and Belgium


2013: European Knowledge Centre for Youth Policy, Strasbourg

            Expert on youth work and youth policy drafting an information template (questionnaire) on the             topic Social Inclusion as well as guidelines related to this for the section country information of             the European Knowledge Centre for Youth Policy (EKCYP).


2012: EU-CoE youth partnership, Strasbourg

            Consultant to map the competences needed by youth workers to support young people in             international learning mobility projects. The full text of the report is available here.


2012: EU-CoE youth partnership, Strasbourg

            Consultant to write a comparative review of National Youth Reports on Voluntary Activities             submitted by Member States on the implementation of the first work cycle of the EU Youth             Strategy 2010-2012. The full text of the report is available here.


2012- 2013: American Institutes for Research, Washington DC.

            Member of Advisory Board of Researchers for 3ie Systematic Review


2012:  Public Policy and Management Institute, Vilnius

            External consultant for preparation of technical proposals


2011: The European Youth Foundation

Contracted evaluator of the Pilot Project Programme of the European Youth Foundation, with particular emphasis on the period 2007-2010.


  2009 - 2010: The Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services, Kent, UK.

            Evaluator and country expert for the Evaluation of ESF Support for Enhancing Access to the

            Labour Market and the Social Inclusion of Migrants and Minorities (on behalf of the DG EMPL)


  2009: UNDP and UNIFEM CEE.

           Gender Mainstreaming assessment of the National Action Plans for Decade for Roma Inclusion

           (areas of education, employment, health, and housing). The full text of the report is available here.


  2008: Council of Europe and the European Commission.

           Independent evaluator of the research and policy strand of the Partnership on Youth between the

           CoE and EC (2005-2008).


 2008: European Knowledge Centre for Youth Policy, Strasbourg

           Follow-up report of the Quality group meeting of the European Knowledge Centre for Youth

           Policy, Strasbourg.



 Other policy-related projects:


  2010 – 2011: Local Government and Public Sector Service Initiative (OSF)

            Fellowship to undertake research on Reintegration Initiatives for Returning Roma Migrants


  2006 – 2007: Open Society Institute, CEU Center for Policy Studies

            International Policy Fellowship. Policy research  on combatting Roma child labour in Romania.

            The full text of the report is available here.